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Advertisements & Notices

... m~lE ?? OYAL THEATRE. I Mjo.H C.- JOSEPH, PATeNTEE AND MANAGER. On TIIIS EVENING (Wednesday), October 1, the perfo illnce WD1 c ith the Pop~ular Drama, called Dain Crosar De Bazan, Mr. W. Boroughs. The Drum Polka by the Infant Danseuses, MdlIes. Virginie and Marie Duvernay. After which the Mu8ical Burletta of / MIDAS. Apollo, Miss Fanny Reeves. A Scotch Pas Suel by Mdile. Annie Payo1. To be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIRT CUTTING BY MACHINERY. QINCE our application of Machinery to Shirt K) Cutting, our largely increased trade in Shirts is to us tie beat proof that our exertions to serve the Public are duly I appreciated. Possessing as wedo every advantage for conducting a first- class Shirt trade, buying our 8hirting Cloths direct from Manufacturers for Cash, by having our business conducted by a Manager ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ORGAN FORA,, LE. TO BE SOLD, BY PRIVATEE, SMALL FINGER O R C-A1 CC toO in A crtito, suitable for a Drawing-room or House of Worship. To be seen at Mr. COFFEY'S Music Warehouse, Donegall Place. Early application is necessary, as it will be removed, if not disposed of, in a few days. Belfast, October 1, 1851. 971 SEED I BARLEY.,7 FOR SALE, XCELIENT BLACK SEED B A1 E Y. eal Price, 10s. per Cwt. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Published, Third Edition, Illustrated with Coloured Endravings, on Nervous Debility and Generative Diseases. Price Is., or in a sealed Envelope, free by Poet, for 1S Postage Stamps. HTEALTH AND HAPPINESS, THE MEANS BY I. wnICH T55EI MAY BE OBTAINEDp, a Medical Work on the Infirmities of Youth, and Maturity, and Diseaes of the Generative System, 'mth obse aticns on the treatment of Nervous ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Publishedl, Third Edition, Illustrated with Coloure, Engravings, on Nervous Debility and Generative Diseases. Price la., or in a sealed Envelope, free by Post, for 18 Postage Stamps. HEALTH AND HAPw I ME,6 W WHICH ThY MAY BE A , a Medical Workon the Infirmities of Youth, and &~tuy, and Diseases of the Generative System, with obs/vati s on the treatment of Nervous Debility and Indigestiow, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rfll QUIIeN'S OiYAL THEATRE. | 0. .11Oi C. r(lSEtII rATErNcTE AXrD MANAGeER. On T~llls IVNING (Thursday), October 2, the e orra,,ccs will co;ruinonce with the Popular Drama, called pe ' 1)0')ON CAESAR DE BAZA,{. Dm) Ciesr De Baza7, Mr. NY Boroughs. i A erf Pits DC Donx bl the Infant DanleusesIadlles Virginle and Marie Duvernayi After wlich the Musical Iurletta oV MI DAS. Apollo, Miss Fannv ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CATHOLIC DEFENCE ASSOCIATION. A PPLICATIONS will be received from parties A desirous to fill the Offlce 1Pid Secretary to the Catholic Defence Association, up 3I 1tb ctober. Letters stating qualifications toO addrer ?? .o JOHN Rld a ESQ., S .P JOHN SADLEIR, ESQ., M.P., WILLIAM KEOGH, ESQ., m.P. 46, LOWER SACKVILLE-STREET. let October, 1851. HUNTING BREECHES. W E respectfully call the attention ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rlnHiE QUEEDN'S RiOYAL, THEATRE. l MR. JOHN C. JSPH, PATENTEI AND MANAGER. On THIS EVENING (Friday), October 3, the per- ?? will commence with the Celebrated Drama, called THE RAG PICKER OF PARIS. A New Spanish Pas De Deux b) the Infant Danseuses Madiles Virginie and Marie Duvernay. To be followed by a New Petite Opera, entitled THE SWVISS SWAINS. Rosetta, bliss Fanny Reeves. / To conclude ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SEERMON. I SERMON will be Preached (D.VL on SUN- A DAY next, the 5th inst., in S'C. PAUL'S CHURCH, by the VICAR Or 33LrASW. After the Sermon a, COLLECTION will be made to assist in liquidating the debt .on the Building. 997 MONEY TO LENDJ A NY SUM FROM £8,000 TO £50 fo be Alent on the security of a first encumnbrance on property, in the North of Ireland, of adequate value. Apply at 37, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FURS!! FURS!! MISS BROWN, 7 No. 9, COLLEGE s TZ ET, ONTINUES, as formerly; to Cle4 Alter, and VJ Repair all kinds of FURS, in the best manler, and on thle most reasonable terms. NB.-Miss B.'s Classes, as usual, for the instruction of young persons in the Piano-Forte. Belfast, October 1, 1851. 993 DANCING AND CALISTHENICS. MR. R. LOWE, Of the Me1ssrs. Loice, of Edinbiorgh and G ts,, flEG S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just l'ublished, Third Edition, Illustrated with Coloured Engravings, on Ncrvous Debility and Generative Diseases. Price Is., or in a sealed Envelope, free by Post, for 18 Postage Stmnps. YEALTH AND HAPPINESS, THE m.EAxs By W WHinCH THEVHAY BE OBTAINED, a Medical Workon the Inflrmities of Youth, and Maturity, and Diseases of the Generative System, with observations on the treatment of Nervous ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIRT CUTTING BY MACHINERY. SINCE our application of Machinery to Shirt | Cutting, our largely increased trade in Shirts is to us tie best proof that our exertions to serve the Public are duly appreciated. Possessing as we do every advantage for conducting a first- class Shirt trade, buying our hhirting Cloths direct from Manufacturers for Cash, by having our business conducted by a Manager of ...