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Advertisements & Notices

... ,X'VUFA atd OMITE'S, of thie most pspplivved^ F1 Wme, cDZ h ilt tpeert, pirRtI, at ?? r)3 Pine (id Port Xrs woGO. oiLt. ?? or 6a.;W 03 Po- Mu]t Old Colsvtclt ?? ?? Ss. ttd. , Pa, t - Fhn-Unhi&ed. ?? . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [ADVERTISEMENTS.] Sufferers from Asthma, Hoarseness, Common Cough or looping Cough, Partial Loss of Voice, or Incipient Con. sumption, may be speedily relieved and cured by the use of ?? Pectoral Candy.-Perhaps as remarkable a cure on record is that of Mrs. E. Chiseman, of Garden- e street, Brompton. She was afflicted for five years with a very heavy cough, and at times was scarcely able to p ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOW OPEN, -iIOSE EX'm'ENsVE PRRMISES IN THE MARKET PLACE, DERBY, For many years occupied by MIESSRS. WRIGHT and CO.. CHEESE FACTORS. ,I Ind COMPANY beg to apprise tlhe Public of Derhy and the Vicinits. that they have e ;5 .v., ,'21t;E EST'AH IJillS\INIE 'N with an IMMNENSE S(iCKi f Pl;)VlISiONS, which L, ' ?? tat, xail eoiuinantI a great share of Vublic patronage. The uuauber of years the Pro- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A~on Lady, in hr2nyear, n atmer of Y ?? Church, wishes for a RE-ENGAGEMIENT a- as GOVERNESS, in a quiet family, to instruct (or take charge ie of ) one or two little girls in English, French, and Music. She In would be pleased to assist in domestic arrangements. A moderate in salary required. Satisfactory references ?? L A, Pos Office, Benson, Oxen. e5 ECONOM~Y INS AUCU'IODTS. a l WICKS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D OYAL MARI ONETTE THEATRE, jLR Ada de-*lrecet, NWe Slt.inid.-TIrIS EVlINl.-G the per- iorlolnces will ci;enirere with an INTRODUC'TORtY AD: 'LSa by the Mar;ger; aher h' ?? e New Scene of Aroppou., eftillcd the Ll-:NAGI:R'S ROOM. 'lo he ?? by the ?? icl ltaliemque of BOWBA''rES FUltIOSO. 'Ihe cholc to conclude wlha it NXw Grand Ballet, ci.Id PlAU iel'E . the P'upil of S3ture.-Priva.c ntDo; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fR11EATRE ROYAL, DRuJRY-LANE, J.TTlll ElVENXING, the LAST JUVENILE NIGHT; the Pratot itime at :atn e :i hour; and the LAST APPE '.ANCE of the BATE- MAN C:TlLDii.N-To.AIl.0ov the famtus trt-r, Mr. SIMS RlEEVES, ;sill jlpacar in tRA DI ?? vv1ih the PRlnominle.- On IIDAtY. ROli'.ERT TllE DEVIL; with ti'! ltrst appearmice of Mr. Flldor, Mir. Dr5yton, Miss (richt.n, and the celubn at'd prima ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HUHINA.-The following well-known A I Clipper r s slilll), built expressly ior thi trade, will be ?? for SIIANfOilAI Direct on the undleraurntioned dates: _ Sbip'd NaCes. Toos. Commarnders. To Sail. I HANNIBAL (now ship, A 11 c 1 r3 ). 61 A. Wallter.1February 5. . COUNTI,'0 t SEAFIL f0 NW Leask . March 5. J2ttX BUNYAN ?? 51 1. Thomrson .. April 5. Tleese ships have very superior accommoeations ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T ELACTlEE 1'ROYA.IL. DRURY-L ANE. T!,XTRAOlIi`DlXARY ATCRPA61ON for THIS EVENING.- 3tI^ l.zre atrick end Mr. Anderson.-LAST NIGIT 8Ut ONE of the tAI iENIANS; and the neA PANTOMIME.-TO.MOliacw, the LAS IJiVENILE NIG11, when the BUatCaan ChildrOl Will piay in Twi P'icce,; the Pantomime will be played at an early hour; a* d i| will brc the LAsT APPEARANCE of thc BATEMAN ClIlDRiEN.- OV TIIURSDAY, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [ADV ERTISEMIENT1 age es. JOHN CASSELL'S G>REATEST UNDERTAIUNG.-The Ilius- wS k55 rated Exhibitor and Magazine ofArt, though issued at Twopence tihe d a per Number, is a work of unparalleled beauty, furnishing a of in splendid proof of the high tate of perfection to Which the art 'redo wood engraving is brought. Indeed, the whole work is got up, in a style hitheuto unattempted, and which ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I ADVERTISENNNTS.1 hTHE NEW YEAR.--It is at this happy period of the trear, 'hat ilhe exuberance or thea feelings amid licenes of gaiety osaturitily Iinduces the ?? mitd youthful to shine to auvantago Iunder the gaze of matly fr iends; and hence probably arises the t, ormous demand that Gala ly :ottends RIOWLANID's KALYOOK, MACASSARl 0L. and Lfnosro or Pearl lielitifirice. at this f~ativa ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GOOD COUApp]NM TO5 BE TWO ROOMS T( BE-L thpsir 0 T hi. fet by 30, to W¶1 oh3udb Sel llI4y3 feet.- lis Apply to INHAM 6i?O(elA_ etW ROU .- WO Firtcla s HOUSES atJ loclii a txes l%~.Gey of ' a Apply to J. GRtEE, AS H*ALOHI, 8, at. arysoa ae.L [l OETO BE LET, in Wilberforce Terrace, 01 A ilani 'wthaga gI Overy Convenience re o:ret X2.- cel'a7. ESBEtiY, builder, qlO ~ IETY~IARLO USIE,23, ?? on the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE LIV ERPOOL AND LO N D O N T FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. EESABLISIIED 1836. offices-8 and 10 Water Street, Liverpool; and 20 and 21 Poultry, London. CAPITAL TWO MILLIONS STERLIN.4 E RusEltvuis. I Fus iEs, £268,000. LIABILITIES OF PROP0ilET010t UNULIMraTED TRUnrEFS. Sir Thomas Bernard Birch, Bart., M.P. Adarm Ilodg son, IEsq. Samu ueiel Henry Thompson, Esq. DliRECTORS IN LivlVIooL. C ?? ...