Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN.I _ I MR. HARRIS has the hdnor to announce that he has become Lessee of this Establishment, 4id that it has opened with a numerous and efficient Compay. TEHS EVENING (Tuesday), January 6tb, will be performed the New Comedy of A- LOVE I1 A AZE. Lord Minever, Mir. . Webs; Tony Nettlethorpe, Mr. Robson; Mrs. Bucklethorne, My. H. Kirby. To conclude with a Grand C ristmas ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [Advertisement.! THE AUTHORITY FOR THE NON-OBSERVANCE OF TIO SzEvzNT DAY. It is universally edmitted, that at the creation of the world, Almighty God blessed and sanctified the seventh day ; this He did, without exemption of any nation, or limitation to any time; the Pommand, therefore, is univereal and imperative. It is asserted, that though our Blessed Lord or His Apostles are not ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Published, Third Edition, Illustrated with Coloured Enaravings, on Nervous Debility and Generative Diseasesa Price Is., or in a sealed Envelope, free by Post, for 18 Postage Stamps. VtJEALTH AND HAPPMESS, THE MEANs BY 1 WHICH TENl SlAT Hr OBTAUD, a Medical Workon the Infirmities of Youth, and Maturity, and Diseases of the Generative System, with observations on the treatment of Nervous ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? s ?? ta Convaneadoth ?? lolie~i stei ~vigatiOllConRIPIY With the East, &'c. bokil~ astenge1rs and receaso goods and parcels ats 1Cool' 1ON, MADRAS, OALCUTTA, P'ENANG, aqoefor jiHONG KCONG, by their steamers, starting GAp0oREo an thle -2th of every month, and from Suez thll t 10 f the mionth. Southampton rablat I c ?? be despatchetl from ri~tea str, rilnxt il combijation with an extra ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Olt CAiLCUTTA Direct (under engagement to the lont rade ast India Com1pany, to rail punctually oil tbe^5t o J l~xar), hefine fast-sailing ;rigate-built ship TAY- IIO.TIt CAST~Lt, A l, for 13 years, R. NICOL, commander, 682 toen reeir oi isa sag ino the London Docks. Has most saperior ae- com~nodatiaoy Jrr- t)Esengero, hasing a full ?? freight and puesoge apluly to 2. 1. CAM5iAlELL snd Co., 16, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO the AFFLICTED.-A certain and speedy T cure for all persons afflicted with rheumatism, pains in the chest or llimbs, stiff joints, or any diseases arising from colds, by the use of MEASAM'S MEDICATED CREAM SOAP, the proper- ties of which are so astonishing in diseases such as orysipelas, ring. worm, scrofula, and other cutaneous eruptions, as it produces a regular action of the pores, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ) - r It, at the rlese of the year, C ?? did not It sfandioln the acnwledgment of past ffivouss, l gratitude wo ukd mahe it imperative on u.s to V disregqrd the want of precedetint, ad to thank t) the nulderols t~imnds and supportets of the c Liverpool Awercurny for the increasing pa- g tronagoe with which it has been honoured. r, In September last there unexpectedly ap- e peared an ofleial, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HrElATRE1 ROYALj, DEURwY-LwANE.-I Tii Iondcueqtuence 'of the extraordinary success of the BAE MAN CHILDREN, they will appear THIS EVENING, together With. Miss FITZPATRICK iand the new erand PANTOMIME, which has been the most attractive of any for years past. JOHN BENTON, Box Book-keeper. THEATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE.-- THIS EVENING will be presented the comedy of THE BELLE'S STRATAGEM. Doricourt, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TThEATREE ROYAL. DRURY-LANE. IT a c'ntequlerce of the extroarclinarv success of the 1ATEMi AN| CHILDllEN, theoy will appear TIllS EVENING, together with MiHS Fitzpa:rick, anld the new grand Pon:toniime, which has been the most succe.hul of any tar sears past.-JOHN LENTON, Box Boi-c.keeper. Zbe a33ti pelvo Tins EvENING, 'IIIE BRLLF.' S1'lA^T.AGEM. Messrs. Atderson, tCoo~per, 'Tilbu-y, and F. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1it 1 T&I Rate WV Ct ?? sf ?? Paqt7e by tlel*: Sfl 1O'& 1? 2VdrftV 1n'21ris. XOTIOr TO S||PPlihtS.-Fl ,. .t Froo A ei t !i tl:ca 'This . vecle,*I will not o oxeoti 1 or 10,1 dtrlitg th%) 'tintor PARCIEL for dliffrcnm 0011diglCV, colloote- And wado upII inp oiagia Patamgts, ',ddrco'tl3 (tIone ptirty for deliver In Antre Api rlea, for the purj'o'e oecvading the , minlont of Irilight, will, -- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 00-,(-NT.HV,,LORU) NN'S!ON-STREBJT. WITH nINRARY il A'IM) SChciWMCRR~ATONq~ ~o ~tjc~h anI flhIOAY ?? latI anse if0 ?? - I ITl 'P NtJCA N .'ciAC IdI L b ? Vill give hi.'c ('chtcr.'tnd LENIDto DBAL IN SRIl INS; 011, THE WON-DEOIUi WAITEIF. A5N~~dY ?? (lferc.,G. ; Ammyd 8emts, I sfiev~ed StaAd. 0L MTedal a6 ?? with a Lady, AdZ tc2 be ha4d from thce Sorretery. Thco PUBILIC Nr.WSROOM1 t OPEN DMILY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOUR-GUINEA FRENCH CLOCKS, warranted. FRENCH CLOCKS, with stand and shede complete, in or. moulu, bronze, and marble, £4 4s. each; chaina cloalis, smualler size, £2 2s.; solid gold guard chains, weighing one sov., £1 Is.; *l soV., £1 lOs.; 2 sov., £2; 3 suv., £3; 4 sov., £4; warranted gold watches, horozontal escapements, four holes jewelled, £;4 s.; ditto in silver cases, £2 l0s.; solid gold ...