Advertisements & Notices

... Will shortly be publisbed, by the sassetionof the proprietor, ILR.H Princ Albert, . TICKINSON'S COMPREHENS9VE PlO- tJTURES of the GUEAT EX11}8ITION, by Joseph Nash, Louib Haghe, and David Roborts. EAJ. Consisting of Fifty Richly Coloured P^lates. ThS superb sorteB will be found to comlprise all tile chief compartments and loading objects or the past grand and magniflcnt senctatlO, formingi a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOW OPEN, THOSE EXTENSIVE PREMISES IN THE MARKET PLACE, DERBY, For many years occupied by MESSRS. WRIGHT and CO., CHEESE FACTORS. I I-K ;l;tJALLi and COIPANY beg to apprise the Public of Derby and tile Vicinity, that they bave rf ,1 El) the above LARGE ESTABI.ISHMIENT with an INMMENSE STOCK of PR VISIONS, which c a s that will commiand a great share of Public patronage. The number of years the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY MESSRS. MOODY AND NEWBOLD. VALUABLE FREEHOLD AND COPYHOLD ESTATES AT MATLOCK BATH. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Messrs. MOODY and NEWBOLD, On the Premises at Matlock Bath, in the County of I Derby (unless previously disposed of by Private Con- i tract, of which due notice will be given), on TUES- DAY, the l3th of January, 1852, at Four o'clock in the Afternoon, in the following or such other ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES, .DADED ON CORRECT }IATEEMATICAL PRINCIPLES, TO ALL SICHTS AND ACES, BY / MACARTN EY, / WATCUMA1EEn, JMWZLLER, & MTZIANI 6, DONEGALL PLA cE, AT UNUSUALLY MODERATE PRICES. CONVEX. s.. CONCAVE. s.d. Single-jointed Steel, 2 0 Single Jointed, 3 0 Double Joints 3 0 Double Joints, 3 6 Invisible Steel Frame, 5 6 Invisible straw colour l Real Brazilian Pebbles, 8 61 Steel ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. FIRST GRAND JUVENILE NIGHT. TEIS EVENING (Wednesday), January 7th, will be performed the Burletta of THE CHRISTEI'NG. bir. Hopkins Twiddye, Mr. A. Robson; Grum, Mr. Granby; Mrs. Dolby Lovechi~ldJ ra. Parker. To be followed by a Grand Cistnas Pintoimne, called BLUFF KING HAL; OR, fARLE4 NZAND THE CHARMEDfARRD - Harlequin, Mr. Deulin; Clown, Mr. Seymtr; Pantaloon, ir. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PARENT BOARD OF IRISH MANAFAC- P TUBE AND INDUSTRY, 2, Essex-bridge, 5th January, 1852. Mr. B. O'CONNOR in the Chair. Mr. THOMAS MOONEY, Secretary. Sums received by the Council since last report:- Per Mr. Mooney-Dr Hayden's weekly subscription, 21; a Friend, 10s; the Earl of Charleville, il; Mr M'Derrnott, druggist, Airan quay, i1; Mr Hughes, Bridge street, 10s; Mr Burns, carrier, Galway, 5s. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VAl' EJER GAVAZZI N MANCHESTER.- r THEE OATIOS wil ~edeliered at the Free-trade Hall, hr thel Rev. Father GAVA' Z1, on the evenings of the 20thl, Si 0l-t, n 13d Jsn)oertry-Further particulars will be shortly ao CHNC'INSTLT'UTION.-On Mo nday,1 i0had lathl, 'TWO LECTURES, by thle Rev. . S~o]~fL, tt heI. 'ovemeOnt of the Moral and ccsito ,o h Pon e of the Community.,' pa cotto tt~ ateigt oclock ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IEATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE. The gretest hi Tin EVhiNG andttr fo ?? uLYN as LADIIY MACETHTHI EVNINC,- ar(]TO-MORROW, in conicqueneo of thei' Unparalleiced uttractien, the colebratezI BATEMAN lL DREN will appear in the Entertainment of THE YOUNG COUPLE. Apuly fortieit, ooing to the g eat demand, for private boxes, stal, and tikebt#, to JOHN BENTON, Box Bosk-kee'per. Tbe 'Bath) pauz DRURY-LANE. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO, CORRESPONDENTS. E All Communications, and articles of Intelligence, intended for t publication, require to be authenticated by the name and X address of the writer, Unless this is attended to, Corres- 8 pondents may rest assured that no attention will be paid t to their communications. p S ~~~.1=-- - ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I, t ~SALES BY AUJCTION. 3Ludgate-hill.-The COStlY Steock of. Ornausental and Table GIZss9 well known. flrm of 3Memra Jones and S~ons (late Blades), Olaae- 3 T)ULLEN aud SON respectfully aunnuuce that e SELL by AUCTION, on the Premises, 5t, Luidgate-hDIl, on 'i'esday, t offor the SD0revousl madeuby spraer crytralctadeic, th very eesinE fo theics Shahamos agnesadoificuen 6lightca ndelo~oier ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE NEW FISH CARVING-KNIVES and T FOPIS -T. COX SAVORY and Co. respectfully inform their customcr, thattheir STOCK of these useful articles is ready for relce- tion. In silver plated the prices are from 24s. the pair; in silver, from - 4s. the pair.-47, Cormhilil, London, seven doors from Grace- church-street. TO PERSONS ABOUT TO MARRY.-Those i ab-ut to n crry should obtain my GUIDE, with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AIJSTR A:L1AN LInE OF PACKET SHIPS, 1-1ibtY~h,' irct an RguarTraders frVAN DIEMEN's did's ac alth e frtclavs, hase most elegant aceomm'odations fat ~a~eo v.andeoeagmctswilt h~given for their days of sailing Comannas 1TFots or al Shp~. I ItU*OO~ Cnmasanlee,. estination. To sel FT 3 I I ?? E S iO ..I~lunro. Sdey Tan. it) pIANA 700 ?? Luk~ ~ ?? Pr thurhlip. Ian. 15 A .~ . lt. - Adelaide ?? 24 ...