Advertisements & Notices

... ICHOOL and CLASS B 0 0 IC S, used at the various S S cmiliaricss to be had tat A. O GLE & SON'S, ROYAL EXCHIiNGIE SQUARilE, W la sg owgow NEW WORKS IN CLASSICAL LITERATURE. In One Volume Royal Octavo (pp. 1663), price 21s., m A C COOIOUS aiid CR1TICAL LA TIN-ENGLISH LXI- 1I Ai coN, founded on t bc Larger G (rnman-Liti l Lexicon of N Dr. William Fru id ; with, Additions and Corrections from the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PORT OF LIVERPOOL. N O T I C E T O of A R I N E RIS. (ALL BEAMU1NG0 BY Cowes9.)- .S- T HE TRUSTEES of the LIVERPOOL DOCKS and T HARBOUR do ?ierebygive N ON lCE, that, weather per- mitting, the following CHANGES in the LIGHTING and BUOYING of the PORT will take place on and after thei Night of the 16th OCTOBER next. FORMBY OLD LIGHT HOUSE. pi A Light will he exhibited at the Tower of the Old ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BEAUTIFUL HAIR, WHISKERS, EYEBROWS, dec., may be, with certainty, obtained by using very small portion of ROSALIE COUPELLE'S PARISIAN POMADE, every morning, instead of any oil or other preparation. A fortnight's use will, in most in- stances, show its surprising properties in producing and curling Whiskers, Hair, &c., at any age, troutI WhWILUV cause delicient ; as also checking greyness, &c. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... from his It EAUTIFUL HAIR, WHISKERS, vpa-tle1 B EYEBROWS, &c., may be, with certainty, obtained tron? a-by using a very small portion of ROSALIE COUPELLE'Siee ,.PARISIAN POMADE, every morning, instead ofayolpoet. St or other preparation. A fortnight'e use will, sin ost in cine! stances, ehow its eurprieing properties in producing and Frn ly curling Whiskers, Hair, A&c., at any age, front whate ...

Advertisements & Notices

... At Wfhett, ..ear uarestr~ortle. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, BY HOWLETT & LENNY, on Mlonday next, October 13th, 1851, ALL the Live and Dead FARMING STOCK, together Avith the neat HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, of Mr. PHILIP PRIME; comprising 7 capital Cart Horses, 2 Foals, 6 choice Milch Cows and 2 promising Heifers well timed in calf, capital two-year- old Bull, Swine; road and harvest waggons, excellent *- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ION NERVOUS & GENERATIVE DISEASES. New Edition, Illustrated with Forty-five Coloured En- gravinges, and containing the NEWLY D)ISCOVERED PREV7ENTIVE LOTION. Just Published, the 57th Thousand, price 2s. 6d., in a sealed envelope, or sent by the Anuthor, poet-paid, for 40 postage stamps. MANHO0i) :thle Causcs of its Premature Decline, wvith AlPlain Directions for its Perfect Restoration. A Me- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;£1,000 to £4,090. The surplus capital of the Benefit Section is irvested i the Land and Building Section. N.B.-Persons can become Members of the Benefit anud Provident Section, witheot being Members of the Land and Butildoign Section and vice versa. Meetingsfortheadmissionof Members every Tuesday evening in the nionth, at eight o'cloctt. Persons can enrol their names by paying the entrance ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~UGGESTIONS OFFERED to ?? INTER- ~3 ETED n tie Ittk~l~i f the LAW. yc WILIJAMj SCICO4PE AYFITON. P.S.A. L 'ro be husd of WV. PircicneO, 177, Piccadilly. London. j~utt Published, price Os. Gd., l2mo. cloth, 9 '.EThttS writtein during a TO'uUR in HOL-a JLJ AN] an NOFJTII GERfiMANY', iil July atid August, J 48 iv13 JOHIN HIOWARD HINTON, M.A.a Lotndonl I!LocT-eso and STeskotIAl, CC, I'aternoster ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Jnctpublished, prioe~gs., ?? 0isth bosards, With PO0ITRAI' Y~HE LIF~i, OF' EDWIARD B3AINEhS, Tlut M' for the lioretigli ol Leiedt. lOX' ills SON. IO;DWvA.1I BiAINECS. ESL YAN M'l I S T O ?? ITY W E~1111 AN IV OitiA t V 0 tile -AJXILIA Ily, the .Sei'ftthof tt CI' [ie o'clook il tile Ciili t~e. 10 ~ t~iLi.ittI ii p't Swii till Evening. 'd~t 50e. TIOIIS JAIC5N isexpcted to preside. Thle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H BECH P. aE:ER r 5 ALE b te L Pi, IVATE CON rRACT, with ?? Pro ec thenzd almost inreediate possAsion, near the L-a ty y Ha n capital Market Town of Doi-chester. ess A, I For tcrnes and fartber lp rticulars apply to L clhea Sione ar,d Symonds, S er A MON2C FI LIFE ASSUH A Ns Ch a d ADLA , LCE, LONDoN tt.q F Est bfished 1135. CHAIRM~AN. ar The Right Honorable The Lord Mayt. DEPUTY CHAIRiMAN. D ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SILVER SPOONS 4ND FORKS. TOSEBPHE MfAYERt, SILVUSITH and JEwEL- 031 Lee. 6 and 70, LbitD-sTRET, has just completed his 5'TOCK of SILVER SPOONS and FORKS fbrthe presenlt Season, anud is ceabled to supply them oS tho best ?? at L°J. MH. h niso added many novelties to his gtock of SILVER COFFEE AND TEA SERVICES,. including the purely classical outline of the Greco-Et the quaint and elegant forms ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I TIHE BEST VALUE IN l F U R S AND IS AT G. M A C O U N'S WAUEIIOUSE, 23 & 25, Castlo Place. gy' Obnscree!-t-Nearly Opposite Ioneylld Place. 16 JOHN M'VICKER, 2 SEtPRCIIANT, CLOT I[I 1 U1 i 1ATTE RJZ C., S now receiving his Winter Goods, wlA have L been personally selected ia London, during the past week, tine stylo and quality of which cannot be surpassed. Inspection is respectfully ...