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Lothian, Scotland


Midlothian, Scotland

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... and carry off the representation. If the sitting member for the burgh be not a Radical, he is at least a sound consis- tent Whig and Free-Trader; while, as a large proprietor in the north, as an extensive merchant in Loudon, and as a Go- which few can ...

EDINBURGH AND GLASGOW RAILWAY. On Tuesday at one the statutory half-yearly gene- ral meeting of the ..

... trying to act for the good of the people—(cheers). He was a Whig, and gloried inthe name—the Whigs represented the real ciples” of of liberty. Mr Adam then referred briefly to the the Whigs, from the Revolution of 1638 to the Reform Bill in 1832, as ...

The Privy-Couneil, which was to be held on Friday the 13th inet. at Buckingham Palace, would be held on Wednesday

... Romour says that the Right Hon. Charles Villiers, M.P., has been offered one of the vacant posts now at the disposal of the Whigs. Mr Bernal name has been also mentioned in connection with a probably official appointment.— Daily News. Mr Ramsuay’s Case ...


... menopolise the representation of Edinborgh to themselves, in the fact that they bad allowed the Whig three, four, or rather five weeks to find acandidate. The Whig Committee were covfident that ther would be able to find 2 man who would be acceptable to the ...


... that in those counties when the property was leased, they would prevent the Tories, if the leases were in their hands, or the Whigs if in theirs, from carrying the election. He, however, quite concurred with the Lord Provost, in thinking that if they were ...

Caledonian Mercury

... majority of the House—and, judging by the tone of the debate, the Peel party and Lord Pal- merston are here at one with the Whigs and Manchester section—have resolved, on the threshold, to place free trade high and dry, far beyond either open or insidion- ...

Caledonian Mercury

... stood interests of the country” to bear on Parliament, which instead of being composed in a great degree of the nominees of the Whig and Tory aristocracy, included a large infusion of representatives, who owed their election to the influence of the middle ...