Advertisements & Notices

... H ER MAJESTY'S THEATRE. c u FIFTH NIGHT oS the NEW BALLET, ZELIE; on. L'Amourt et la M..gte.'S THXIS EVENING (Saurday), Jalv 3, wiU be presented Onecco's favouritc Opera of LA I'ROVA iD'UN OPERA SEblA. Principal characters by Mladamne de lao Grange, Snori F. Lablaehe, lMreuriali, and i ablaehe. To be preceded by a Selection from le'sini's Opera of SEMIRAA. MIVE. Principal parts by Madame do la ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OR PORT PHILLIP Direct (to sail from 7 Grav~eend 10th cf June), the magnicflent Aberdeen clipper ship TAYLOl, WILLIAM II. ITAWA INS, commander, 1,200 tons tb, 784 tons register, and cla'sed at Lloyds A I for 15 years, ?? Nfld~ Docks. Wheecomfort and despatc are re- 2 this ship combitse both qualities dn au ?? degreea In.. q g passenger g are ?? invited to an nspection ?? ?? accuoacs ¶1 ill ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J~ fSELECT PIBR-LA~P tcdued vegotaA el t. 'Wof *:bapu o ?? the growth if IaAr.,.Utst nwtdlo 'preserving ?? hiillgo'h'bar.xrc o iisi ?? Ilaino sl''als'fr'tdnalxo;An. dynriee ? nrvdcl cem lod idhnysoptla the fletdue xrls vripre; a(eea~byx 1 48, New'B .d tte .''LAVtR's PaiZEn IAH N * S~OAP.-The'hrmonor onferredon,F' ,Cevrb him to- diwtinguish his clobrirted 'lioaey; Soap teaoetlesn likewise ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A USTRALIA.-MOUNT ALEXANDER. LINE of PACEaT SI11P.-To sail positively on the 15th November, I ta, pR OC~h~ A 1 at Lloydts, W. H. THOMSON, commander: I 10 FOPT Fifinlir and SYDNEY Direct, now loadaig in the, East jndia Docks. Iatmediate application is necessary to stoore berths, Fer5, first ilbin, £40; dteck cabin, £45; ?? cabin, £22.; a few t.riettrborth,, with second cabin d1ietary, £l8.-For ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T ELACTlEE 1'ROYA.IL. DRURY-L ANE. T!,XTRAOlIi`DlXARY ATCRPA61ON for THIS EVENING.- 3tI^ l.zre atrick end Mr. Anderson.-LAST NIGIT 8Ut ONE of the tAI iENIANS; and the neA PANTOMIME.-TO.MOliacw, the LAS IJiVENILE NIG11, when the BUatCaan ChildrOl Will piay in Twi P'icce,; the Pantomime will be played at an early hour; a* d i| will brc the LAsT APPEARANCE of thc BATEMAN ClIlDRiEN.- OV TIIURSDAY, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D OYAL MARI ONETTE THEATRE, jLR Ada de-*lrecet, NWe Slt.inid.-TIrIS EVlINl.-G the per- iorlolnces will ci;enirere with an INTRODUC'TORtY AD: 'LSa by the Mar;ger; aher h' ?? e New Scene of Aroppou., eftillcd the Ll-:NAGI:R'S ROOM. 'lo he ?? by the ?? icl ltaliemque of BOWBA''rES FUltIOSO. 'Ihe cholc to conclude wlha it NXw Grand Ballet, ci.Id PlAU iel'E . the P'upil of S3ture.-Priva.c ntDo; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A PROFESSIONAL GENTLEMAN iii the ( .L3. City, being desirous of lightening his labours, oroposce to take' I? anARTICLED CLERK, who, upon payment of £t,000,,ballrerei¶e1 a £ moderate eater during the pe:iod of his ertiele' ? ? ? U eompboien than reeelved as a partner upon liberal terms.-Address1 A. Z., care of Mesars. Jones and Ceuston, etatloners, 47, Eastebeap. v ANTED IMMEDIATELY, for a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... emcnburrb_*treet. H AIR M E ME N T O S.-.Attist in Hair,- DEWD-NEY begs to inform ladies or gentlemen resident in 3 town Or any part of the kingdomn that he beautifully zaakes and O elegantly mounts in line gold, Hair Birseelels, Cha~ins, Brooches, mb Rtings, Pins, Sic., and forwards the sante, carefully packed In boxes, dal AT ABOUT ONE-IIALF TflE USUAL CHARGE. A Book of bea Specimens sent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HUHINA.-The following well-known A I Clipper r s slilll), built expressly ior thi trade, will be ?? for SIIANfOilAI Direct on the undleraurntioned dates: _ Sbip'd NaCes. Toos. Commarnders. To Sail. I HANNIBAL (now ship, A 11 c 1 r3 ). 61 A. Wallter.1February 5. . COUNTI,'0 t SEAFIL f0 NW Leask . March 5. J2ttX BUNYAN ?? 51 1. Thomrson .. April 5. Tleese ships have very superior accommoeations ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I MPORTANT NOTICE. - Au EXTENSIVE - BONA FIDE SALE of Messrs. HAMPTON and RUSSELL'S, 14, Leicester-square.-In consequence of great alterations, their large and valuable stock of £27,000 sterling value, must be sold off immediately, without reserve. It conaistb of CABINET FURNI. TURE and BEDDING, velvet piles, tapeatry, Brussels, and other carpetting; druggets, stairearpets, and hearth rogs; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... QTEAM t3i INDIA, CHINA, &c. -Particulasr of 0the regularK0o' tbly Meil Steana Conveyance and of the addi. fjoaloi les of cooamurieation flow established by the PENINSULAR and ORIENTAL STEAM. NAVIGATION ?? with the T~he Compauyb ook passengers and receive goods and parcels as hereto~orcfr CEYLON, MADRAS, CA.LCUTTAt, PENANG, SINGA- po lI r ON Us KONG, by terstcamcrs, starting fromn SOUTH- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ER MAJESTY'S TIIEATIIE. ti LA lION I'ASQUALE. F Tills EVENING (Thursday), June 17, being included in the sub- mcriptceo, will he presented Donit'etti'a Opera DON 1'ASQUALE. ? Don l'O?quaiO, Sip. [attache; Dr. hisEsirsta, Signor Ferranti; C Ernesto, Sig. La roliri: and Norma, Mlm?. Do Ia G?ange. In the c?,uree of the evenings DIThlt'flSSli.'stENr, in which v.111 be presonteel doe Grona t'as 01 ...