Advertisements & Notices

... PDORTUGUESE DIVIDENDS. - The DIVI I DEN DS for tje FIlBST liALF.YEAt 1850w of tho Five per Cent. Stock, 841, and FWariper cent. Sock 184, W thahlf of eaid dividend ot the Old Uneonerted Bonds, and likewise Ike 12 months' interest then duc 0n the LebeLtures ef rho June bnd July CoUpons, WILL BE PAID at the PortaguesaTinastell Aglgncy, on MONDAY, the 2ndFeb'uiary, 1852, andevery suceeding Monday ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -40UTH CAROLINA SIEALING BONDS.- The DIVIDEND WARRAN;i'S,cailling due ol the lst January next on the STERtLING 13t ES of tha STl'ATE of SOUTH CARO-, I~Ni, which were negotiated through BARING BROTHERS and (O., will be PAID on thait ur anxy succeeding day (Tuesday and Friday excepted), betwen. thchoura of Ten aned Two, at their Countin~g-hous, No- 8,, Bishopsgatc-street Within, where Lists may, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXTENSIVE SL OF UNTUlE, &c.,11INSTANLEY'S 1'rESSRS. TIIOS. WVINSTANILEY anid SONS 'T IY.L will SELL by AUCTION, This Pay (Fridayi) the iutth, and'r'o-tnorrowc (Satu~rday), thle 20th imtnto 0R C. precisuly each dav, 'it their' Rooms-, Clttirclt-street, Ani oetbs' f excellent li(11-,iElO'lD FURNITURE, a brilliant pllates (If glass, 630 ineches hy 30t, and 53, incesle by 48, ci in handsome ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BLACKBURN. __ A CANARY SHOW, OPEN TO ALL ENGLAND, ILL be hield at the house of Mr. George Lee, the f Fox and Goose Inc, Iigher Eanam, Bl)iCkburn, on Now Year's Day. Handasmo prizes will be given for the best Dutch Birds and Yellow Canaries, showing length, figue, feather, :lid colour. The room will be open for inspection at two o'clock. i. t-MARY M trcHELL, NEWS A.GENT AND STATIONER, 33 EGS to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYA'L- SADLER'S WELLS THEATRE. Under the Management of Mr. Phelps. f BOXING-NIGIHT, and Saturday, the performances will 0 commence with THE LADY OF LYONS. Claude Mel- notte, Mr. F. Robinson; Beauseant, Hr. It. Harston; Gladis, Mr. F. Younro; Demos, Mr. Barrett; Desebappolles, Illr. H. Mellon; Pauline, Riss Cooper: Madame Deschappelles, Mrs. H. Marston-To conclude with a new grand comic ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ip ILOSOPH IC AL I NSTIT C TICOK. .o TIlE GEVIUS AND WORKS OF SPOHR. TO-M3OERROW-MU24USIC HALLI rItCOY m }will deliver his Lecture on the above subject ToM0LtlO0W EVENING, and FOURTh (concludinq) Lee- v..r(h the Genius of Mlfendeissobn on FRIDAetY, 19l.L L.,c;_.1 rS h-ARPER. Mrs Lurwy Mr LAWLER, Mr PsART OF A \ViosL CONCERTO, by Sporr, vvill be per- rael by- MrI F. 11HdSOX. Doors open at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JustPublished, Third Edition, Illustrated with Coleured Engravinge, on Nervous Debility and Generative Diseases Price l8., or in a sealed Envelope, free by Post, for 18 Postage Stamps. JJEALTH AND HAPPINESS, TrIl ilEA&56 gy LI WHICH THEZ oAY BE OBTAINED, a Medical Workon the Infirmities of Youth, and Maturity, and Diseases of the Generative System, with observations o treatten o Nervous ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -fItEDGE'S IJEAL-ALL, or celebrat~dembo in Ila, long been known throughout the West of InD an utll o't efficacious Remlldy for RI,(.11matigniias ni Scld I Goutniati Gol pamsnod Cramp Lrnl o hew e Itif1s f h Joints or Neck r,,ntin ?? Affettiolbr roefe Lmb 'Z5theh and Paraee~tic hlbin berethev tire Fth.rAche and FLKuic- 1 broken ?? ?? ide Briseso Cifiil ore for (huta dlOingeroiS disorder thtQi5 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Wil shortly be published, I BY THE SANCTION OF THE PROPRIETOR, H-. I. H. PRINCE ALBERT, ICKINSON'S COMPREHENSIVE PIC- d TUBES of the GREAT EXHIBITirON, by JoSEPH NAsIX, Louis flAGlor, and DivID RonaRTS, R.A., consistng of fifty richly N Coloured Plates.r This superb heries will be found to comprise ;iU the chief compart- 1 ments and leading objects of the past grand and magnificent Spec-1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Applicatien by lette~r respecting adveertisementle nonot be post-paid or they will not be received. Applications directed to be nuide at the printers' must be personal.: in suchi cases, To wriittei coin- muns Scetions can be attendted to. Peronaloa iniquiries cannot be answered when the address is to be by letter'. IF WXANTEDo,,lC IM EltCI., 1TtRAVELLER, to Sell, on COrn. TVnission, a wl-iov ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I ? ABERDEEN U7WITED COAL h'D. ,f tho TREASURER'S ACCOUNT for tho 1A 9ACTi ' Ae to Juno, 1851- A Yeal, frou- Ji, en,. -_, Balance Pi hlid --; £22 0 lit Interest of £2300, the Stock of the Flud, to, . 90 17 7 Donations and Legacics- Sir Charles BanlcliOaIl, BDart ..£2 O 0 Caht. A. Dingivall Fordyco of Bruck- lav andit Culsh, M.P.,,. 2 0 0 Mrs Forbos of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SBTEAM t) BOMBRAY, ,*ia TRIESTE.- In I - addition to the boet of 'he 27th of the month frtm Trieste tW A!exatdrin, a SECOND STEAMER has bcentp.aced o. thalhe , leving frieste on the 18th ot cvry mbnth-the former in porre. I ~2ordenet witti the Calcutta line of bteamers, and the latter with boats of the East India Company plying direct between Suez and 4 Bomnbay.-Pssages for Alexan iria, ...