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Caledonian Mercury

Foreign Intelligence

... Enielliqecuce. FRANCE. Paris, Monday Morning. “The Moniteur publishes the decree for the organisation of the Counoil of State, together with the names of the new Councillors, ma‘tres des requetes, and Auditors. The President . of the Republic is President of the Council of State ; M. Ba- roche is Vice-President ; and MM. Millard, Rouher, Delangle, | De Parieu, Magne, and Admiral Leblanc, ...

Foreign Intelligence

... SJoretau Entelligence. . FRANCE. The Moniteur contains the following letter from the Minis- ter of the Interior to the Prefect of the Seine: Paris, Jan. 6. Monsieur le Prefect_—The emblems most worthy of lose this character when they only reeal evil days. Th as these three words, “ Liberty, Equality, Fraternity,” form by them- appear at epochs of troubles and civil war, their coarse in- selves ...

Foreign Intelligence

... FRANCE. The Constitutionnel announces thyt the list of the members of the new Senate will be published in the of ihe pre- sent week. A great féte is to be celebrated in Paris, on the occasion of the solemn proclamation of the Constitution, and of the opening of It is also announced that the Senate and the legislative corps. the President is to give a grand all at the Tuileries on the 25th of ...

Foreign Intelligence

... Foreign FRANCE. The Patrice publishes a note, marked ‘ Communique,” con- & statement published in the Constitutionnel, to the effect that the President of the Republic had received an auto- graph letter from the of congratulating him on the success of the grand act of the 2d of December. The note adds that the President has-_ received neither note nor autograph letter from the E ye of Russia. ...

Foreign Intelligence

... FRANCE. NEW MINISTRY. “The Moniteur of Friday publishes a decree which institutes two new Ministries :— Firstly, a Ministry of State. Secondly, a Ministry of General Police, M. Casabianca is appointed Minister of State. M. Maupas, Mimsier of General Police. M. Abbatucci, Minister of Justice, M. Fialin de Persigny, Minister of the Interior. M. Binault, Minister of Finance. It will thus be seen ...

Foreign Intelligence

... Foreiqn intelligence. : FRANCE. The following is the proclamation of the President of the | Republic to the French peo explaining the Constitution :— PROCLAMATION OF LOUIS-NAPOLEON, PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC TO THE FRENCH PROPLE, Promuljating the Constitution of the 2d of December 1851. Frencumen ! In my Proclamation of the 2d of December, when I loyally explained to you what, according to my ...

Foreign Intelligence

... Dorcian =_—* FRANCE. THE NATIONAL GUARD DISBANDED. The National Guard is dissolved throughout France, but it will be re-organised wherever the Government may deem it necessary for the maintenance of public order. In_ such places the President will appoint the Commandant, Colorels, and Lieu- tenant-Colonels. The considerations upon which this im portant decree is based are the following. Order, ...

Foreign Intelligence

... Foreiqn Entelligence. FRANCE. lowing programme of the ceremonies connected with tl fo! ident’s re -clect ion is given by the Moniteur of Mon- day :— On the 31st of December, at half-past eight in the evening, the President of the Republic will receive at the Palace of the Elysee the Consultative Commission, which will resent to him the minutes of the reckoni of the votes given by the French ...

Foreign Intelligence

... Entelliqence. FRANCE. THE ELECTION, The Moniteur Paris, Thursday Morning. he blishes a decree announcing the final result sented to the President of of the poll on t plebiscite as the Republic last night by the Consultative Commission. They are {precisely as I gave them in my letter of yesterday evening. -Number of voters, 8,116,773 Ayes, . . 7,439,216 oes, . 640,737 Votes annulled as ...