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Leeds Mercury



Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Leeds Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... [ADV ERTISEMIENT1 age es. JOHN CASSELL'S G>REATEST UNDERTAIUNG.-The Ilius- wS k55 rated Exhibitor and Magazine ofArt, though issued at Twopence tihe d a per Number, is a work of unparalleled beauty, furnishing a of in splendid proof of the high tate of perfection to Which the art 'redo wood engraving is brought. Indeed, the whole work is got up, in a style hitheuto unattempted, and which ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I ADVERTISENNNTS.1 hTHE NEW YEAR.--It is at this happy period of the trear, 'hat ilhe exuberance or thea feelings amid licenes of gaiety osaturitily Iinduces the ?? mitd youthful to shine to auvantago Iunder the gaze of matly fr iends; and hence probably arises the t, ormous demand that Gala ly :ottends RIOWLANID's KALYOOK, MACASSARl 0L. and Lfnosro or Pearl lielitifirice. at this f~ativa ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *alto fv Ructiol, Pesirable Family Mansion wvith Ornamenital and Accommoda- M tion Lands, in Lancester, and important Freehold Estte somprisins upwiards of Three Hundred statute Acres, itn the a Parish of Statb-mLancashire, and asmall portis ezt'ending into Yorkshire. By Mr. JOHN BUJRTON, at the King's Arms Hotel, in Lasoste' ter, on T/sursdai,, thse Twrafr-rnssn1s January nsext, at Three rot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -ay Ulto guttfout n er y DIr.DAD tiOLMES. at the fart, No.S. Comrmehefal. street, Leads on THIS DAY. Saturday, January &ssenuttN at EiX o'clock in the evening, ter 0 FANCY BASKETS aud RETICULES the with a quantity of other Miscellaneous Articles. VO. Canal Wharf, Water-lane, Leeds. *Valuable opportunity to Carriers, MilloWners. Agrlcultuiritt ole and Brewers. ter, Important and extensive sale ...

Advertisements & Notices

... l~u1it Noftice. 11 PATENT FIRE ANNIHILATOR. J-SpRTS AND ~TESTlMONIALS AS TO EFFICIENCY. it1' a' 0,sLagoa Town CouriciL Firts BRIGoADE Commisrsi'a NV TonClerk's Office, Leeds, 3slt October. iU51. St t udersignled. being the citairman of the Repairs and !ft 1,r BriaeO Committee of the borough of Leeds, having been ID pir , he 30th da; of September last, at the experiment pre~li~tI the patent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .rj'O MILLINERS, &c.-TO B DISPOSE it OF, a MILLINERY AND STRAW BONNET NESS. In one of the best situations in Leed i a or without stocil, to be taken at a ?? a street, Leeds. EER-HIOUSE .-TO LET, THEIEl na B T AI~R N, inLt~ n -street, nearly °PPotbit t EL Grea NirhRnIailway Station. For Particularsa eI the :, the p remise,. PP O t A/irul ALLERTON.-TO LET, a MAI, LMJ KILN, late in the occupation ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7.n~'sCHURCRQUARRY HILL, LEEDS. 4 S * ~,~ap next. JnayEleventh, TWO SERMONS will be th iin Cuairch; in the Morning. At ?? rellbedi til F.bOOLe Y II.C.L.. Incumbent, of St. iii~ b ?? Evening, at b'lf past six. by the R1ev. H. Pett,l~g B- icumobent of St. Luke's. After Which collec- Ltswil be, MRe iniaid ofthe fundtsfor warming thloChurch. 10 &s ice es 11tb January. 1852. LvT GEORGEi'S DISTI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE PATENT FIRE ANNIHILATOR. i S N ESiOIALS AS TO EFFICIENCY. teirreae ?? LzacDs Toi N COUNCIL FusE BRIGADEH CommirriTIl?. Towis Clerk's Oftice, Leeds. 31st October, 1131. 1. t12e undersigned, being the chairman of the Repairs and .71re Brigade Committee of the borough of Leeds, haying been = ?? day of September last, at te epertmniltt wisa int the PttFie Annihilator. il etruhit 'ig flames * ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Vubtibc Woti Co. fl ONTEFRACT BOI-tOUGH SESSIONS.- L NOTICEIs hereby given. tlat theoGENEIIA LQUARiTER 5FSSloNqs of the Pence for the borough of Ponateiraot. in the 0: West ilidifle of the county of York, will be held on Friday, thie PI jiath dala of January, one thousand eight hundred and ftirty- it two, ef~r ~e~ose tooisnylisqirethe recorder of tile DR addborugh IL th Mot hllin onefract, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'or IV or LADVEIITISVIENTS. lii ?? THRnEE PLAIN PaROOSITIONS.-First,-That no article lie of domestic consumption has entered so largely into use ats S ?? CASoSHTo'S COFFEE. Secondly,-Thsat no article can,5e- E curs a permanent popularity unless it be really good; erqo, for ?? Cassell's Coffee has this chiaracterer, or it could not have de maintained its p~opularity, and withstood everyoeffoit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WRY ANNUAL STEEPLE le CU~iSES, to be run for on Fi fday, March Sitneteenih, a 1B57. STIEAWRDS. I ij It . LANE FOX, ESQ. C CAPTAIN R1EYNARD, SIR C. SLINOSBY, Bart. I JAS. W*IITAKER, Esq. tai It The HANIJACAP STEE'PLE CilASi, AI 3 Of 10 sovereigns each. with £5!1 added, Ih. f and only £3 ?? -- e. ?? ol or before the Third of .iorcli, over not more tinll h fbtr miles of ?? country, within two ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ONFERENCE ON VOLUNT'ARY, RELI- C ctl3US, AND UNSUCUVDAPAN EDJUCATION, un rel A CQNFEt4ENCE of the F~riontts crt Voluntary. lleliir`l% A, and Unsectariati EducatIon., tlkauidel. 1:oy (iav,rninetit G~runts or Local 'taxation , will be -held ins tho BAPcTIST CIFrIATKi, oil Ge0SeV~race Sr5551T. V5itTi IPN IO Nii, ANCH eTKK, yei (kindly tent for titO occasion), on Xonday~ Eveaioo, Fbrtiartvl of ...