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Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... Eio ?? Our Correspondenti will oblige us greatly by attending to the fol- loewing general instructions : The earlier we can receive theircontrunlicatiinst in the week, the Siore certain theytare of beit~inserted. Theis iatbe case especially with letters upon general subjecte intseded for the columns set apart for 'Free Corr, spoiateince.'~des rdea Reporta of proceedings of 0hairitiBodice, Tdes ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EIGiITEEN GUINEAS PER ANNUM.- 'j Fj y o ln exerience In Talt ion, conducting a respectable School, whes; to increase her number of I$she will be glad to correspond with Parents deeiroua of ieingthir auhtes her te mntlmoral. andr r~isialtilnln aikeenuresuces. ddrssL. B., Post a ?? SHOOL. GEIIE HOSE. KIRKSTALL. iRE M~~bSISS COMP VON have Vacancies for c vJ TEIREE WEEKLY ?? Terms per Quarter. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE ROAD TIi HEALTRi ! YTX O L L O W A^ YY S P I L LS. CURB OF A DISORDERED LIVER AND BAD DIGESTION. Copy of a Letter, fromwir. B. W. Kirnsm, Chemist, 7, Prercot Street, Livvc-ooi, dated 6th dime, 151M. To Professor HOLLOWAY, Sia,-Your Pills and Ointment have stood the highest on our sale list of Proprietary Medicines for some years. A customer, to whom I can refer for any inquiries, desires ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SAltc to Ruction. 32, MPADOW-LANE. LEED3. LA! STOCK-IN.TRADE, WO11K B-ENCHEq. TrOOLS, ROUSE,. 0 BOLD FURNITURE and EFPECTS. is Messrs. HEPPER and BARKER aire Instructed to SELL BY Mr. AUCTION, underA ?? of A.Esignment, on% the premises OfMr Tilessrsl. J. and. J. Wormold. tplumbers and gtszlero, 32, Mea~dow-laud. Leeds, on W~ednesday, next. Mie ?? deai of Janucarye, 1852, C A LL the STOCK-IN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a- o sGIATIS WITH THE DISPATCH OF SUNDAY, JAN. 4Tr. rBPHE SUBSCRIBERS to the WEEKLY J1 DISPATCH will be presented with a highly-finished coloured Chart, ahowing by diagrams and at one view, the number of persons who dily, during a period of five morts, vieited. the Crysttil Palace, the amount of money taken at the doorsandreceived from various sources, and other statistic, ot an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *P s p1LOSOPHI1,AL & LITERARY fj fi Soctry. IMRS. FANNY KEMBLE aseris O tOUR READINGS from BHAIKSPERE, ( Cil!i 9ffjuic.fHall Albion-street, on thefollowisig evenings:- ^edne1day~hnD 2t . %iIDSU.sMER NIGHT'S DREAM. d Jsi. 2S-. }ISOM~IO AiND JULIET. gwdasay, Janl. 2b-.I*CI~NG LEAlt. fd v o opened at seven o'elock, and the Readings G fb o ~eat hail past geven preciaely. fzcm TERMS OF ADMNISSION. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [ADVERTISnsErNTS.] CLOSE OF HOLIDAIS.-Now that' the Keasont of annual ?? fit about to terminate, and the regpective boarding achools reinstated by tile busy throng of youthful aspirants. 3g their Personal comfoit and attractions become naturallY anob- h- j ect or great Folicituda with friends and relatives. Now it is that Rowland's Mlacassar Oil, for accelerating the growth andi for improving ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IrrlUTrAxT' SOCI&L'ST PsUBLICAT1ONS I nOBERT OWEWvS TOURNAr-. THIS JOURNAL (Pnblishbt weebjy, price ONE Pztssr, and in a lY.P st9 Explains the means by hichn o the world. may be. placed within new and very superior circeumtancee, and provided wisth constant beneficial emplosment, and thereby enabled to ehe oy comfort and abundance, and 1great social advasltafi9. a nd the- ,direct means by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... nil Id HERE IS YOUR REMEDY. LI H1OLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. in A MOST MIRACULOUS CURE OF BAD LEGS, AFTER re FORTY-THREE YEARS' SUFFERING. a Evtract of a Letterfrom MAr. W iliaen Oalpin, of 70, St. Mary's i Set-eet, Weymeostk, dated 11dy 15th, 1851. g. To Professor iiosowAY, sIS SJt,-At th age of eighteen my wife (who is now caught it aviolent cold, which settled in her legs, and ever since ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GIUATZB 'WITI THE DISPATCH OF SUNDAY, JAN. 4TH. FVHEg SUJBSt'lC1iBERS to tilhe hWEEKLY IL T IJSPATCIH will be presented wviti ae the numuber Coloured Chart, sh1owiing by diagrams and at one V ie, the the of persOns5 Wltolaily. dur ing a period of five meoot a, visited Crystal Palace, the snoeiit of 'oney takena atthe daon andreceived various 01 ?? iteresting clsa- fioan various source., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... el PA ATIN O CHRCHAND STATE. A PULICMEEINGof te BITIH ATI-STATE . ?? ~~80 E.lie Tsr F. CAR B UT T, ESQ.,J.P., G Will occupy thecar Anld the REV. J. R. CAMPBL ?? The REV. E. MELLORe aia ,aOd JOHN KINGSLEY, RS. .Ao ono, Will attend ats a DWutEin Theo ChsaX wilb akna eenocok ~*The objec.; Ofi Ar.ra-CaustcH AsSoCIATION is we letto ?? hurhnor to effect any altera. L I itea 4oetrines an ?? osip, but ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ele rariont ;arl THlE GROVE BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. perfoni PHILADELPHIA, NEAR SHEFFIELD. ruiessi th 1IjSS DICKINSON begs to informn her friends t e %e th~at her S C 11 0 0 L will re~open (D ?? JanuarN Ana pi n10 Twenty-/lr~st. Besides tlheuesoabranclhes of aliberal eduicationi, ailid at ere FrentO. Music, Drawinlg, die.are taught; and the realabtilities on or the Of the pupils are ...