Advertisements & Notices

... lji'6ET PuRIE Riouct2:1-is. TOc IlE~ sOLE, BY PUB71LIC ROUP, likini ti' Ii POatl ExelIaige,1 Sale IiOHInS, U las~gow, upon th .ll'ii' 2 1th2 iii day ot' December, I SSI, at Two o'clock Afe ilti )ifot prieeiutskl dispose'd o/by Privat'e Boi'cjai, p il NI AN8ION ]lIiJSE of II A UT 01111 Al1), j itmlted oil thle south side of' the road to 6 oVan, a niL t ti wvest if Plantation, w'ith the GEI ND ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11)WARD OAMPION, AUCTIONEER, &c &c. will attemd at HEXHAR on MARKIET AYS. AULetters addrossed to him at Ecxham, or Belling- hamn, wvill meet with immediate Attention. Nov. 24, 1851. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION Opposite Mr Ruthersrd' s Cattle Market, Ncv eastle, o Tu yd the 9ti inst., at11oCc, Very usefu Nour-years-old COB HORSE, stand 15 Hands High, with supeior Action; to be sol in consequence f ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~TO OOENZSPONDENTS. C..orrespqtidente w~ho do notfind their oommunicatiovol noticed, spa lber that we cannot answer them, or decline, t~o do so.. Te great n'4sivber. of. comsmunicasions we re- ceive -containing queostions. which any peisoa, disposed to ,4ce the- salne mrdiubls as thity Would put iipon uo, answer forfthensetves, renders this ssotci neces- 'tiuvpakj'J' RATNING Scmoozn.-fu1 the' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PIANO\ FORTES* MUSIC, &Cc, BY AUCTION. The Subscriber respectfully intimates that hiewill expose, for Public Sale, in Shop 57 St. Vincent Street, on Wednesday G the 3d December, at One o'clock Afternoon, A SEILECT Consignment of Yaluable P I C C Q L I and A COTTAGE 6 OuCrTvE PIANO-FORTES, several PIANO STOOLS, a quantity of MUSIC,, &c. On examination1, thmo e Io5trtiunlents Will be found to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OUT, RHIEUMATISMi& SPASMS or F:LYING GPFINs, FLATULENCY, and INDIGESTION ,w, owtafltly relieved soul most frequcntly cured by WHtITF11EAD'S ESSENCE OF MUJSTARID PILLS. This remedyv has been most extensively andsouecessfutlliused. rar upwards of fifty years, and has been found cxclecdingly 4cie,cioua in cacti where most other means have failed. y~rcpareil only by the executor of the late Robert ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRESPONDENTS. 12e Staffordshire paper has been received, and shall have attention on the first opportunity. ?? happens that we find it impossible to get into type in time for the early posts, letters which are received on Wednesday mornings. In such cases, if admissible, they are deferred util our ensuing publication, providing they ,o mot meanwhile appear in any other paper. '4Churchman ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To Tailors anad Others. By approbation of her majesty Queen Victoria, and BILRH. Prince Albert. NOW aEADY. HE LOINDON anid PARIS AUTUMIN T WndINITER FASHIONS for 161and 1852,pu Ilibed by Messrs. READ & Co., 121, Hlart-street, Btlonombury. ~SC square, London, and B~roadway, New York, Ametica als %IO by GEORGE Bkatoms, llolyviell-etreet, Strand, London.' The an View, reprosented Iin the PRaise ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i~itcqooT .,2tool Z l'to ot tobal ,e olh D. ceidber, at the Brokors' At two 0block ,_ye-room, i(i, North Johss-street. 4IOJAIIIS5EAST INDIAt WOOL., Alppyl to AJURAI11 GAOJTSIDE anid CD.. wool Brokers. Liverpool. on joeos, Ice ?? elsl/ D Fcrsssbsr, at theu Wrokers' Sale-room, 2% Temple street. l4iverpool, lit two o'clock, 5cO BALES EAST INDIS A nid other LOW \VOOLS. Apply to W. GtiEBAIE & CO., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... = - yrrIT AUTIOBOF rHE MAIDEN ^atlO},~Hr;gORYF A lAMITY,' &cs. '.0lJ( * oe vl.elegnntly bound. price Six Shillings, o,,iPoldiU S 1S Of SU NSH1II NE; n~ g A Christtm5n Narrative. ?? libertate DronCEBrt ado ita ojiores voluerunt utere RAnnA. hofde George Hoby, 123 Mllount street, Berkeley square. EEGANT AND USEFUL PRESENTS. c'eth; extra, gilt edges, Gs.; morocco elegant, Si. Pri65T3pS of our ...


... ELSONSTREEjT. ATU'RDAY EVENING CONCERTS, K)WITh1 LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC RECREATIONS. On SATURDAY Evm.'IINo XEXT, the Oth Instant, HENRY PHILLIPS, The entittent Vocalist, will give -A POPULAR ENTERTAINMENT ON THE SONGS-AND BALLADS OF ENGLAND, In the course of which lie will sing tle. followving songs, &c. The Soul's Errand, Jack Junk, Thle Auld Wife, When Friendls look Dark and Cold, The Cloud ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW WORKS, I. NICARAGUA: its People, Scenery, Monu- ments, and the proposed Interoceanic Canal. By E. J. SarnRo, late United States Charge ?? to the Republics of Central America. 2 vols. Svo, Maps and Illustrations. [In January. II. Mr M'O U L T O C H'S TREATISE on, the CIRCUMSTANCES which DETERMINEj the RATE of WAGES and the CONDITION of the LABOURING CLASSES. Fczp. Svo, 3s. 6d. Mr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ' 1ro act. 0 LETj, the comfortable D W E L L I N G.. ¶CtOUErcently occupied by Win. Pennell, Eeq., Burley CrescenL For rent and other Information apply at 180, Park. Logl, Leeds. UR -TO B LET, a neat f amily Jj DWLLINGHOUSE withweashbuse, stable,. and .lios~. c. Aplyto Mr ICHIARDICHAILESWORTH, sonl., .FoeMobuy VAILY RES DENGE TO LET, with imme- U' iae usscson.situate in Manor-row, Bradford. ...