Advertisements & Notices

... BY MR. BRANCH, Onl Thursday, the 20th instant, at Two o'clock in the afternoon, P at the Clarendon-roonis, South John-street, Livcrpool-sub- l ject to auch conditions of sale as will be then produced, 1 T H E undermentioned P E W S in S T. -A T THOMAS'S CHURCII, in the parish of Liverpool, in P Bucl lots as may be agreed upon at the sale: p Two Pcws, Nos. 1 and 2, (now converted into one PeW, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Sare stt% Zgi The Rate of Chief Cabin Paescrye by thene Staeincrre ise Thirty Pounds. NOTICE TO SIIIPPERS.-Tho Rate of these Vessels will not, exceed £4 per ton during tlie Winter IN D PARCELS for different Consignees, collected ?? in SingIe Packages, addressed to one party for delivery in Ame- rCa, for the puricos of evading the payment of Freight, w ill uponri exsmdiiitioni in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY MR. BRFIANCH. This Day (FridaiY), t'no 7th instiant, it Eleven o'clock, on the proiesili, No, 611, Callning-stroet, II TI F E mdern1 HOUSE IFJLD FURNITURE 1, f lidf deceased, which comprises5 in the Drawing-room Bix e ronoob ac)ed roiewood chaiLrs, iii hliioiid drab damakwih a nuli 0'ed to Inatuli, anl elegmnt ros~owond loo tablo, Cuti wacouch lriciv . carot, steol-moantoil fender and fibro ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ol'Dl.-O WEDNESDAY next, and ,.vcr) \. 1 ,li th e new etearn scrw steamer STAD rl ri cels ntojd ptasoengers. Goods ?? for Botter. ?? 0 . I-or particulars apply to HALL and SON, N: eli~turic 8 DVUBLIN (via Holyhead) in THIR- iouns:d d IAL --Thrce coonlttnutiicat'ots daily on I .Ls t e. (n Cundlays4. 6ea passage, foux hours and a half. 5 etdiY';,* scrd, £2. itelurn tlck~t5 (available fora ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Near Trorpesle-Soksn. - 't be SOLD by AUCTION, - T By Messrs. COOK and SONS, On Wedneaday, November 12th, 1851, by direction of Mr. GRAY, without reserve, A BOARDED AND-THATCHED BARN,24ft. byllftL. A- a carpenter's shop, loft. by (Ift., on six blocks; wheel plough, double tom, ton cart, plough and cart harness, 4 toads of barley straw, lot of wheat and barley chaff. ouan- tity of bean and pea ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -C- -EBWE respectfullly thankls Tthe -Laldiesl of g ?? and itt vicinity for their Tornier patron-| 5 olncrtrug a continuance of the same, she begs to inform h. er SHIOW ROOM1 wllj 6pen on Tuesd2ay the 18th inst. MR. TH:OMPSONi If AS the honour to annlounc-e that he hasbhad for-, warded to him for Exhibition, at his Gallery, 59, HlIGH- ,E;T, the highly-interesting HISTORICAL PICTUREi Jltdb3 T. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... posittvely ?? ou .0A tw - EfttCattomIt. rj 0 PARENTS AND GUARDIANS.- , MIATI RNAL CARE AND EDUCATION,-The Wife of a beneficed Clergyman, residing in at good house and healthy locality, in Yorkshire, being about to engage a young lady to assist her in the care and education of her own two children. of six and eight years of age, would be willing to RECEIVE 5tisM 0,15 'gI O SIX 1.ITTriLE GiRLS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE.- T . JULLIEN'S ANNUAL SERIES of CONCERTS Commence TO-NIGHT. M JULLIEN has the honour to inform the nobility, gentry, and public that his ANNUAL SERIES of CONCERTS will comn- mence THIS EVENING, Monday, Nov. 10. In announcing the Series of Concerts for 1551, M. Jullien begs to assure his numerous patrons that his endeavours are still con- stant to enlist in the service ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I-I1I3EBNIA HOTEL, HIOLYHEAD. JCR(`-SSLLY lbegs respectfully to announce to his uribnds al tho l'lic, that his OPENING DIN- A',LRx will take place on W,'edniesday, the 10th of ?? next. of 25th November, I185 1 THE PF1',NR1-1YN COURSING MEETING *WIT ILL ttlte ?? (we'ttlicr permiitting). on TUESDiAY V l and \\ o',i ?? the Itth and IJItI DaCEli13EIt, 1b;1, whleii tie flo ing Staikes will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To Tailors and Others, By B npproba tio o of her majesty Queen Victoria, and UIiLH. Prince Albert. N SOW READY. TI' nII LONDON and PARIS AMUMN J. atid WINTER, FASHIONS for 1851 and 1852, pub pu llshed by Messrs. READ & Co., 12, l2rt-stree~t, looemsbury- sqliare, London, and Broaidway, New York, America; also by igxoae BEsosa, HoloysvellBetreet, Strand, London. The V'iew, represented in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... USEFUL HOUSEHOLD WORKS, [Ojtce,4 69, Fiethseet, Londor:] PUBLISHED BY HOULSTON & STONEMAN, t5, PATctiOSmTER Row. THE FAMILY FRIEND, An Established Magazine, published upon the First and Fifteentli of every month, price Two-penc9. Thirty.two pages, beauti. fully printed, and neatly covered. FliHE following is a tkype of THE OPINION formed T of THE FAMILY FRIEND, and expressed by upwards of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Saito w3 sactioll* STOCE OF A FANCY REPOSITORY. BY MR. WALKER, On Monday next, the 1st of December, at Eleven o'clock pre- cisciv, onl the prenmises, 52, Bedford-street South, corner ol Falikner-strect, T HE STOCK-IN-TRADE of a FANCY .r REPOSITORY, tho proporty of a Firm declining business, conl)rising an assortment of Berlin wools, Berlin patterns, floss nnd purse silk, purse mountings, guard ...