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Bristol, England


Bristol, Bristol, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... .TE BR'ISTOL MERCURY, As sbown by the PF rlceAa ReTuRaie i'pended'to tsbe Report tle ParliatnentatyhCommitte on 3w~papnrqStamps amounte diriof theIrbet ye avoir'IoT to o t'e. - ' ;U-TWO lRUND rER TY AND-SIXJA.SoV1r aIOUS40D, G (riving aI Ieekly veia'e.of upwards of100 The following Figures, as'giveni in':thse lefrirnss~howt tL relativFue pitionls o tHe 4feveur!, anti 'Msre'' ' I.3'DRisTOL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T8E A.N ARICE 111,;c-Srs FARGUS .6 SO&L~wA11-'sub~runt 1'GI3BLIC' C -kj1RTIT6X; tT by' t1rel e -eaN 5',f At itirMAW Sntlith 10015 2qtuii' 0flo4tgq, 1'tt ajjbxee dliog1l. yaluable an(Lbnche (IJ fIiOli ~O1 1,30 & ;T, e maii. ARidTIWorrertetol t A id rAIT tLESrtYI'I t1:lain tY t greltl stlbviwvne to PUBLIC - o m~t, Temenre eoith oreia Premisest,seu lv o'cTUESD ;t',ei's 18vi2ecand three flltowng ...

Advertisements & Notices

... manteb+. IXTANTED, by an Ironniof gir in this t it, Y a s oteady active YOUNiG MANi, to a5sist beblud %he Couoter. App~llcatlons, lth referecue. ttitig si age, cspabllitleg, and ecreeted remunerattoa. tto be addresaeA, by lettor, pre-paid, to J.T.. W ANTED, in a Clothing Warehouse,ali aetive, persevering YOUN(;i MAN, with a good'oha- taot~er to make himself generally useel, and must have a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jknthe C ~ t~ ¶ . 0Ige NTY FIREQftIujs ajiourY5at Fr fie T higly bevieficlia, to th In- Or, t on'may be nrc tlf5 oilce) of wom every xi'fer ~~il 'oe-n'1ronisrotS~ ASS) ITS Nlf~~foD MIjesOCS gV oas A; Son, Wine-street p,-flrz t.C ~rl, iod~ie Mr: W. Pearson 10Wl..Mt 1. ThompsoC TuIio'Mr. J. 1?. Iiidgett rW, -' . Mr R. WInIIL1tli l,)ilY~J,4U.: Xtfr: Join Cott .tej. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tht~ur~rn~t ,,,omp~ahte%+ 7 A'rRIMONIAL LLI CE 1r 1# ASBOCIATIOX Eead Oflce-LONDON: LIlNCOLN'S I13 JELD.CHAMBIERS. Branch Ofiieee-YORtKt and WiERDEEN. Confidentlal lieferces-1). Sheriff, Esq., oflarne; R. Warwick, Esq., of Norton. MATRIMONIAL ALLIANCE ASSOOLTION condntod on the system as adopted lu N ew Yorit aud P~arls. Legally establiehed as a medium for the Introduetlen of partIes unekowit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RO-Y-AL, BRIST 5, the p a nic tomnenste0 ktWl ;--laY entitlet I A d bKSSA.tbiA ever 'Been In fOllowed by t e Oe ,..~ivett.or %iN6EtANTD and the SEASONS. - * De celebrated Artist sof the Overland !ol, executed aevpe~rclnkbseolen, fid J. Herring, Sen. e tra enheond by the introductIon of d ric efe5ct, Vocal and Instrumental, selected end 'd by DI To C0nje with the Milo-dramsa or T TR, IDIOT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pOG R T I DUSE,- 00.3lONDAY, Jarnuary 18th.: ! ' NilSS EVANS bigs 6to remind hfr Friends IbVrati the Pubile that tthe Ladles' Day-SohOnldt ,~PERt BERKELLY-F'LA , willgw o ___D _ _, ho Ib ls in -.3an. i2, , ! l/FISS STOCKHAM & M1ISS SAME'S ATl. bec to inform their Friendg anid the Publis thr. he SDQUtAEIIBritsrtolI. ll l'tgseosea~ssnCE out TU.S~DAY, Jan. 20th. tii52- LADIES' 'ElST¶ABLISHMLT I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EA:RE.-OY LBRISTOL. I'o11lttvebh the LAST W~EK OUT ONE of I~ horet~ Sbakepere's Trag~edy of 1UCiAE1t) ~THU HI~R11 To ba fbilownd by tlfo t'oast-bcrutifud DloiQAM..'rrseni On UEDY Lan. oI NLN ndtl ES Ah varinn Oiperatic, toanict , Tarp ea horedn byptecltttloWth~lt .e CH ATJEIIMISTIC hl~it THEoRsl andInTrHEntl selctedan To oConclude w vtl thsNwFreo ,E lfxA OF.S COUR ACH.E.A On 'rUSBAY. Han ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * ~OII~'E -HOUSE ,ESTAULISrn]WFMT. Mr~j 1Is, DOWELL 7NA, arl. 0 Jascor on185Y,,Tmar I ½~ .,STON, NEAR RS 1 N'GiS ASH E.flOUSF, ESTABL1SHE' jjET 'Jk~oit yoillNG LADIE. ~t~ttSOVli be hapfte t MEE I t all nrnis ~T ~~XTER-BUILDI~~ i~DLANDal5ARK. g15sAL~f~~g~5iiue se felstowrdsthose ired h st idstoreect he ofer'ellOFdfJ)Y Jsn. 23,. ~3iT~HUSE, NUGENT-PTJ-AE, N' LOIy r. beg, to announce ta hyhv ae ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IfEAUSTRALIAN AURIFEROUS T Ol' REDUCTION & GOLD ?ifIN Jech, itortAny. inJI O 100,icmSpaid-nps Shares(o idc, ihu n t~PinrCall.' on thne Cost-Book printIPlC. NIo Deed necessary signed C05lIlTTF OF 55ANAGEMXNT. TCSS. E SU T0 OINSON, Req. n~c~n~s. . M.te.VAGSTAFFeE. Esq. R~ll~lit t'YFog RICHARD WEBB, ER.1 jOf. m5 t jgMM 'jtCIAL HAN K 0O' LONDON,LTH HY BASF.ALIItOOKBULDN, S W.1 ALBIIOOK. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - @ tO commen Pt dbi oioa precisely. SATf SOMERT. 'jESSRS. ST-AXIER WICK, BROTER8I mD BAltNEg'hie instruoted to SELL by AUCTIOlJ rr tn as aove, OD TUESDAY, January 18th, 1812, yvit2et I meccars, , ,r , bs 'b w1Wle. of tlha Si iTdCri, HA.CIDER, I1tLF~~SI .IUBANPFRY, ILVlsROLD FI)FURNITURlEt, and otber Efects Lf dr. irey, quitting ai Farm. Fall particulars in handbflls. 8.HIGH-SThIIE'T ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CMMERCIAL LIFE INfSURIANCE COMPANY, CON1HL L, LOND3ON; iii ~ TlIET.DUBLIN. .k,, L 12abFse111 1120. Cepikttll,-£600,80DO dcs hed at tihe last Three Divisins ivere £28 Is. 10d., V1ci'e rdet1.ontte premiums Paid. PC ADVAN0TAGES. iehl f thle PrOmiuhIs need lbe paid for the first Sore boile lie rite y ifldestred. gi PTI, O Noi PlllRSoAL SECUIIITY, ouconete vti fSO piecoserdiog totheirvaluse t011 sn ...