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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... .-~WZEALA D.-A FIRST-CLASS PAS- lOE~ ~F~t p will be desopatched by the Canterbury ?? O'T1 LYTTEILTON,, CANTiUtYSf'E ei'dl L1l0TO, and one other Port, on the 17th of De- h~: liateo of ?? (provisionso included) :-Chief Ollijil t,. s.J£42; second cabin, £a,.2 ;steerage, £10. Will Irce ?? fceight, passage, or further acre ii ~l to the Etngrationt Depar - it.of thle Canterbury A~. ti~, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TOTICE to PASSENGERS.-The Pacific Steuno Navigation Company's new Steam-ship LIMA, N ,t3' J. %ILIIAt4tt, for MADEIRA, Rio deJaneiro, and Val- ?? Ai~jXII ?? selil freoi Liverpool on the 25th instant. );DUCED FARES.-The GENERAL STEAMN R. NAVIGAION COMiPANY'S magniicentrfirst-clas.STEAM. 3re aitpoited to leave St. tatharine's Wharf, for- 5Hv Sia~~pUnl' Every Wcdiiesday and Saturdaxy, at Ten might ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ha IVERS THAMES ard MEDWAY CONSER- VANCY.-Notice is hereby given, that APPLICATION rg, is intended to be made to Parliament in the next session for an ACT to provide for the Conservancy of the River Thames, between th Yenlecte, in the county of Rent, and the City Stone at Staines, ll- in the county of Middlesex, and-of the river Medway as far as the jurisdiction of the Corporation of London ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BRAZILIAN EMPIRE, 1843.-FUND of B £732,600 ?? IIALF-YEARLY DIVIDEND, falling due on the 1st of Decembernext, will be PAID by Sir ISAAC L. GOLUSIIID WILLIAM KING. and WILLIAM THOMPSON, A genits, at the' Counxtiog-huse of lessre Thomas and William isig, 37, Great Winlelcester-street, Old Broad-street, on that day, and every succeeding Moniday, W eduesday, and Saturday, be- tween the hours of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... for PHILADELPHIA, from Liverpool. ?? pl'l'l.'SIURG, Carlt. STOteFSBr~v, tho 19th Nov.; cfY Cupt. WVYLIE, 10th D)ec. the CITY of ~ CI OTPI Cot. LTCdn, 31st Dcc,'-First cabin, 92 guineas; ~15\ii~ ?? further particulars, see Bradshaw'is ?? to Edwards, Sanford, and Co., 17, Corn. or ~ Brothers, and Co., 12 and l3, Tower- ti.10tli~.r~s1.NB. The City of Pittsburg will take third- EDLTCEBD FARES.-The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATION~S.e Just publlisited, price MG., embellished with a Map of Londoti, C0r- rected to this date, the Complete E'dition of the POST-OFFICE LONDON DIRECTORY for 1St?2, being the fifty-third annual edition, coniprising d among other infsnatlatiotnt01hetal Directotry-Street, Directory- f Commercial Directory'-Trades' Directory-Law Directory-Court I Directory -Pi'rliatnenltary Directory ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OTICE tO PASSENGERS.-The PacificI S.,,ne NvigatioI Company's new Stean-ship LIMA, t*j ts, for MADEIRA, Rio de Janeiro, and Val- . 0 , will po-t; O1Y sal fromt Liverpool on the 25th instant. O\DON tO DUBLIN (vi£L, Holyhead) in Thir- f e.n Hoirs arid a Half.-Threo communications daily on toto on Susidays. Sea Passage, 4t, Hours. First ~. S~dIS £'Return Tickets (available for a fortnight); ! -i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL PRINCESS'S THEATRE, Oxford- L ?? public is respectfully informed that this Theatre will OPEN for the SEASON on Saturday next, 22d inst., with ShaLkspeare's comedy of the MERRY WIVES of WINDSOR. Principal elaractess by Mr. Bartley. Mr. Keeley, Mr. A. Wigan, Mr. Harley, Mr. Meadows, Mr. James Vining, and Mr. C. hes; Mrs. Ietley, Mrs Winotanley, and Mrs. C. Rean. After which, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TH0A1 coMMUNICATION between LIVER- S OOL and S0UT1HAMPTON, and fromt SOUTHAMPTON to IIAN'RE.-The steamers ADMdIltAt, 400 hornse power, and COM- MODORtE. 350 horse power, or other first-class steamers, will sail *cgc~ds alld ?? as follows:- Fo Lverol to Soothampton every Monday. cts~~~1~ MonayNoveniber 10, at Eleven focrenoon. Fro Sothmpticto Havre every Wednesday. COMMDO~E Wenesay, November 12 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE. M. JULLIEN'S ANNUAL SERIES of CONCERTS. Last Week but One. M. Jullien has the honour to announce that, the Theatre being let at Christmas for Dramatic Performances, the present is most positively the Last Week but One. The Great Exhibition Quadrille-Sig. llttentasl.-Sig. Sivori. PROGRtAMME for THIS EVENING, Thursday, Nov. 27. PSAT I.-Overture 11 Flauto Magic%, Mozart ...

Advertisements & Notices

... be ,be PUBLICATIONS. iat _ 'ed (1OLBURN'S UNITED SERVICE MAGA- ore V ZINE and NAVAL and MILITARY JOURNAL, for it Novererr, contains, among other interesting ?? its Defences and its Enemies-Spanish and French Accounts of the Battle of Trafalgar, by Lieutenant Marsh-Extraordinary Escape of arr English Officer frons the Chateau D'If-Cruise of the Flanme, by Captain Mackinnon, Part II.-Adventures ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [ADYERtTISEMENT.| TEE HOROLOGICAL A WARDS. When the exhibitors of clocks, watches, and chronometers are called upon to carry out their resolution to reject Mr. ?? awards, he will find them fully prepared with g evidence as to the grounds on which that resolution was ecome to. The discovery that the jury had been reduced till it virt ally consisted of Mr. Denison, who confesses that he ...