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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... T REATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. SIR. HARRIS has the honor to announce that he bas become Lessee of this Establishment, and that it has opened with a numerous and efficient Company. THIs EVENING' (Monday), Dec. 29, will be performed a Ncw Comedy entitled LOVE IN A MAZE. Lord blinever, Mr. J. Webster; Tony Nettlethorpe, Mr. flobson; Mrs. Bucklethorne, Mrs. H. Kirby. '1so conclude with a Grand Christmas ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N O T I C E. CATHOLIC DEFENCE A.CSON OF GREAT BRITAIN AND D A LL communications bf to HENRY A WILLIAM WrieLrDnORCE, sq., Secretary, No. 15, Rutland-square, East, Dublin. December 24th, 1851. ET E BAND OOMPANY'S VI' TA ILORING AND READY-MADE WAREROOMS, 10, N, AND 12, CORN-M ARKET. WEBB AND COMPAN Conduct their Business on fixed principles-ai Hf O ty Of price and profit, with a steady ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MISS ANNA MARIA BLOOMER. The Proprietors respectfully return thanks for the liberal patronage with which they have been honoured since the opening of their Establishments under the name of T H E THE TIMES. It is now their determinon to concentrate their entire energies on a Sing Houi he benefit of the enlightened Public, and with t&ilyievty have taken HOUSE, /1:TO BALL'S KX , IHENRY-STREET, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... riE QOUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE. J 3R. JOHN C. JOSEPIH, PATTE A AGE. On THIS EVENING (MondaG, December 8, the per- irrmaftes will commence with te Operatic Drama of ROB D7Y. Rob Roy, Mr. Sydney Davy; Bailie Nichol Jarvie, Mr. F liobson; Helen M'Gregor Mrs. Dyas; Diana Vernon, i1s Fanny Reeves. a To be followed by the new Ballet Divertisement, called LA VIVANDIERE. To conclude with the laughable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JustPublished, Third Edition, illustrated with Coloured Engravings, on Nerrous Debility and Generative Diseases. Price Is., or in a sealed Envelope, free by Post, for 18 Postage Stamps. lEALTH AND HAP.PDIESS, THE MEANS BY L 1 WH CH THRY MAY La oaTAiNel, a Mledical Worlon the In6m;wities of Youth, and MatuLi:ty, and Diseaes of the Generative System, with obser ations on the Lreatment of Nervous ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PARENT BOARD OF IRISI MANUFAC- P TURE AND INDUSTRY, No. 2, ESSEX-BRIDGE, DUBLIN. December 22, 1851. E. D. WILLIAMS, Esq, in the Chair. The Council acknowledge the following Subscriptions since last meeting:- Per Mr Mooney-Dr Hayden's weekly subscription, £X; Mr Rochford, Inchicore, 5s 6d; Mr James Supple, glove ma- nufacturer, Waterford, lOs; Mr R Carmic!>pj, Great Southern and Western Railway ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FINEST JAMAICA COFFEE be IMPORTED INTO GREAT BRITAIN, Price Is. 8J. per Pound. FIRST CLASS BLACK LEAF TEA, Price 3s. 8d. per Pound. THE FINEST CONGOU TEA, Price 4s. per Pound. This Tea is superior to what can be purchased In Sugar Silling Establishments for 4s. 4d., and upwards. THE TIMES Tea and Coffee Warehouse, 30, HENRY-STREET (Next to Ball's Bank.) GEORGE CHARLES BETTS AND COMPANY, The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE. JOHN C. JOSEPH, PATENiTEEc AND MANAGER i On Tills EVENING (Saturday), December 20, the per- formances will commence with the Play of THE HUNCHBACK. Mbaster Walter, Mr. S. Davis; Sir Thomas Clifford, Mr. gosiere; Julia, Mrs. Dyas. To be followed by the new Ballet Divertisement, called LA VIVANDIERE. lilrie La Vivandiere, Mdlle. D'Antoinej Jean, Mons. Dlatic / To conclude ...

Advertisements & Notices

... m HEATRE RO1A- DUB7 X tR. HARRIS has the honor to announce that he haW(' become Lessee of this Esaablistaneyi, 'and' that it will- open with a numerous and efficiint Company, THIS EVENINfU (Saturday), Dec. 27, when 'will -be per.. formed a New Comedy entitled LOVE IN'A MAZE. Lord Minever, Mr. J. Webster, Tony Nettjhorpe, Mr. Bobson; Mrs. Bucklietherne, Mrs. H. Kirby. f To conclude with a Grand ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JustPublished, Third Edition, Illustrated with Colonred Engravings, on Nervous Debility and Generative Dises, Price lo., or in a sealed Envelope, free by Post, for IS Postage Stamps. EALTH AD HAPPNESS, THE has By IL WHICH THE! MAY BE OBTA013D, a Medical Worklon the Infirmnities of Youth, and Maturity, and Disease of the Generative System, with observations on the treatment of Nervous Debiity ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INAUGURATION OF THE NEW LORD MAYOR. THE Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, Alder- T . men and Town Councillors in their Robe, the Bur- gesses and Citizens with their equipages. will aele at theMANSLON-IHOUSE, onTHURSDAY NE! , e let January, 1852, at ELEVEN ?? precise. a proceed In State to the ROYAL-EXCHANGE, to inaugurate the Lord Mayor for the ensuing year. The route from the Mansion-House ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B LANKET DEPARTMENT.- 'WEBB! A*)COMPANY, COI i~htalT, Request special attenti 4 tg r Stock of BLANKETS, comprising all SIZES TI S, and PRICES, and which, being SPRIG a S ER-MADE GOODS, purchased on the best Terms, they are not only PRIME value, but very superior in finish and appearance. 4 Several large lots of LOW-PRICED HEAVY BLANKETS, well adapted for charitable purposes. Trms-CASH. WEBB ...