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Lanarkshire, Scotland


Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... MUSICAL ASSOCIATION. A S several TICKET-lIOLDElIS for the PERFORM1- ANC( I at tho CATHEIDAL, on Thursday, could ript get Admittance, the COMM 'l'TEE beg to inforim such per. sons that they may have their MONEY IIETURNEI), for the OlATSTANDING TICKETS, by applyitig, on or before MONDA Y next, to Johin Lennox, at 39 Stockwill. WANTED. PARTNER, who can anlvauco the snm of £2000, in a A ~ stillory ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IIGII SCHOOL, OF GLASGOW. SECOND QUARTER. rIIIS Institution wcill RE-Ol'EN on MONDAY the 5th 1 instant, ?? m I'UIO;!s itty be ?? lt the various 0] Departments. Prospectuses, giving full particulars relating to (lasses, Hours, and Fees, may be had froia tho Janitlr at the Lodge. 2d January, 1852. HIGH1 SCHOOL OF GLASGOW. 1pHERE are now Five different FRENCII CLASSES in 1 operation at thiq4 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TAVERN TO LET, WITH GOOD WILL OF BUSINESS, AND SALE OF STOCK AND FURNITURE, BY PRIVATE BARGAIN. 10 be LET, aid Disposed of by Private Bargain, a well 1 frequented TAVERN, and S'TOCK in TRADE, with Fittings and Furniture. The Prenmises consist of Two Floors, fronting one of tile principal thoroughlfres of the City, including a commodious Shop. The whole are newly fitted up, and Furnished in a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C(UNTY FItE OFFICE, 50 IREGENT STlZIEliT, AND 2 ROYAL EXCHANGE IlUILDINGS, LONDON. HE IIDREC'I't tS of tih C(OI NIONY F1IIE OFFICE, T btto ?? hi l' I 'olet'V-hoid(eS, that the Clhriutnias Rlettowals ate ?? ill the lands of' the several Agents of thc Conipaty, and that the same should be paid before the 9th of January. The terms if tihe COUiNTI FIRE (tOFtICE are l ighly ?? to the Insrecd. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STOLEN OR STRAYED, On Saturday Morning, frotm Nnrsery Works, Hutelicsontown, A LIGrlIT FAWVN COLOURED MIASTIFF BITCH, 1A answerilng tio tho name of GLANCE. Whoever gives infoiriation, haading to the recovery of the same, swill be halndsonlely rewarlded. If foiund iii the possession of any person 8 days after this date, thley Nw ill be proseclted. 5th January, 1852. NOTICE. 1?OUNI), on the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR SALE, DWELL.',IING, lIO'SES AT MILTON p~liI~ NI) is CAM S I E. 91'ri ?? I'l to Sale, liy Pubtlic 110oup, Within the(, IioeI'Wil at l 1Nild, )Milto, Catopisic, onl Thursday VAXJ f LIIn'1 curenII I t, [it One0 o' thck Afternioon, -iii WXifILE thelc TWO PARiKS of Ci 1100 NI), teiigto ib)ott 'I'ree Acres orthereby, together iih b1 I1:3w~ oil) WIIL L LiNG 110 t: SFS withl smatll GardenisI ca t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S U C C E S S IN LI FE. EJtHE great demand, danling the Hflidays, for this elegant 1 and most aplproplliate (;ift-Boo ran tfe piublishiers short of the gilt copies. 'T'hey bave now much pleasuire inl aninounc- ing a fresh supply reccived this imorning. Tbey also requcst the attention of thleir friends to the following notice 1-out Mle &cottlsh Guardian. This is a vcry able and useful work, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE LIV ERPOOL AND LO N D O N T FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. EESABLISIIED 1836. offices-8 and 10 Water Street, Liverpool; and 20 and 21 Poultry, London. CAPITAL TWO MILLIONS STERLIN.4 E RusEltvuis. I Fus iEs, £268,000. LIABILITIES OF PROP0ilET010t UNULIMraTED TRUnrEFS. Sir Thomas Bernard Birch, Bart., M.P. Adarm Ilodg son, IEsq. Samu ueiel Henry Thompson, Esq. DliRECTORS IN LivlVIooL. C ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lWithillI tIll' Q~lleell5. 11.t ',te here, (in Moi nlay tht lth current, lit 'I ?? A ftr the. E-Ilvct ion the Mumbchrst wil I, as uieual, Dint to' getlier. Wlt,,mA' S'rt*;utx, Esq1., Preosident of the Society, in the AmNitiLwS, Ti WSAlt)', Jimn., Esq., Croupier. iiolu.c olI the lid/c (it F'iie t'doc1k. 'Tii'itts, 1IN. Old. o'dell, to be0 had at thle Bar of tilC 11o)1 itiild it i5 ?? thalt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ShIE'El FARIMS OJN THE M:3ACD)ONALD ESTATES IN SKYE. POS ~,T PON EM EN T O F S ET, Al 11F IIIftli1-QUSTiO ?? INO 0171- ElIiif. I I: ESET off thff-se FA113M 5, as, formnerly Adv-ertloedl, Mas beeni I 'ISTI't I~ N P'DI, ait tif ?? I ?? reques Ii't I Wittdil n Offmters uhf]d offAl, %will coltitime to hef receiivedf to the 2tith iitmioti by MI cools. Brtiwns & P earsmi 128 U eorge~ 'Street, Elinii ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PAIRTICIPATION IN PROFITS, GL O 1E N S U R A NCE, C)CORNHILL ANI) PALL-IMALL, LONDON. IETrABll lsllSHE 1803. Empowecrcd by Special Acts qf Parliaoedat. Ili I C~lt tES. JAM ES W. FI I PSii Ell), EsQ., M.IP., F.R. S., C IIA IInIMX. FOWLEII NEWSA M, I.SQ., I)I I' TY-CiAIiRMIAN. (IEO(t(, CAltit UY :-N, IEst. ?? TIIEASUtEII. ]im-iny ALEXANDER, Es(l. Bu3VD MiiEnt, Esq. - r JOnIN S. ItlienvNimIitt, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MONEY LOST. r IWO £r RO(YAL B AN K NOTES, Nith somie looseC MON E Y inl a brows'i stool tuaedciteodPuse, onl Fli-Idy List , ?? 2 ?? rit., liliettieII Mesisrs Arthilr aild 3111irliead's Shill, Nt,. Ci) Argyll Street. aitd1 lMp. Jlohni 711'(C, x Ititilis Shop, No. liP lithtlianai Street, Whoever has foitmid th IL ottite, tad wtill laets it ait hrt. 711Callttiu's, No. (Ii llnehimiatt Street, as ...