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Morning Chronicle


... OF' JAMtES IOBERTION ANDERsON. This w as A meeting for the proof of debts in the ease of Mir. Anderson, the late lessee of Drury-lane Theatre, preli- minary to a dividend. A number of creditors attended be- fore Mr. Cha~rles Dance, the registrar, and among ...


... prisoner said it was too much, end ultimately agreed to give at the rate of £1 18s. Witness wag directed to take the hay to Drury-lane. When he got there he saw the prisoner, who pointed to a CDW-yard, end told him to pitch the hay into the loft. He did so ...


... offence with which the prisoners were charged was committed on the evening of last Saturday week, at Jul- lien's concert, at Drury-lane Theatre. The case was clearly proved by the evidence of Inspector Hancock, who was on duty. Wilkinson had got the prosecutor's ...


... Crown, Knightsbridge ; IW. Crouch, Golden Lion, Warwick-lane, Bedford-row ; H. (3-. Oliver, White Hart, Drury-lane; J. Cole, Brownlow Arius, Drury-lane ; and W. Whethierby, Rising Sun, Knightsbridge. The, only refusal in this list, after hearing the application ...


... MATTER OF J. B. ANDERSON. This was a meetiag for the proof of debts under the estate > of Mr. Anderson, the late lessee of Drury-lane Theatre. The principal proof tendered was by Mr. Sulivant, the l author of -the comedy, The Old Love aned the News for £230 ...


... d, I knew nothing about it;:~ was, Mlii'Long (addressing the officer)* Do yeti do ;duty in' Drury-lane ?-Officer: Your worship, sI have not baes nm Drury-lane for the last two dr three years. The Magistrate could no~t bring'hin'ssel'f, by any stretbh':e ...


... fromn the prisoners, to get changed. Finding -that they had been stopped, be proceeded with him to 23, Blaekmore-strect, Drury-lane, where he pointed out the prisoners as being the persons from whom he had got them, en addition to another of the same amount ...


... assaulting the police at Jullien's Promenade Concert, at Drury-lane Theatre, on Monday night. Inspector Darkin, of the A division, described the obarac- ter of these annual disturbances at Drury-lane. A number of young gentlemen made it a rule to go in a ...


... In this case Mr. Charles Dance, the registrar, has made his report, and the dividend under the insolvency occasioned by Drury-lane Theatre will be 9%d. in the pound on debts proved to £5,378. The money in court, on which the divi- dend will be declared ...


... a watch, value seven guineas, the property aud from, the person of Morgan Kavanagh. As the prosecutor was walking along Drury-lane on the eveningof the 3d inst., he was met by the prisoner, who began to thark him profusely for having some years previ- ...


... received the £40, I which was left in a travelling bag by the prisoner at the Y house of a Mr. Kiplin, a cheesemonger in Drury-lane. is The prisoner was remanded for further inquiry. S GUILDNALL.-Leon Joseph A'erinsckx, laceman and silk t mercer, appeared ...


... POLICE-SATUuDAY. n BOW-STREgT.-36. E. Mallars, a pawnbroker, of 129, t Drury-lane, appeared before Mr. Jardine, charged upon a e summons with having received two decanters and other r articles, In pledge, from a child only ten years of age. e The father ...