Advertisements & Notices

... Sare stt% Zgi The Rate of Chief Cabin Paescrye by thene Staeincrre ise Thirty Pounds. NOTICE TO SIIIPPERS.-Tho Rate of these Vessels will not, exceed £4 per ton during tlie Winter IN D PARCELS for different Consignees, collected ?? in SingIe Packages, addressed to one party for delivery in Ame- rCa, for the puricos of evading the payment of Freight, w ill uponri exsmdiiitioni in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ol'Dl.-O WEDNESDAY next, and ,.vcr) \. 1 ,li th e new etearn scrw steamer STAD rl ri cels ntojd ptasoengers. Goods ?? for Botter. ?? 0 . I-or particulars apply to HALL and SON, N: eli~turic 8 DVUBLIN (via Holyhead) in THIR- iouns:d d IAL --Thrce coonlttnutiicat'ots daily on I .Ls t e. (n Cundlays4. 6ea passage, foux hours and a half. 5 etdiY';,* scrd, £2. itelurn tlck~t5 (available fora ...

Advertisements & Notices

... posittvely ?? ou .0A tw - EfttCattomIt. rj 0 PARENTS AND GUARDIANS.- , MIATI RNAL CARE AND EDUCATION,-The Wife of a beneficed Clergyman, residing in at good house and healthy locality, in Yorkshire, being about to engage a young lady to assist her in the care and education of her own two children. of six and eight years of age, would be willing to RECEIVE 5tisM 0,15 'gI O SIX 1.ITTriLE GiRLS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I-I1I3EBNIA HOTEL, HIOLYHEAD. JCR(`-SSLLY lbegs respectfully to announce to his uribnds al tho l'lic, that his OPENING DIN- A',LRx will take place on W,'edniesday, the 10th of ?? next. of 25th November, I185 1 THE PF1',NR1-1YN COURSING MEETING *WIT ILL ttlte ?? (we'ttlicr permiitting). on TUESDiAY V l and \\ o',i ?? the Itth and IJItI DaCEli13EIt, 1b;1, whleii tie flo ing Staikes will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Saito w3 sactioll* STOCE OF A FANCY REPOSITORY. BY MR. WALKER, On Monday next, the 1st of December, at Eleven o'clock pre- cisciv, onl the prenmises, 52, Bedford-street South, corner ol Falikner-strect, T HE STOCK-IN-TRADE of a FANCY .r REPOSITORY, tho proporty of a Firm declining business, conl)rising an assortment of Berlin wools, Berlin patterns, floss nnd purse silk, purse mountings, guard ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SAE COUNTERMAtAft FrRANCES6,I WHARF.1 I0OCK.5TRtEET. LEEDS. IHE CAR{GO of St. JuII'S YELLOW TE.I']NR. announced to be Siold bv Auction, at FrAnce'A Whtarf. no Ojsttnday, the First D~ecemnber next, will NOT tIE OIFFEIOE1, tiss whlole havitg bee aiid by Private Cotitract. IIE.PPER xotl BlA.NkEi. Auctioneers. Commercial Sale IseOM- Sterne's B~uilinsitS, Lieeds. THlE C03IMVflIRCIAL SALM ROOMIS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DRURY LANE. V, JULLIEN'S ANNUAL SERIES OF CONCERTS. LAST WEEK BUT ONE. JUILLIEN has the honour to announce l. that the Theatre being let at Christmas for Dramatic PI'eormauces, the present is most positively the Last Week bat Tbc Programmefor Monday. November 21 th, will include the First Fefarmance of the New Indian Quadrille, composed on East Indian Melodies, and exhibiting ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W ANTED,-A Respectable Middle-aged Woman W as COOK and General Servant to a tradesman.- Apply to Mr. Camwell, Builder, &c., 1, St. Mary's. street, Portsmouth. i BEERHOUSE to be LET, in a commanding situation. Enquire at the Hawke-street Brewery, Portsea. I EER HOUSE FOR SALE,-One of the most B convenient and best situated in the Island of Portsea, having a snug trade, which may be greatly in. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TERMS FOfR TfE MERCURY: TUESDAY AND PRIDAY. e d, Abauce, per Annuai . ?? 3o 0 Halt Your . ?? 18 0 Qutarter ?? 9 0 /ity one co~y each uyek iu reeuicrotd, then half the unls stated s the amontjt. treidit to known parties, or a reference given for pay- mont in Liverpool, 40o per Annum. gw Letters ot bwiness to be addressed to £q1,4gerton Smitle and Co., or To the Editors of 5~e liverpool Zr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WEBB AND COMTANY'S SYSTEM OF W SHIRT MAKING. WEBB and COMPANY employ machinery to cut out their Shirts, by which means they attain unerring accuracy in the shape and fit. WEBB and COMPANY'S Shirts are made us by a sa- perior class of Shirtmakers, to whom they afford Constant Employment, and who have become expert at their business by a long coarse of training. WEBB and CO. subject every Shirt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Published, Third Edition, illustrated with Coleured Engravings, on Nervous Debility and Generative Die-X,. Price 1s., or in a aled Envelope, free by i'ost, for lr Postage Stamps. [EALTH AND HAPPINESS, THE MltAX6 BY W 9 ICH THN! MAY BE OBTAIEit,, a Medical Wor k01 the Infirmities of Youth, and Maturity, and Diseasest the Generative System, with observations on the treatmnent of Nervous ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iiOP CACUTA Direct.-NOTIOR to SHIP- Olt ecipc bulit -hip LISMOYNqE, A I for twelve x ~ rgiv e, .MICREAD~IE, commoander, loading at ears ed t~t~ ,will receive neatauretmont goods aund ~ jety~t ?? inot~ant, when all musttt bn down and tedOck- the following day. Itas eacellent citiltiol icr~,aseigt ?? freight or puassage, apply to y~~IIt~L. ani Ca, I, Corubill; or to NY. 0. YOUNG, Suan- 0RSyDNEY ...