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Advertisements & Notices

... ABERDEEN RAILWAY. Coal ]Department. WEILLWOOD, IIALBEATFI, AND CUTTLEHXLL COAL. To REGULAR supplies of thoeo well-known COALS are now Li J eevd (aily at the Railway Station. . ee iae1 The whole arc of excellent quality, free from Sulphur, kep . F 9=ea fire, and throw out a strong beat. As they leave few aliecs, they are speciolly adapted for Bakers and House purposews, wha r Norn cleanliness ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Published, iNeio Edition, Four Shillings, TMHE POPULAR SUPERSTITIONS and FESTIVE AMUSE- 1 MENTS of the EtlOLANIDEn8 of SCOTLAND. By WM, (GRANTSTErWART. Sold by the principal Dooksollers, Aberdeen, mHE EDINBURGH REVIEW, No. CXCIII isjust a, T Publishud. P CONTENTS. 11 I. Genius and Writings of Descartes. d II. Bishop Philpotts. d III. llcent Progress of Legislation. 1 IV. Churhh. Music. P ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO WHOLESALE, RETAIL, AND FAMILY GROCERS. Durhaex Mustard Works. TEHOMAS FLINTOFF, Manufacturer of the Celebrated Pureo 11 DURHAM and PATENT DESICCATED MUSTARDS, begs to inform the Trade, that he has appointed Mr A. BATTEN, 7, Adelphi; Aberdeen, AGENY FOR THE SALE OF HIS PURE MUSTARD. T. F. reminds his numerous Customers, that his Mustard, manufactured from the New Seed, is now ready, and may ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Illinois Investment Company. 'I Committee appointed to superintend the realization of Vthe remaining Assets of the ILLUNOIS INVESTMENT COM- n pasy, give notice that a GENERAL MEETING of the PRO- | I pRIETORS will be held within the ROYAL HOTEL, Aberdeen, BA: en MONDAY the twenty-sixth day of January current, at welve o'clock noon, to receive and determino upon nu Offer ob- t.aed for the w hole ...

Foreign Intelligence

... FRANCE. The Constitutionnel announces thyt the list of the members of the new Senate will be published in the of ihe pre- sent week. A great féte is to be celebrated in Paris, on the occasion of the solemn proclamation of the Constitution, and of the opening of It is also announced that the Senate and the legislative corps. the President is to give a grand all at the Tuileries on the 25th of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... '11EI''I' LIT. lEIc~ I'Om )I I ?? 'Wit~iIItit( ?? EMt li1ii,.,i Stirll ReoitlS ?? otvied- Ite'dlaa, 1~t Yui vbr'iiav, lit TIxxs x cit uvi N oil, IIATr PIEICE of' B IDUNI, lyitt ( tht East hido of T Bi vhp Shet0, inimediai~lti(iy tII lih Souithl of' the Housaes ,iinoo Squtare Yar'd or- tlteiruy, xyitl tle, TEIA1NE1ENT Intd IIANl(' IIi' ILDIiNG' thtervoji Thle Vacanti (Iettlxteiods ti 13123 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ILIACK an :11(r(eeiiixud Colouried Isle ofl Skcte TIEii- t IF I-I,~t Wjliiev,-r Ns-ill yettliril theL Samie to No. 12 (''eri t fi 'iTirliistol, wi'll lie sititti~lily rewa-ded; anid it' fittelii .-si'eisifally persilli ittert' tis date, wvill be prose- rutid(, aer,-diti~'L to law. -Ittiv (I frotil sialichieliall street ott ?iloiidtiv last, - IS/' ?? ItlMarl anid While K I N it C iI A It 1, 1K ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1thelAteiANT'.-1 \Irgi'iS t'l iltvit to lii' leC Oti1iI .I i.,il: t JAMiES RIiITUII1 I 1K', A1a~iager. (ia~ ,2'2d Jati., 11152. K ru 1: PA It.1 .Vti ENTA liT Ci II Mis INiIS forI in- T fe ot''it. A\ iili tit g, at I Ad tjit ?? t ILL' A eo IllItt of(1 t II (1'tv Ch'Iaimbeis itit'e(, oli 't'lit',lda' thle lid div of F~ebiruary text, ( ttsgow', .iaiimary 21, 1 882. NOTICE TIll'ii T E ASSEMB lLY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... m, P if U N 'S POPULAR M`ERIE`S OF PICKET GUIDES REI)UUCEID IN PRICE. To inect the wishies so often exp1rrs.ied hi! maiy friends, and inl accordance 'wit/i the on ii'rd'i mo('1o'rtit spirdit f the oye, the Pub' lilter takes lera'e to (imon oiec thU t he haxs litduced the price of this Mni osti'tuihte aiid h igthdt popuiilair S'eries of Gnu/dc Books firon AFiqhteenjienC( to (One Sht/infl well, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pj~t rl-lt'l'\ IN EAST' ltl'IE N'1 SiIIE BJll It TE To, le Sill. III I'ilti 11tiip ill thel ltI'I- Elmehange Sale rj i i 'L ,fti WIlI)11 the 4oth dayi of lF(' IFN'T' I jo~~, Gla1 siW b ii fll''i i'Ilig''ltV iiti T lb \\ ~ ~ ~oillft'lii l ivii B ?? tlTcttil' ?? 161 I' Ifpan Yankttt1ii leI tl h wol'rdtji'1)'tila) e exjlthscil ReiiTte ii 1st, flit I NN ?? Iii IUNI) as slittilti tand l'lyat, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N O'TICE. 1,AT in 1) IT N I, P 11 ST ItE T, FOR SALE, 28th I 4ii i~ttiry-.- Ii iv iiig been Siiold priviatelywllNt)'' TX JAM ES HAM ILTON, Arictioneer. rx11!IM O tN` POU01;ND N OILS onl Thursday last, aboltt fo (tue oelovc iii tie A rgyII Arcade, or immeiiielate litight- ibiiiti'lioot. Wh Ioever' lifts round tile stnle. wviil receive Tlen Shlinitg~s Rewiard, by liandinig theat to Mlr. ...

Foreign Intelligence

... FRANCE. NEW MINISTRY. “The Moniteur of Friday publishes a decree which institutes two new Ministries :— Firstly, a Ministry of State. Secondly, a Ministry of General Police, M. Casabianca is appointed Minister of State. M. Maupas, Mimsier of General Police. M. Abbatucci, Minister of Justice, M. Fialin de Persigny, Minister of the Interior. M. Binault, Minister of Finance. It will thus be seen ...