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Lothian, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... R OYAL CALEDONIAN HUNSTT. Te kMEMBERS are requested to Meet at DorUGLAsS fl ua upon TuIESDA, the :5th January. Dinner a. Half- past Six. -Visc isCount MmVvnsVL, Preses. WM. SHAXPE, Secy. NtEW CLUB. AN-NrAL GENERAL MEETING of the NEW 1ChLB wi3l be held on THURSIDAY, the 15th day of January 1852, at Three o'ClOck, .zt. JOHN ROBERTSON, Acting Secretary. ASSEMBLY ROO'MS, GEORGE STREET. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N AT IONAI, SECr(RITY SA.VINGS B ANK1 N OF EDINBURGH. The ANNEUAM., GENERAL 7MEETING of the TRIJS TEES and MANAGERS w-il be held in theBANK OFFICE ofl TamAy, the SthiJanuary curren!, at Three o'Clock After- ncon. By order of the Managers. THIOMIAS GRANT, Actuary. Edinburgh, January 5. 1852. PUBLIC MtEETING. Of-RIGINAL RAGGED SCHOOLS. The A`NNUAL PUB3LIC MEETING will be held in the Musi' HnzE , ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDINBURG C AITENESS ASSOCIATION. The ANNTAT4 GEKNEPRAL MEETING of this ASSO- CIATION will be held in the CAn4' ROYAL, West Register Street, on F-D.AY (TO-MORROW), at Three o'Ciock After- moon. PresTident The Right aEon. the EEArL or CArrumss. Aw. SNODY, Secretary. 26 Gayfield Square, Edinburggh,Jan. 2, 1852. 3lIGHELAND AND AGRICULTIURAL SOCIETY. Tnrr ANNUAL MEETING of the SOCIETY for the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NVEW CLUB. T lIE ANNUAL GENERAL IEIETIEG of the NEW ! T CLUB will be held on THaURSDAY, the 15th day of January 1852, at Three o'Clock. P.1f. JOHN ROBERTSON, Acting Secretary. C lL' N T Y O F E D I N B U R G H. A STATED GENERAL 2MEETING of ROAD TMUS- TEES. COMMISSIONERS OF SUPPLY. and JUSTICES OF PEACE for this County, will be held -within the Cosn Y Rooxs here, upon TUzESDAsY, the 20th day of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P O Y AL L I N ' F I R MN A R Y. An ADJOURNED) GENERAL MEETING of the C O N T R I B U T OR S to the ROYAL INFIRMARY of EDINBURGH is to be held in the CouNcn. CHAImEERs, on : MONDAY, the 19th day of Jann.ry current, at One o'Clock. PETER BELL, 1 Clerk to the Incorporation. I NEW CLUB. THE ANNIVERSARY MEETING4- of the NEW CLUB w will be held On MONDAY, the 2d February 1852, at Three o'Clock P.1% ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ASSEMBLY ROOMS, GEORGE STREET. Ladly GIBsoN-Csato Of RieCarton. Lady RUSSELL of Ashiesteel. Mfrs EnscrTr INoLIS of Cramaond. Director. Captain SINCLAIR, IRK SFThe DIREcTORS beg to announce that the FiRST AS- SEMBL for he Sason will tak~e place, on THURSDAY the 22d cart. To commence at Hlallf-past Nine o'Clock-. The Subsc-ription-Boolk will be found at the Rooms. Sub~scription-L.1, Is. for Six ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C E L T I C S S C I E T Y. The ANNUAL GENERAL IMEETING of the SOCIETY will be held in Gras's ROYAL EHon., Princes Street, on FRmDA', the 30th January, at Three o'Clock P.r. A. S., Secy. P A R I S OF D D UDDI N G S T O N. NOTI3CE IS BERaDY GrnsE, That the HALF-YEARLY STATUTORY MEETING of the PAROCHIAL BOARD sof the PARISH of DUDDLNGSTON will he held in the PARISH CwUCRCa, on TUESDAY, the 3d day ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pn AR LIZALENTABY REPOI 0R M- A PUBLIC MEETING of the INHABITANTS will be held in the MUSIC HALL, GoRecE STPEET, TO-MORROW EVENING, the 27th current, at Seven o'Clock, for the purpose of taking into consideration t'he Subject of Parliamentary Reform. The Right Hon. the LORD PROVOST in the Chair. The Meeting will be addressed by CuAS. COWAN, Esq., ME.. J. F. M1ACFARLAN, Esq. BAILI, PIFE. J. H. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL BANK OF SCOTFLAD,4 EDrnnBnox, 29th January 1852. EE COUIRT OF DIRECTORS of the ROYAL BANK T O MSCOTLAND geive Notice, that a GENERAL COURT of P1ROPRIETORS will be held attheir OFFxcE here, on TLTESDAY the Second day of March next, at Two o'Clock Afternoon, for the election of GOVERNOR., DE- PUTY-GOVERNOR, and DIRECTORS, for the year ensu- ing, pursuant to the Charter ; and Lists of ...