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Advertisements & Notices

... A HAPPY YN E W YEl;AR ! T AsthiS is the season of pleansure and YAy, We could not much better a moment employ, thain follow the accents of kindness sincere, And pledge to the public-a happy new year! Oh I happy, thrice happy, and ?? may it be, May trade still extend, and our cmmenerce be free; May the sunshine of Peice is its Igory appear, T And crown the ?? hopes of a appy new year I May the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... per No mare rills nor any other Drtlgs, hot 50,000 CURES BY DU BARRY'S a , r EVALENTA ARABICA FOOD, yov Rt a pleasant and effectual remedy (without medicine, incon- venience, or expente, as it saves fifty times its cost in other means of cure).o . Testimonials from parties of unoueetionable respectability have ads attested that it supersedes medicine of every ?? in the ph3 l effectual and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -st QUIPEN- STREET CHAPEL JUVE3NILE M ISSIONARY 8flCIBTY.-sk SAIE of nsefill and orna- mental work will take place in csnnexioi5 wi'h this soieY on) W'cdflEd~i/ and T/ser~edey. the Scvastb and Eighth e! 'one e r>.fiS.S the larrge Vety ue-tetChaPel. PENING OeF A GRAND ORGAN IN THE IJ WI8SLEYAN CHAPELr, Bs~aaLev. . e ThurIcdal/ Ja~iuiary/ Eighth, 1>2, th~e fne instrument builtby ti Mesrs.1111 nd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G O L D! G O L Di! G O L Di!! THE great object in life appears to be the acquisition and retention of property ! Hence T the great joy manifested at the discovery of Gold Fields in Australia, Our object in addressing you, is to inform you that by the exercise of prudence and caution in the spending of your money, you can obtain all the benefits of a Gold Mine much nearer home. IT IS S'ITUATED ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11LR E D G GE'S HEA L- A L L, I lo or celebrated Embrocation, has long been known throughout the West of England as the most efficacious Remedy for Rheumatism Fresh Wounds or Cuts Rheumatic Gout Burns and Scalds Lumbago Spasms and Cramp 0 Pains in the Limbs and Stiffness of the Joints or v Numbness N eck a Sciatica and Paralytic Frozen Limbs i Affections Chilblains before they are c Tooth-ache ...

Advertisements & Notices

... aijipptnt,. iE QROM HULL FOR QUEBFC, F r with Goods and Passengers, to Sail April 3rd, 1852, a Iegular Trader, the Fine BritisS-built ship PRINCE REGENT, * IE I Red, 700 ToTs burtben, JOHN WHARTON, COmn- mander. Has good accommodation for Cabin Pas- sengers. For Freight or Passage apply to the Master on Board to Mr. WILLIAM SloAsr, Nile-Street; or to G. H. HILL, Parliament-Street, Hull. WI& ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7.n~'sCHURCRQUARRY HILL, LEEDS. 4 S * ~,~ap next. JnayEleventh, TWO SERMONS will be th iin Cuairch; in the Morning. At ?? rellbedi til F.bOOLe Y II.C.L.. Incumbent, of St. iii~ b ?? Evening, at b'lf past six. by the R1ev. H. Pett,l~g B- icumobent of St. Luke's. After Which collec- Ltswil be, MRe iniaid ofthe fundtsfor warming thloChurch. 10 &s ice es 11tb January. 1852. LvT GEORGEi'S DISTI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *alto fv Ructiol, Pesirable Family Mansion wvith Ornamenital and Accommoda- M tion Lands, in Lancester, and important Freehold Estte somprisins upwiards of Three Hundred statute Acres, itn the a Parish of Statb-mLancashire, and asmall portis ezt'ending into Yorkshire. By Mr. JOHN BUJRTON, at the King's Arms Hotel, in Lasoste' ter, on T/sursdai,, thse Twrafr-rnssn1s January nsext, at Three rot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE ROAD TO REAL6TR I rxOL L ow A Y ~8 PItLL. CURE OF A. DISORDERED UVER, AND BAD DIGESTION. Copy of a Leitur from Me-. R. W. MAWku, Cheinist, ?? Pui2Col Stresl, ivoerpol, clatedi 6th Jsete, 1851. To Professor HOLLOWAY, Ssm,-'Your Pills and Ointmnent have stood the highest on our sale list of Proprietary Medicines for somneyears. A customer, to whom Ican refer for any inquiries, desires me to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .rj'O MILLINERS, &c.-TO B DISPOSE it OF, a MILLINERY AND STRAW BONNET NESS. In one of the best situations in Leed i a or without stocil, to be taken at a ?? a street, Leeds. EER-HIOUSE .-TO LET, THEIEl na B T AI~R N, inLt~ n -street, nearly °PPotbit t EL Grea NirhRnIailway Station. For Particularsa eI the :, the p remise,. PP O t A/irul ALLERTON.-TO LET, a MAI, LMJ KILN, late in the occupation ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WRY ANNUAL STEEPLE le CU~iSES, to be run for on Fi fday, March Sitneteenih, a 1B57. STIEAWRDS. I ij It . LANE FOX, ESQ. C CAPTAIN R1EYNARD, SIR C. SLINOSBY, Bart. I JAS. W*IITAKER, Esq. tai It The HANIJACAP STEE'PLE CilASi, AI 3 Of 10 sovereigns each. with £5!1 added, Ih. f and only £3 ?? -- e. ?? ol or before the Third of .iorcli, over not more tinll h fbtr miles of ?? country, within two ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11E PATENT FIRE ANNIHILATOR. IEFIORTS AND TESTIMONIALS AS TO EFFICIENCY. 11II FTH5 LeonIe TOWl; COUNCIL FIsE BhRIGADE CONIMITTER. W 11,JTF Town Clerk's Office, Leeds, 31s1 October, 1851. St I tle ndesigedbeing the chaitr-sass of the Rtepairs and usi I 13riade Cmmitt epolte borou lasf Leeds, having been i Anhatrinextinguishing flames l I~i~dd5~ed b the burningof a mass ofshavings andlight tim- ...