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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser




Yorkshire and the Humber, England


Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser

Advertisements & Notices

... To Tailors anad Others. By approbation of her majesty Queen Victoria, and BILRH. Prince Albert. NOW aEADY. HE LOINDON anid PARIS AUTUMIN T WndINITER FASHIONS for 161and 1852,pu Ilibed by Messrs. READ & Co., 121, Hlart-street, Btlonombury. ~SC square, London, and B~roadway, New York, Ametica als %IO by GEORGE Bkatoms, llolyviell-etreet, Strand, London.' The an View, reprosented Iin the PRaise ...

Advertisements & Notices

... No 1.ove f'ills rnor sory other DreqsS. 5i;',et CURltEsl ItY IJ BARRY'S R EVA LENTA A 1{XBICA FOOD, RD a ~i~leasac otid elt.etua rlleniledy (svithout ow dicinc, 'flst~tj,~n'v e. CcpttlsC, St, it saves fifty times its cost In other eocalil .f cItre). frmnloibl ilizo,xti- 8f unqacue-ionalble respectalbi. flity haavtrt.,ted that it nupe;idndicine ofevery de- rsciptiut , th. emt tual and 1,ui ...

Advertisements & Notices

... No more Fills nser nimy olhewr Drsigs. ?? CT;lUES BY DU BlAIIIY'S pEVILENTA ARAIBICAl POOD, . apleasant and effectual remedy (without medicinel inconvenience or expense, as it saves fifty times its C0os in other means of cure). Testimonials from parties of unquestionable respectabf- lily have attested that it supersedes mediehie ofivery de- scription in thy effectual and permanent removal of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... No sinole Pills 1aim aszi olllel^c (without 1it 'diChlet, ?? or txpetlis, ai itsaes ifty tihues its cost iellotb ?? (of cure). Testhi, iak frdon pit 'ti-s of unquestionalic respectahi litY ih3:o ti I:tsted that it stutl es, s nsdliit4, ?? (I - suitltit it lth flfctual awl ?? .kitiient ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G.~REA NATIONAL STANDARD THEATRE, opposite the Eastern Counties iailiway, Shoreditch. The largest and most elegant Theatre in LTon. don. PaOPRIETotl-Mr. roieN DoUGnAss, a Onl Monday, Dec. l22d, a G-and Extra Night, on which C coccasiont Mr. Hlalli the celebrated Giant, and Too of the Largest Men In the World, will appear in a Judge arid Jury S,,ciety, and other novelties, being for the Bmnsfit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VZ. GERIO)MEE 110 HUTCHIESON STREET, GLASGOW, PROFESSOR OF UYtiEIA2NISM. 'jAMES GREEB, EaQ., M.D. S Scottish Hygeian Institution, i '11, Hutcheson.5treet, Glasgow. it !DEAs Ssa,-Havinig proved the vale of your excellent Pills for many yeare, neot only in my own country, but also l in foreign climes, I can bear -testimOtly that ?? h beet and safestnmedicinese to bellied'in any country. There. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IRUPTURES EFFECTUALLY CURED WITHOUT A TRUSS! a. Ctr)Aowr.-Sufferers are cautioned against useless imita- tions, by a self-styled doctor, who copies this anOIounce- c ment, and who also professes to cure deafness, with va-i. oeg other wonderful feats ; and to render the abominable I.deception more complete concocts ' testimonials' asglar. a ingly trsthless as they are numerous. The utter ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DR.. CULVERWELL, ni ON THE PLEASURES OF HEALTH. 'I 'si A series of popular works, Is., each, by post 1s. 6d. 0 each. bs ENJOYMENi OF LIFE. H 'Health, recreation. and rational use oftime.' ec CONTENTS.-Early rising ; Spring a d Summer mornings, hi Excursions about the Enrirons of Loxdon-the Perks, hi Lanes, Hills, Forests, Fields, High-roads, and other plea. eant places, Country Trips and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ToC 'lrenilore rendi other's. Bly apylroboaiori of her. Mojesty Queen Victoria, and 1l.iR.H. Prince Aibert, N0w READY. HpfE LONDON and PARIS AUTUMN ?? TL ant VX 114TEII FASUIOSNS for 1851 and 1852, pub. ank teiredpb Messrs. ItEAD.& ?? 12, llart-strcet. Bloonisbury- I qere ono, n Irorqrlvav, Sorw York, Ane, ion; also ' orocIECR foyeli t~ t, Strand, London. 'The Ii iew, c reented inl tle PoRITc ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UERE IS YOUR REMEDY. °iOLLOAVAY'S OINTMENT. A MOST MIRACULOUS CURE OF BAD LEGS, AFTER FORTY-THREE YEARS' SUF- FERION G. ?? of a Letter froms Mr. Wil'lane Goilpin, of 70, St. Mary's Street, 'ecyrmouth, dated dmay 15th, 1851, To Professor HOLLOWAY, Sil,-At tb age of eighteen my Wife (who is now sixty. one) caught .s violent cold, shich settled in her legs, and ever since that timo they have been ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To Tailors and Others. By approbation of her Mdajesty Qiceen Tietoria, and II.R.II. i'rince Albert. vow READY. HE LONDON aud PARIS AUTUMN TJand WYINTER FASI-TIONS for 1311 and 1852, publ lishedby Messrs. READ)& Co., 12,Iloart-strecet, Bloocsuabry-r slquare, London, and ldroiadwny, New York, Acoei ica ; alsot bey BERG U Ecr,, flotell-street, Strand, London. The 'View, reprcesented cin the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D:R. R EER, 11, IITCIIE SON STREET, GLASGOW, tROFESSOR OF HYGEIANISM. ?Scottish Rygeian Institution, l ?? Hutcheson-street, Glasgov. f 'DEaa SIR,-HaVing proved tile value of 3 ?? Pills for many years, not only in my own country, but also in foreign climes, I can bear testimony that tl-ey see lee best and safest medicines to be had in any country. There. fore, under this impression, I forward ...