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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser



Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser

Advertisements & Notices

... No more Pills nor any other Daugs. 10,000 CURILS BY DU BARRY'&S 1 EVALENTA ARABICA FOOD, it a pleasant and effectual remedy (without viedicine, incon. venience, or expense, as it saves fifty times its costin other means of curel. Testimonials from parties of unquestionable reapeatability have attested that it supersedes medicine of every description in the effectual and permanent removal of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IrrlUTrAxT' SOCI&L'ST PsUBLICAT1ONS I nOBERT OWEWvS TOURNAr-. THIS JOURNAL (Pnblishbt weebjy, price ONE Pztssr, and in a lY.P st9 Explains the means by hichn o the world. may be. placed within new and very superior circeumtancee, and provided wisth constant beneficial emplosment, and thereby enabled to ehe oy comfort and abundance, and 1great social advasltafi9. a nd the- ,direct means by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IWiiOR-TANT ?? O0ALISf U C TI l ROI13E4T.OW'EN'S jOURNAI fo TIltS JOURNAL hi *uablishcd weekly, price ONP REeNNY, and in moilbly Paits h price F00U0PENCE), *h Explains the means by uhich the populatioa ol the world may be N placed within new and vary superior cireumstanes, and provided with constant beneficial employment, Rnd t o eno XE comfort and abundance, antl great sa a daithabe; efid tho ...

Advertisements & Notices

... per No mare rills nor any other Drtlgs, hot 50,000 CURES BY DU BARRY'S a , r EVALENTA ARABICA FOOD, yov Rt a pleasant and effectual remedy (without medicine, incon- venience, or expente, as it saves fifty times its cost in other means of cure).o . Testimonials from parties of unoueetionable respectability have ads attested that it supersedes medicine of every ?? in the ph3 l effectual and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE ROAD TO REAL6TR I rxOL L ow A Y ~8 PItLL. CURE OF A. DISORDERED UVER, AND BAD DIGESTION. Copy of a Leitur from Me-. R. W. MAWku, Cheinist, ?? Pui2Col Stresl, ivoerpol, clatedi 6th Jsete, 1851. To Professor HOLLOWAY, Ssm,-'Your Pills and Ointmnent have stood the highest on our sale list of Proprietary Medicines for somneyears. A customer, to whom Ican refer for any inquiries, desires me to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GIUATZB 'WITI THE DISPATCH OF SUNDAY, JAN. 4TH. FVHEg SUJBSt'lC1iBERS to tilhe hWEEKLY IL T IJSPATCIH will be presented wviti ae the numuber Coloured Chart, sh1owiing by diagrams and at one V ie, the the of persOns5 Wltolaily. dur ing a period of five meoot a, visited Crystal Palace, the snoeiit of 'oney takena atthe daon andreceived various 01 ?? iteresting clsa- fioan various source., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a- o sGIATIS WITH THE DISPATCH OF SUNDAY, JAN. 4Tr. rBPHE SUBSCRIBERS to the WEEKLY J1 DISPATCH will be presented with a highly-finished coloured Chart, ahowing by diagrams and at one view, the number of persons who dily, during a period of five morts, vieited. the Crysttil Palace, the amount of money taken at the doorsandreceived from various sources, and other statistic, ot an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE ROAD TIi HEALTRi ! YTX O L L O W A^ YY S P I L LS. CURB OF A DISORDERED LIVER AND BAD DIGESTION. Copy of a Letter, fromwir. B. W. Kirnsm, Chemist, 7, Prercot Street, Livvc-ooi, dated 6th dime, 151M. To Professor HOLLOWAY, Sia,-Your Pills and Ointment have stood the highest on our sale list of Proprietary Medicines for some years. A customer, to whom I can refer for any inquiries, desires ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To give ?? of lImoud0 T. H E HPb~l 11E JOURNEYMEN HATTERS OF ?? t ooncrture of s Mtrpols eeig heimportanc e o f th e predsett op~rt f caffah~irs, earnestly solicits the C ueel an d eliberate avoi al all the other Trades, in order to give an l exp rei quisite for their of their sentimen ts, and resolves on the reueefr welfare. Wednesday eveninlg at half- The Commaittee of Hatters meet every r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To thse TrTdeT of J.onleRF. ri HE JOURNEYMEN HAtTerEsent rncturo of ML Netropolis seeing the importance of t ERn Cooperation of political affairs, earnestly solicits the Counielcit deliberate o VOWal all the other Trades, in order to give ate exfli requisite for their of *heir sentiments, and resolves on the Rene o welfare. eeiga af The Committee of Hatters meet every WedunesdY e -ening ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EZEGANT TOILETTE REQUISITES. UNDER ROYALi PATRONAGE. NIO101 5WANT LUXEURIOUS anld BEAU. DOT TIF' louAl,, W\'IIISIERS, MOUSTACITIiOS, EYEBROWS, . t e pleparations that ?? been introduced for repro- ducvii., n rishing, beautifying, nnd preserviag the Human Blair, none have gained such a world-wide Celebrity and immense sale as IMiss ?? CItINILENE. It isgusranteed to produce Whiskers, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ELEGANT TOlLETTE REQUISITES. UNDENR EOYAL PATRONAGE. TO l'OUW1VANT LUXURIOUS and BEAU- DOT YlF~, IlAllt, WVISEItLS,. MOUSTACIIIOS, EYEBROWS, &r.-s-f all the preparations that have been introduced for repro. dlucin. noiurishting, beautifying, and preser-ing the Human Hair, none have gained such a world-wide celebrity and immense sale as Miss IEAN's CUIINILBNE. Itisguaranteed to produce Whiskers ...