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... the st bet should' of be reoewed in tenext assembly, he vould' notesuppo t it. it was to- - ioweil, hut by tilat timne the Whigs veto displaced; amtd that very per- s-ono opposed it, atid amolig Otellor things butt the atudacity to say that of he coslil ...


... set ,Sotadard.'Ittis afact worthy ofntcAe h-is oiia rtrten of die Tory party, and, the mest44-y'ertiledjos~urtist' Of the 'Whig te-r sonnexion-the editors of, the ''ieondairt and the Globtl,-Dsate Gfif- ford and Father Prour,' should both be Irishmen ...


... out-doer assembly, nod told them all that the Duk~e of W~ellingtoin had told me. Oh! howv they cheered! ---But the Liberals-the Whigs of' Huddorstield-were angry' Never could they forgive me for having obtained the cheers of the people for one whom they had ...