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Advertisements & Notices

... A F Cl lUI' 1'N E~. SII, j-N' )IDi P'A N(TRAM A, will alltt its Appiirti'ianoee A .fIr lXxibiting, coi~llip't', atid whfil, belonged to tilt litl Mr 3aclll Pital,- or Hire. J'ii- ,,ifsiliiap y1 // a 20 G'rcal Ciijdr 81r. ct. l-OR1 SALE, EVER C~AL Fir:-t-l'ass RA ILW AY DICE13.T\1II'lCS. in stuns of £10110 to X3000, for varions periods, and yielding from 4 in 5 pcir coot. Apply to Jus. Watson ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE LIV ERPOOL AND LO N D O N T FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. EESABLISIIED 1836. offices-8 and 10 Water Street, Liverpool; and 20 and 21 Poultry, London. CAPITAL TWO MILLIONS STERLIN.4 E RusEltvuis. I Fus iEs, £268,000. LIABILITIES OF PROP0ilET010t UNULIMraTED TRUnrEFS. Sir Thomas Bernard Birch, Bart., M.P. Adarm Ilodg son, IEsq. Samu ueiel Henry Thompson, Esq. DliRECTORS IN LivlVIooL. C ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR SALE, DWELL.',IING, lIO'SES AT MILTON p~liI~ NI) is CAM S I E. 91'ri ?? I'l to Sale, liy Pubtlic 110oup, Within the(, IioeI'Wil at l 1Nild, )Milto, Catopisic, onl Thursday VAXJ f LIIn'1 curenII I t, [it One0 o' thck Afternioon, -iii WXifILE thelc TWO PARiKS of Ci 1100 NI), teiigto ib)ott 'I'ree Acres orthereby, together iih b1 I1:3w~ oil) WIIL L LiNG 110 t: SFS withl smatll GardenisI ca t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HOUSE IN WOODSIDE TERRACE FOR SALE, Br PRIVATE BARIIOJ,1N. lOI SALE, by Private Bargain, the D W EL LI N 0 L HOUSE, No. 8 Woodside Terrace, with Offices attached, as preselitly occupied by Alexander Abercromby, Esq. No Fcu duty. Apply to Banintynes & Kirkwood, No. 50 West George Street. HOUSE IN MONTEITH ROW FOR SALE. a HAT excellent DWELLING HOUSE, No. 21, ir, the tl 1 Centre Coimpartment of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ABERDEEN ASSURANCE COMPANY. rrpf ssext Inveetigation tal-s place as& at 10tA February, 1852. parties .;effecting Aeenrances on the Participatifon Scale be. T pe that date Wiflshare linthe Profils realizced duering the precedhig I) pi years. PT T ASSURANCES \WITHIOUT PoTSare granted on approved scsi] Bieesat very moderate Premiums; and ANN UITIES are sold on o'eli jbosurabic terms. TI ...

Foreign Intelligence

... Enielliqecuce. FRANCE. Paris, Monday Morning. “The Moniteur publishes the decree for the organisation of the Counoil of State, together with the names of the new Councillors, ma‘tres des requetes, and Auditors. The President . of the Republic is President of the Council of State ; M. Ba- roche is Vice-President ; and MM. Millard, Rouher, Delangle, | De Parieu, Magne, and Admiral Leblanc, ...

Foreign Intelligence

... SJoretau Entelligence. . FRANCE. The Moniteur contains the following letter from the Minis- ter of the Interior to the Prefect of the Seine: Paris, Jan. 6. Monsieur le Prefect_—The emblems most worthy of lose this character when they only reeal evil days. Th as these three words, “ Liberty, Equality, Fraternity,” form by them- appear at epochs of troubles and civil war, their coarse in- selves ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IIGII SCHOOL, OF GLASGOW. SECOND QUARTER. rIIIS Institution wcill RE-Ol'EN on MONDAY the 5th 1 instant, ?? m I'UIO;!s itty be ?? lt the various 0] Departments. Prospectuses, giving full particulars relating to (lasses, Hours, and Fees, may be had froia tho Janitlr at the Lodge. 2d January, 1852. HIGH1 SCHOOL OF GLASGOW. 1pHERE are now Five different FRENCII CLASSES in 1 operation at thiq4 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DESRALEES''AFEAND) RESIDENCE IN iLANA IlK SI IEI UronyT PRICE ?? 'TO £14,000. To be ?? by Public Auction, in Messrs. Caty & Black's Rloomti, Uti orge Street, Edit burgh, on Wednesday, 4th Februailry lnext, ait Two o'clock, it' tot pireviosely disto II of by Priv ate Itargojit Hpl 13LAN 1) anid ESTATE of NEI-ITIERFIEfLD, in the T 1'rikh of Avonidale, distanit 000 utile fromt the NfsMarkcLt antl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ABERDEEN -RAILWAY. (Joel Department..- WELLWOOD, HALBR~ATH, AN4D CUTTLEHILL COAL. 71 EGULAR supplies of these well-known .COALS are no0w The: X% received daily at the Railway Station. J- The whole are of excellent quality, freo from Sulphur, keep ai T ulewr fire, and throw out a strong heat. As they leave few ashes; 1hey are specially adapted for Bakers and Hduse purpmoses, where .r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T'O COUPPON~DMq. An CosnmuniOtlofs, and artioles of nteltigenc, Intended for f publication, require to be authenticated by the name and fi address of the writer. Unless this is attended to, Corres- pondents may rest assured that no attention will be paid C to their communications. F h We have as many Ploughing Matches lying beside us, as will fill the space set apart for these affairs for the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STOLEN OR STRAYED, On Saturday Morning, frotm Nnrsery Works, Hutelicsontown, A LIGrlIT FAWVN COLOURED MIASTIFF BITCH, 1A answerilng tio tho name of GLANCE. Whoever gives infoiriation, haading to the recovery of the same, swill be halndsonlely rewarlded. If foiund iii the possession of any person 8 days after this date, thley Nw ill be proseclted. 5th January, 1852. NOTICE. 1?OUNI), on the ...