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Daily News (London)



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Daily News (London)

Advertisements & Notices

... allI OUGH JUJUBE LOZENGES.-An agreeable Th and, efficlacious remedy for Asthma, Sore Throatts, Difficulty of Us: Breathing. Bronchitis &a.-Unhlke the usual Lozenges, made with vel suga, whch oten erane th stoachtheCOUGH JUJUBE LI- Dte SENGS cobinethe ostvaluble edieueswith uegm o also ~ ~ ~ ~ A r o the AFFLICTED.-A certain and speedy cure St JL foraelipersons afflicted with rheumaitism, pains ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BEAUTIFUL HEAD) OF HAIR FOR ONE; VENTE.-Ifyou ould posesra Iahee of hair~ie full. ?? and beauty tryo bo~ttle of, HAYDN'S CIIsrALLISED HONEY, Al~~ Act AstO enfrsperior'to meany of the prepratins sld it xtimoes the porse.~ It Is comlposed of -numerous basmelgdlnte is'delightiulfly perfumaed, limparts to the hair, pliacy nd lstr, an gies I a setig cre.It also insinuaese its balsas~o popetie Ino ...

Advertisements & Notices

... el IF yo desire really well-polished Boots, 1s~ e It | BROWN'S ROYAL MELTONIAN BLACKING it renders '6 Ithem beautifully soft durable, and wa~terproof, while its lustre equals s the most brilliant patent leather. Price, the same as common blaek- e ing. Made only by E. BROWN, the inventor and sole manufacturer n of the De Guihe Parisian Polish for dress boots and shoes, and It waterproof varnish ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H ANOVER-SQUARE ROOMS.-The [iBLIJ(¶WRN BRAL% utder dlstlngulshed rnansppemet, 'will take place at'the abov6 soorn, TO.MoRow, tbe'stXL instant. Tickets (including a reeberobU supper and rqttrashmente) liS. each, to be obtained on application at Messrs. Bailey and Moon's, Ctrlton LI. brary, 12, Regent-street, Waterloo-plbce. It is most rtspectfully In- timated that no blify; ein possibly be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXHIBITORS. The following system of advertising has been Adopted for the purpose of affording to Exhibitors a greatel prominence of description than is possible in the ery con- fined space allowed by the official catalogue of the Great Exhibition; and to give them an op ortunity of referring to their general merchandise, of wich the articles exht bited are samples. In some cases a number is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E HIBITORS. The following system of advertising haa been adopted for the purpose of affording to Exhibitors a greater prominence of description than is possible in the very con- fined space allowed by the official catalogue of the Great Exisibition; and to give them an opportunity of referring to their general merchandise, of which the articles ei- bited are samples. In some cases a number is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T O SPANISH BONDHOLDERS.-A MEET-, ING of the SPAN1ISH BONDHOLDERS is equested at 12 torio'clock on MONDAY next, the20thinst., ?? Tavern, Bishopegate-street, to take into consideration the mode of the Cionver- sion oi the Bonds and Coupons Into the New Deferred Three per Cent. i~tcok, the Spanish Commissioner having srrived for the purpe of garryig it out, and to authorise the Committee, for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pHON:AS CETICs.-IMPEDI MENs S r an SPEECHi efetlttally removed, and the voieo restored, by a cntleman, who has for many years made the sclence of etoeutiho his peculiar study. Satisfatory testimotials of the sueeasofS be system 4aom clrg~meD, lleal n~en, sad members of the univerities, mav be seen at Ur. MASftIR8S', 78, New Bond.street, where letters addreased to the Professor o5 Phonascetico ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11 I; I be~jrtQLbtcaI%. THE QUARTERLY REVIEW, No. CLXXVIIL Tj will be published O-MORROW. .1 Widow Burning in India. 2. Life of Bishop Ken. S. Puritanism in thd Highlands. 4 Mirabeau and Count de la Marck. |. Sir ThomAs Srowne-Wilkin'o Edition, O6. The Lexington Papers. 7. Lyell on Life and its Development. S. papal Pretensions. 9. Revolutionary Literature.-French and Eogllbb, John Murray, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... USTRALIAN LIN13 OF PACKET SJIlP8, A for 5SYDN eY Direct, and Hegular Traders for VAN DIEMMW'S LAND, PORT PHILIP, SOUTH AUSTRALIA, &r.-These splen- did shis ,DSare ali of the rst clas, have moat elegarnt accomawdations for poasseage s, and egagements will be given for their days of mailng. Sfips. Burthen. Comaders Destmintion. To SaL MAITLAND 800 W. Henry.. Sydney ?? Oct. 49 DUKEof WELIG TON ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~P, G1A1 XIIIN LS I.VGTBEadAIA 19 ~~SUBSTANCES used in MANUFACTURES. 11 2J-1 AN'VILLE 'and Co., 9, Gresham- 'A sree Wes (WH. Bu r'kae Maauacr.- I H)I A RURBB. VATR RPELLbNT CLOTHING of Sil and ottn~aries EmticBracaudGarer ebs; Patent 'n GETEXHIBITION CLASS VII-CIVIL, ENGINEERINO j GEAand auBUIIDING CONTRIVANCES. 110. (JHEAP, LIGHT, . and DURABLE of ItOOFING FELT baa been exteuscvely used, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXHIBITORS. Tke following system of advertising has been aiopted for the purpose of affording to Exhibitors a greater prominence of description than is possible in the very con- fined space allowed bv the official catalogue of the Great Exhibition; and to give them an opportunity of referring', to their general merchandise, of which the articles exhi- I bited are samples. In some cases a ...