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Daily News (London)



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Daily News (London)

Advertisements & Notices

... A USTRALIA.-MIUNT ALEX2ANDER LINE of PACKETS SIIIP.-Notice to Passengers per Pa OdtsE8, or pORT PllLLLIP and SYDNET.-In ?? othe request of mney to the paisengers gcincdby tbli vessel, she eill Dot piave the Eset India Dcoabi utl after te ray of the fneral o the Duke ot Wcaingtond All baygage ?? be reouledb to be et the decks on or before the 17thinst.-WIy. HUTCHISON and Co., 1, lchee.rourtc ...

Advertisements & Notices

... eorntilu, -WATCHES.-T. COX SAVORY and Co., 47. Cornhill, London, submit for selection a most complete STOCK of first-class PATENT DETACHED LEVElt WATCHES which. being made by themselves, can be strongly recommended for accuracy and durablity. A written Warranty i, given with each. PRICES YMiOUNTED IN SILVER CASES. Patent Lever Watch, In double-backed, engine-turned case, the movement with the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE ADELAIDE Steamer will be entered out TI THIS hlORNilNG. l Dec. 2, 1S52. C. W. T. 7 APID STEAM COMMUNICATION with k J At'STRIALIA.-The large and powerfal new screw steam-ship A ADELAIDE, 1,850 toss end 4S5 horse power, G. W. JACKSON, i commander, will leave London on Thursday, the SRh December, and I Plymouth on 'aucsday, the 14tb, and is confidently expected to 4 arrive at Adelaiile in not ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L ANGUAGES-HAMILTONI AN SYSTEM.- ' This system Is ace 01 the anost useful arid Imnortant d?15eovc. ?? of the age. A pupil can acquire more in live or six weelca on ibis syhtena than in tw? years on the ?? RevIew. ii. 1I.JI LOSISNIHAL, as jeted by English and foreign prolessora, continues LU to glee i.ESSONS In the IOItENCI{, German, Italian, Spanish Latin the Oreek, Usbre.w &e , LANGUAGES, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... llOLMFIRrEH CALAMITY.' At 5) MEETING of the Subscribers to the Metropolitan Fund held at the Londen Tavern, Decemrber 1, 1852, 'AMUEL GURtNEY, jun., Esq., in the Chair, On the motion of H1. S. TiMsRNerois, Eeq.; seconded by CuanArs a JA~Cistn, Esq., it was umnairesusly resolved -That the sum of eight shillings in the pound be paid to all sub. scribers applying for the same oR or before the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STEAM7 to INDIA, CHINA, &c.-Particulars of . the rcgular mothly Mlail Steam Conveyance and of the eddi- tional tines of comnluricoation now establiehe by the PENINSULAR I and ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY with the Es-si, ae. The ComPanY boak passengers and receive goods and parcels as hretoloc tor CEYLON, MAtDRAS, CALCUTTA, PENANG, SINGA. pORE, and HONG KONG, by their stearmers, 'starting ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE. T COXBIN&TION OF GRAND OPERA AND BALLET. 3 TO-NIGHIT, Balfe's OPera of THE 81CI LIAN BRIDE, which Will be played every night of Mr. Sims Reeve's engagement ?? the popular ballet or TllE STAR OF THE; RHiINE, in which hMdlle. De Vecchi, M. urenri end en unueh3nlled cerps de ballet wil appear. On0a MONDAY EZENING, LUJCREZIA BORGLA, and AZIEL. ,.J. BENTON, Box Book ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F it LAUNCESTON Direct (a regular Trader, F hos thc greater part of her cargo engaged, and will hive im- geliate despaftti), the well known fast-sailing British-built barque, LAII pt. I E, A l, register 384 tons, DANIEL Mi'KENLAY, corn- minder, Ivioa at the Jetty, London Books. This ship bhs iost ex. itent ac oltrrxdation for pasiengers. - For terms of freight or pas- eagpaPptyt° IIEViTT and M ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fR11EATRE ROYAL, DRuJRY-LANE, J.TTlll ElVENXING, the LAST JUVENILE NIGHT; the Pratot itime at :atn e :i hour; and the LAST APPE '.ANCE of the BATE- MAN C:TlLDii.N-To.AIl.0ov the famtus trt-r, Mr. SIMS RlEEVES, ;sill jlpacar in tRA DI ?? vv1ih the PRlnominle.- On IIDAtY. ROli'.ERT TllE DEVIL; with ti'! ltrst appearmice of Mr. Flldor, Mir. Dr5yton, Miss (richt.n, and the celubn at'd prima ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H ER MAJESTY'S THEATRE. c u FIFTH NIGHT oS the NEW BALLET, ZELIE; on. L'Amourt et la M..gte.'S THXIS EVENING (Saurday), Jalv 3, wiU be presented Onecco's favouritc Opera of LA I'ROVA iD'UN OPERA SEblA. Principal characters by Mladamne de lao Grange, Snori F. Lablaehe, lMreuriali, and i ablaehe. To be preceded by a Selection from le'sini's Opera of SEMIRAA. MIVE. Principal parts by Madame do la ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OR PORT PHILLIP Direct (to sail from 7 Grav~eend 10th cf June), the magnicflent Aberdeen clipper ship TAYLOl, WILLIAM II. ITAWA INS, commander, 1,200 tons tb, 784 tons register, and cla'sed at Lloyds A I for 15 years, ?? Nfld~ Docks. Wheecomfort and despatc are re- 2 this ship combitse both qualities dn au ?? degreea In.. q g passenger g are ?? invited to an nspection ?? ?? accuoacs ¶1 ill ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J~ fSELECT PIBR-LA~P tcdued vegotaA el t. 'Wof *:bapu o ?? the growth if IaAr.,.Utst nwtdlo 'preserving ?? hiillgo'h'bar.xrc o iisi ?? Ilaino sl''als'fr'tdnalxo;An. dynriee ? nrvdcl cem lod idhnysoptla the fletdue xrls vripre; a(eea~byx 1 48, New'B .d tte .''LAVtR's PaiZEn IAH N * S~OAP.-The'hrmonor onferredon,F' ,Cevrb him to- diwtinguish his clobrirted 'lioaey; Soap teaoetlesn likewise ...