Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRESPONDENTS. 12e Staffordshire paper has been received, and shall have attention on the first opportunity. ?? happens that we find it impossible to get into type in time for the early posts, letters which are received on Wednesday mornings. In such cases, if admissible, they are deferred util our ensuing publication, providing they ,o mot meanwhile appear in any other paper. '4Churchman ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To Tailors anad Others. By approbation of her majesty Queen Victoria, and BILRH. Prince Albert. NOW aEADY. HE LOINDON anid PARIS AUTUMIN T WndINITER FASHIONS for 161and 1852,pu Ilibed by Messrs. READ & Co., 121, Hlart-street, Btlonombury. ~SC square, London, and B~roadway, New York, Ametica als %IO by GEORGE Bkatoms, llolyviell-etreet, Strand, London.' The an View, reprosented Iin the PRaise ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICES TO CORRESPQNDENTS. NOTICE, rersons unable to procure Reynolds's Newspaper froma neweveudors or agents can, by forwarding the. amoulnt for a single number or a term of subscription, In postage. stamps, or otherwise, receive the journal direct from the ofsc e. A Quarter's Subscription is Ss. ld.. It is particularly requested that subscribers will send their address in full to prevent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -fItEDGE'S IJEAL-ALL, or celebrat~dembo in Ila, long been known throughout the West of InD an utll o't efficacious Remlldy for RI,(.11matigniias ni Scld I Goutniati Gol pamsnod Cramp Lrnl o hew e Itif1s f h Joints or Neck r,,ntin ?? Affettiolbr roefe Lmb 'Z5theh and Paraee~tic hlbin berethev tire Fth.rAche and FLKuic- 1 broken ?? ?? ide Briseso Cifiil ore for (huta dlOingeroiS disorder thtQi5 ...


... ELSONSTREEjT. ATU'RDAY EVENING CONCERTS, K)WITh1 LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC RECREATIONS. On SATURDAY Evm.'IINo XEXT, the Oth Instant, HENRY PHILLIPS, The entittent Vocalist, will give -A POPULAR ENTERTAINMENT ON THE SONGS-AND BALLADS OF ENGLAND, In the course of which lie will sing tle. followving songs, &c. The Soul's Errand, Jack Junk, Thle Auld Wife, When Friendls look Dark and Cold, The Cloud ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW WORKS, I. NICARAGUA: its People, Scenery, Monu- ments, and the proposed Interoceanic Canal. By E. J. SarnRo, late United States Charge ?? to the Republics of Central America. 2 vols. Svo, Maps and Illustrations. [In January. II. Mr M'O U L T O C H'S TREATISE on, the CIRCUMSTANCES which DETERMINEj the RATE of WAGES and the CONDITION of the LABOURING CLASSES. Fczp. Svo, 3s. 6d. Mr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Published, Third Edition, Illustrated with Coloured Engravings, on Nrrvous Debility and Generative Diseases. Price ia., or in a sealed Envelope, free by Post, for 18 Postage Stamps. H EALTH AND HAPPINESS, THE MEAINS BY 1j WHICH THER MiAY BE OBTAINErD, a Medical Work on the Infirmities of Youth, and jlaturit, and Diseases of the Generative System, with oh rv on a the treatment of Nervous ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE JQUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE. TMll. JOHIN C. JOSHEPH, PATENTEE AD MANAGERR On THIS EVENING (Saturday), December 1ed, the per- fonnances will commence with the Drama of THERESE; OP., THE ORPHAN OF GENEVA. Carwin, Mr. Sydney Davis; Therese, Mrs. Dyas. Afier which the Comedy of CATHERINE AND PETRUCHIO. Petruebio, Mr. Sydney Davis; Catherine, Mrs. Dyas. To be followed by the new Ballet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LOOlINGl-(}LASSES, &c., 155, Leadenhall- J.Jstreet.-GEORtGE DO#NE, Carverand Gilder, solicits an in. speccion of the LARGEST FRAMED GLASS EXHlI-BITED at the CRYSTAL PALACII, the frame of vvhich is Of wood carving. G. D. also requsets the favour of an inspection of tbe Opaque Qiass admired !by E.Rt H. Prine Albert, and which Geo. Deue bas applied for the use of topa of console, pier tables, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A USTRALIAN LINE OF PACKET SHIPS, for SYDN hY Direct, and tegular Traders 'for VAN DIEMEN'S LhND, Po ftT PH-lILIP, SOUTI AUSTRALIA, &e.-These spltn- did ships nre all of tho first class, have most elegant aceomrnodations for pussengi rs, and engagements vilt br tiven for thei days of sailing. ships. BuTo In. Coeasaadere. Deos of 'o au FUPHRATES 850 . Munro.. Sydaey.1Jar. 10 DIANA 700 J E. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0 SPANISH BONDHOLDERS.-Sonor JOSE T BORtktAJ O, th o Royal Com rnls jioner, having commenced the conversieo of the Bpalish Delb , under the law for its adotptenest of the ?? August, 's-la, at No. lit, St. Mjen's place, l3shops gatestrect, IOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the holders of Spanish Bonds, that the coaumittee acting for them in London are intervening in the on- verario, in older that they ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BELFAST STEAM MARBLE WORKS, 55, GREAT PATRICK STREET. OHNI JOHINSTONi TAKE S LE TO CALL T the attention of parties buildin t Stock of CHIM1NEY..PIECES, ITALIAN AND 11111TISIH iIAILES, Of genuine quality, among which are Black, Black and Gold, Statuary, Veined (White), Bardigijo, &c. Every article finished in a superior style, and sub- I stantially got up; which, from the superior facilities , ...