Advertisements & Notices

... Sir Zames :Emerson Tennent. This clay is published, price 2s. Me; or by post, 3s., fIIHII DUBLIN TJNIVERISIITY MAGAZINE for January, 3L ooutaining:-Nows-Yoar's Eve.-Scripture Scenes: Crol 0 Gi1fillau.-The Saint of the Long Robe; being No. X. ofyandis IzogePapers.-Popular Pbysics.-'The Scarf and the Flower, Agensc frossathe Spanish of Calderon. By Denis F. M'Carthy.-Me- In I issoirs of Royal ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pe rate or Chief Cabin Passage by these Steamers is Ā£30. NOWE II AMERICAN ROYAL lUITI M.SUiPS, appointed by the Admiralty to P ? i?ERpOOL and NI1?V VOSK direct, and between ?it?c??anei Boston ships only), calling at and her Majesty's mails. LALll?AX tie other vessels are appointed to sail from Lhrer. follO?i1? UltDAY se under:- ?? SATr BOSTON, Saturday, January 10. f?AllS?%j?: ?r NEW YOltK ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IA. MECANTILEPAER.PE I -11REPARATIONS ARE IN PROGRESS FOR. JL. the publication, in Belfast, under the title of The Belfast Commercial J al and Statistical Recor e. Of a Paper devoted to infor aton connected with Commerce, Manufactures, a hiis in- tended to be worthy of th st of an intelligent community, as a record eporess of Trad'e in general, and of that of this part of the country in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4pplleations by letter respecting advertisementi must be post-paid f or they set not be received. Aipplications directed to be -made at the printers' ?? be prcsonal in such Cases, no written cam- naa-nications eati beletkded to; ?? ingtrses citnot be V answered when the address is to be by letter. s WANTED, a SALESM ,A3!( for a Cotton Spinning and Mann- ''factring firm.-A spf'hy letter, with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I PORTANT NOTICE. ANNUAL CLEARING SALE OF, SILEK MElOE:Ry AND GEN1RAL DRAPERY STOCK, On and after Thursday, 8th January, AT 121, UNION STREET. WI;5ALTER GRAY respcctfudly announces that his Annual 1 T CLEARING SALE will, this year, commence on Thurs- day the 8th, and will bo continued during this month. He has / resolved to offer the whole of his varied and select STOCK 0 SILK MERCERY and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Aberdeen Assemblies. rg seconad ASSEMBLY for thle Season vill ho held in the L ir'l lLICe IlosOi, 01oil'lTffTDAY tIe 15tll Jinalrtiy. ballcilig to commuienco at Ninei o'clock. Tan liaefreshilneatiits lastedua in thle Card Room. The Sub- Sc'ribh ,,rc requeste(l to ilient il tile Rooms on the 15th, at Three O'lock, to miude the ileceoss'y aurangeinents for the Eve;lign. Tie Slis iltidil hooks ...

Advertisements & Notices

... log ORD'S PECTORAL BALSAM~ o0~j de, A, HOUND, prepared by Mr. Ford, the patentee 'Ti Iesa brated medicine still maintains I to high oito i ?? tiemation. Focrthe nre ofcoutghs, ?? Mil 0- )rcomplaints, it remains without a competitor. , nics byproperties of the herb, with the elegance and. exraritrh~ r:samic qualities of this preparation of it, Iac securaodc x Pectoral Balsam of Horehound the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Antagnoisbtic to Sophfistry, Prejudice, and Empiricism, 14i Wood- cuts, 41 cases. 2 vols., is. each;* by post, is. 0di. 0N SINGLE AND MARRIED LIFE. J o be or not to bc, that i~s the question.n By R. J. C ULVE RWELL, M. D. (1841), M.R. C.S. (192t), L.A.C. (1224), 25 years Mfedical anzd Forensio Refcree in these matters. Brogramnie:-Advent of Puberty and corresponding Associa- ?? an'4 Casunlties ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NTEAM to INDIA, CHINA, &o.-Partioulars ? tue re?ttlsr Motitlily Mail Steam Conveyance sod of the 1* e?ot voenounicatien, now established by the Penin. 5JJitiCOSl 'ental Sleun Navigation Company with the East, &c. selar red Of? hook 1o??engers and receive goods aid parcels sa rs? COPter CEYLON, MADRAS, CALCUTTA, l'ENANG, herclofertg 5nd HONG KONG, by their steamers, starting on the 20th of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lIOLX\lLEL SAVINGS BANX. TI ,lki Tre tees anld of this Institlittionl irc n~ay iieirad that the A NN UAL GEN I. BAL Ti F L IN:.1 i ;1 ?? hlolden Ii e 011 Thursdax'y, (this dally,) t-,e i,, ; lxa!-, t: hoale :- eiĀ°cs+. j Ln ety r 1r1l.`1, astt 12 Oclock. til ti JaIII iAIES, WILLIAMSN1, Actuary7. r : rc bi laiic8t,15?2. WA NTE D, 1 tKI t Ti'ATI t EY and SILK MERCIt'1 Bi' Dti'i ess, Ts ...

Advertisements & Notices

... f LATEST ADVERTISEMENT8i. t DAWLISH GAS AND COKE 'COMPANY. r BSQ~~~REISTERED. tHE EALF-YEARLY GENERAL MEETING of the above Company will be held at tbe Committee Room, on MOVDAY, the 2th ofJanuary, ihstaut, at Eleven ?? in the Forenoon. By order of the Board, ])awlish, January 1st, 18.52.' 3. R. BOND, Secretary. f W HEREAS on the Otbj day of JANUARY, V 182, a Petition for Adjudication of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rr E~lATRE ROYAL, DRUR xY-LANEi.- BATEMArN CHILDRENinm their extraordinary performanice of TifE YOUNG COUPLE, and thle sew granid PANTOMIME. Thel g~reat demanad for Private Boxes, Stalls, and Places renders it ad- visable to make as9 early application as ?? toxgo-epr Macbeth filled the theatre last night, atnd will he repeated, To-mnurrowv. THEATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE.- THiS EVENING wil be ...