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Morning Chronicle



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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... IpORTTT GIJESE ANNUITIES, 184S, for P £21'.,5 75-The FIFTEENTH HALF-YEARLY INSTAL IM>ENT, v'ie ih become due on the Ist June, 1850, will be PAID goat the ?? and eoery following Monday and Thursday, between Eleven anid Two o'clock. The Coupons to be left for examination four days previous to the payment, to comumence on Saturday, the 13th. 0. C. X. BE BRITO, Financial Agent. i Finsbury Chambers ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The roe of Chief CabiPasg by these Steamers is £30. UI1TIS1I and ORHAMERICAN ROYAL1 siu TA-HIPS, appointed by the Admiralty to LEROL laid NEW YORK direct, and between ~al ettOL ud OSTN (the Boston ships only), calling at LlV~x t lan sad rceive passengers and her Majesty's mails, Bh flleieC r ohorveosels aire appoisated to sail from Liver. .V~IS, SAGRDy, as under:- It0 514 or NW YOK dircut, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. Freehold Residence, with Coach-houses, Statling Gardens, Hot and Succession Houses, Conservator' ° Grounds, and park-like Land (altogether about 40 a-,ePl' miles from London, and within oneo mie of a stati)' Great Northern Railway, a ,, | ESSRS. WINSTANLEY have received, __fiL- rections fronm the Executor and Trustcet topF, SALE hy AUCTION, at the Auction Mart, on Tuesday bi. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... age . PUBLICATIONS. to BOOKS POR PRESENTS. 58; VNEW HISTORICAL WORkS. 911, 1 PUBLISHED BY MR. BENTLEY. I. KAYE'S HISTORY of the WAR in AFGHANISTAN. 2 vole. ce.. Rvo. 3fs. if. Mts MIGNET'S HISTORY of MARY QUEEN of SCOTS. 2 vold. Svo. WithPortrait. 28s. fit. Rev. R. W. BROWNE'S HISTORY of GREEK CLASSICAL cll LITERATURE. 2 vols. Svo. 28s. oor I V. le0y CREASY'S FIFTEEN DECISIVE BATTLES of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HEATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE.- This National Establishment, which is now undergoing most extensive repairs and decorations, will OPEN for the SEASON or Friday, tho 26th instant, under the Management of Mr. BUNN. The Mombers of the Company are requested to assemnble on Thurs- day next, at Two o'clock. J. M, NORTON, Stage Mansagr. London, Dc. is, 1851. D OYAL PRINCESS'S THEATRE, Oxford- RL ?? the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... mHE STATE of ALABAMA FIVE per CENT. TSTERLING BONDS.-The HALF-YEARLY DIVIDENDS due ii London on] tbe Ist of January, and on the ?? Monday in January nsext, wvith Messrs. Reid, Irving, anld Co., wnill be P'AID by the UNION BANE of LONDON, from those datee respectively. Lists may be obtainled at the Unlion flank, who will receive the Couponis every Monday and W~eduesdevy, for pajynsent each ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEAM to INDIA, CHINA, &c.'-Particulars KS or tile ?? Mail Steam Conveyance atud of ths sdditiontl lte's of communication, now eetablislred by thle penlin- enlar oald Orieiital Steam Navigation Company With the Ent, &-c. Tire ConPipa1Yt book passengers and receive goods and parcels as heretefore for CEYLON, MADRAS, CALCUTTA, PENANG, SINGAP01llE, and HONG KONG, by their steamers, starting fr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE. T A GRAND BAL MASQUE;i h. JULLIEN has the honour to umonniice that his Concerts will'terminate To-morrow, Wednesday, Dlec. 10, and that l11a ANNUAL GRAND BAL MASQUE wvIII take pl9.Oe on Friday next, Dec. 12, and terminate the season, and which, in consequence of the theatre being let for dramatic performances, will most posi.- tively be the only bail this reason. I On ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. s . + a Now ready in 2 vols. 8vo., price 36 -a AYE'S HISTORY of the WAR in 1 K AFFGNANISTAN. C A narrative that will be read long after the events it records S shall have ceased to act upon the destinies of thp ?? J British Review. J, One of the most interesting and imnortant contributions to - Indian history that has for a long time issued from the press.- Fraser's Magazine. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIrJCATIONS. Alitngonistle to Sopliistry, Prejudice,14 Wod ON SINGLE AND MARiRIEI ILIFI.B. To'be orntto be, tliat is the question, By it. J1. OULVERWT.~iLLt, X.D. (IMI), 21I.RC.S. (1827), ?? ?? 2.3 yer eie l nd eresi ~ eferoa in these flatters. Pro~runinie :-Adveint of Puberty and hrspning Assocla.1 ?? as~ ~~atle ?? ?? ad its Con-r ?? llatccs\oc f ecrig he -Irehit nsan ifetie nc-T ei O ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Will shortly be published, bythe sanction ofthe proprietor, ILL. 1 Prince Albert, ICKINSON'S COMPREHENSIVE PlC- .1t TUBES of the GREAT EXHIBITION, by Joseph Nosh, E Louis lagiso, and David Robertos R.A. Consisting of Fifty Richly Coloured Plates. This superbseries will be found to comprise all the chief compartments and leading objects of the past grand and magnificent soectacle, forming a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DEOAYED TEETH and TOOTHI-AChy -p D s 6d. Patronized by her Majesty and Ids 11IliI[0~~ ness Prin'e, Albert.-M~r. HOWARD'S WI11TE 8UCS11 for Stopping Decayed Teeth, hlrowecr large tl ai; paced in the Tooth in a soft state, ?? ?? pain, and isonediately hardens into) a White eliated 0t- snaiii in tise teoth many years, rendering eCtnraCL Ol, anid arresting the futisier progress of de'cay, and is ...