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Freeman's Journal



Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Freeman's Journal

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... Just Published, Third Edition, illustrated with ,'ouo Engravings, on Nravons Debility and Generative DiseosL Price la., or in a sealed En oel by Post, for le Postage Stamps. LEALTH AN] H PLN TlEX MEZNS BY HIL wHicH TlES Y E OBT t, Medical lVork,: the Infirmities of Yoath, and M rty, and Diseasesotfh Generative System, with observations rho trea inert ol Nervous Debility and Indigestion, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JustPublished, Third Edition, llustrated with ColizI Engravings, on Nervous Debility and Generative Disae Price is., or in a sealed Envelope, free by Post, fto, I Postage Stamps. H EALTH AND HAPPINESS, THE UEANS Al WHICHo THE! WAY BE OBTAINED, a Medical WVortc the Infirmities of Youth, and Maturity, and Diseases of Generative System, with observations on the treasren;t i Nervous Debility and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WEBB AND COMTANY'S SYSTEM OF W SHIRT MAKING. WEBB and COMPANY employ machinery to cut out their Shirts, by which means they attain unerring accuracy in the shape and fit. WEBB and COMPANY'S Shirts are made us by a sa- perior class of Shirtmakers, to whom they afford Constant Employment, and who have become expert at their business by a long coarse of training. WEBB and CO. subject every Shirt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEOYTAROYAL, H1WKINS-STREET. UNDIMINISHED SUCCESS Nightly attends the Great Equestrian Entertainments IlS I'EESENT EVENING (Friday), November 7, AD)DITIONAL NOVELTIES, With more New Displayvin the Arena, by the GRFA[ AMERICAN AND FRENCH TROUPE OF EQUESTRIANS, in which the following Artistes will appear:-Mdlle. Berg, the Infant Equestrian Wonder; the Brothers Elliott, the Paragon Gymnanieris ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Published, Third Edition, illustrated with Coleured Engravings, on Nervous Debility and Generative Die-X,. Price 1s., or in a aled Envelope, free by i'ost, for lr Postage Stamps. [EALTH AND HAPPINESS, THE MltAX6 BY W 9 ICH THN! MAY BE OBTAIEit,, a Medical Wor k01 the Infirmities of Youth, and Maturity, and Diseasest the Generative System, with observations on the treatmnent of Nervous ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WEBB D COMPANY, CORN-MARKEC. W HILFE English Agents find in Ireland such a v profitable Market for Goods often inferior in quality, surely there must be room for IRISH TALENT and NATIVE INDUSTnY. We are at present in a position to ensure to our Customers WOOLLEN GOODS, Manufactured at home, which, in the essential qualities of superfine finish, fastness of Dye, and sterling excellence of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DRUMCONDRA HOUSE, . BunRhim PLACE, D (North CirculIoad., Open for the reception and treatmee of Xetlemen labouhing under Acute and Chronic Medicald SuaJal Diseases. Ex- perienced Nurses are alnways in at~ndnc% The Medicines, &c., are of the first order. Exteive easure Grounds are attached to the Institution. Eatha of all descriptions are on the premises. There are private and general ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IIEEhEROYAL, HAWKINS-STREET. UNDIMINISHED SUCCESS yightly attends the Great Equestrian Entertainments. TIltS plpSENT EVENING (Monday), November 10, ADDITIONAL NOVELTIES, With more New Displays in the Arena, by the RELfi AMERICAN AND FRENCH TROUPE OF EQUESTRIANS, n which the following Artistes will ?? Berg, be Infant Equestrian Wonder; the B Ihers Elliott, the par5 onl Gvnnaniefls; ~r. Cooke, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL, HAWKINS-STREET. TI ATTRACTIONS !-GRAND EQUESTRIAN FgEl, `G!S '-BY THE Ex~rENTSIVE TBOUPE OF k'TR}; ANI) FRENCI1 ARrISTS. 1CIZESENr EVENING (Tuestlay), November 4, [ierlll 3 will coitnnilence at Eight ?? precisely 81c I ?? Equebtrian Arrangement, in which the I ,krtites will ?? Berg. Signor Henrico, phal Mille Lonise Loiisett, Master Baptiste Lolissett, -lioerini. MOtis. L)isbzett. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rUEATRE ROYAL, HIAWKINS.-STREET. IllS pRgSENT EVENING (Wednesday), November 12, GRAND ARENIC ENTERTAINMENTS. , Iedhi lcssion of I joestrian Feats, and Treble Chain of 2pen5,Oeents, by the highly talented Troupe of AME,,RICAN AND FRENCI EQUESTRIAyg niicl tle following Artistes will appear :-Mdlle. Berg, ?? lofat I q testrian M onder; the Brotifrs Elliott, tho t Gh moaliefe 1Mr. Cooke, Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W I INTER RECREATIONS. r We deem ourselves fortunate in being able thus oppor- frc tunely to announce the arrival of m A VERY CllIoCE CONSIGNMENT OF G 'LD AND M SILVER WATCHES, JEWELLERY, &o., th received under such peculiarly advantageous circumstances as will be calculated materially to assist those ladies and gen- tlemen who may contemplate supplYing- themselves with suitable decorations in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r7ThATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. pOSITIVELY THE LAST EVENING BUT ONE OF THE AMERICAN AND FRENCH COMPANy. t'oder the Immediate and Distinguished Patronage of their Eccellencies the LORD LIEUTENANT and COUNTESS OF CLARENDON. THIS EVENING (Monday), Nvember 24tb, 1851, A Brilliant Galaxy of Novel 's!-Equestrian Exploits Extraordinary, and Might of Wonders! The following Artistes wil ?? Henrico, Le petite ...