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Leeds Mercury




Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Leeds Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... jNDIOCESAN CHURCH BUILDING 1111 SP OCI&TY. N pO s DIOCESAN5^ litl& OF EDUCATION. J ALnrd HtAL 5Y-ARLY MEETINGB will be f se Kjng'r Hi riead Inn, Sn Richmond, on rucaty, Ihc , OHARLES DODOSON, vMA., THtOMAS COLLINS, i D., Oct.° 1853. General Secr.StrtC5 3 #1,IS Ot a SCO U. 1t; Of ;b U iNLi£aY { N . ?? LEC~TURESb, at MILL ILL rCHAPFSL, LEEDE, {9 ly the Rev. cn ILES WICKSTEED, B.A. *.7lh (to ?? . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rIlk, CH~ART1EttitL) bAiNK OF ?? T AUSTfIALI5,1 In0 C III SA. to besincorporatedl ly RoyalI Charter, by which tile liability will be limited. I Capital £1l,U0liJilM siterling hI 50,f 0 share. of £20 each, With power to iicroea tilea somte to £C3.tilt,Oli sterling. lirp usit is tier c ont. T. A. Mitchsell, Esq.. M.P., tirts of lesSrl. Sampson, Ilitchell,A eand Co-9h, New Breast-street. Jamei ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VOWc 'Notie. lTORSTED COMMITTEE,-In pursuance of (V an Act of i'ariament passed inte thl lserfo the rei gn of his Mr jesty King George the Third, for the more effectually preventing frauds and abuses committed by persons employed in the manufacture of oembing wool, worsted yarn, and goods made from worsted, in the counties of York. Lancaster, and Chester, I do, by order of the Chairman of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T IT 110 GRAPHY AND ENGRAVING.-MAPS, PLANS OF ESTATES, ENGINEERING L PLANS and SEUTIONS (any aize), expeditiously and correctly execouted by PULLEYN AND HUNT, LlveooRAPHRRS, DRAFT0518N, AVD ENORAVERS, 3. PARK-ROW, LEEDS. I LANDSCAPES AND ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS, plain, or tinted in various coloers, by first-rate artists, wbo t can make the sketches If required, MACHINERY, (GEOMETRICAL OR ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'or IV or LADVEIITISVIENTS. lii ?? THRnEE PLAIN PaROOSITIONS.-First,-That no article lie of domestic consumption has entered so largely into use ats S ?? CASoSHTo'S COFFEE. Secondly,-Thsat no article can,5e- E curs a permanent popularity unless it be really good; erqo, for ?? Cassell's Coffee has this chiaracterer, or it could not have de maintained its p~opularity, and withstood everyoeffoit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~'~~IGTIJ.NABOARD'OF EDUCA- r yIIETING of the Cotrbutors o th 7ngre- ?? Edcation, will be held (in 1'edresrdav, Nato of .~ t ite Mlo-3llBER.3 and OoFICEltS of the .0f.or, ?? enlsuing Yer.E WILLIAM RTJTT, Secretary. psi ,1iepool-treet, Finsabury, London, 29th April, 1802.. p.ij 'S (ON UkIA{R1 in the Mumi f tt.2,11rIS EVEN'ING,. at holt-vast seven. ~ioc Wti'IA~.MOUNTAIN. BRttiWN .and ); msesirs. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... &-,,.i,1NBIBLE SOCIETY,- 11LEEDS AUXILIARY. as ~~~PATRONS, Right Rev. the Lord B~ishop of Ripon. ti~ht Hon. the Earl of Ilarowood.1i bv oit ttlfy.T~BIIC ANNIVERSARY or ?? TfO vol in the Music Hall, Alibon street, Leeds, on ,11N ltjllie Turenfiet in rstasnt. ?Odltilhl. T. BAINES, 5I.P., has kindly con. 1~clt ,the choir. tdO oe jA3lES A. PAGE, MTA., sector of Tintwistle. l~'ti'o society for 1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADVERTISEMENT. ( JOBN COBSELL'S SYSTEM OF NATIONAL EDUCATION, which be proposes to establish without asking for auy *peclal Act of Parliament. The only astittance be Intends to seek from the Legislature ie, the repeal of the iniquitous and obnoxious tax upon the medium through which be proposes to convey his system of Education to the people, namely, Paper. On Saturday, April Third, John ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~ ESOLDI~ the followin g DAILY and TIhe TIAIES, on, tile second morning after publication. I3jLSLlptel Thursday,de LLuTATED LONDON N4EWS, Wednesday, do, ?? Wednesduy, do. I S1'IE' 51~,CUIY, Weirnedady, do. LEEDS1r INkEj&LLGE NCEIO, Saturday_. do. 'No j'UNUIr. II. W. NVALKERt, Blookseller, BrIggate, Leeds. SIiLO-. SIX CYLINDE~RS, fitted with ?? and Gearing, Wrenght-iron. Boiler, ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NA'tIONAL ANTI-coRN LAW LEAGUE.- At Motiig f te ouniland Friends of the late I Leagu held tisl dAy, SIIaich 2, 1852, in the Lare aom nbt Bulig ilanchester; id IewlaGEORGE WILSON, Eoq., in the Chair; side St was nioved by1RIiCPAnD Coetet. ?? in f; Secoinded by 14013JiT ASWION, Eisq., of ilyde ; Arldc,,rried Un din . having been ormed committed by everyple!dge that canibind the honourof public ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ant Rife Mo. 6OAWICH UNION FIRE 1NSURANCE SOCIBITY. C A P I T A £ X550,000. ces renewable on the 29S1/ of Sept., 1852, must be Isnsror before the 14th day of October, 1852, or the Office paid on S to be liable for the sums insured. dll'caasblic Opinion of the principles and conduct of this c Tbe P merit may be inferred from the fact, that it now i establle seconhd office in the United ...

Advertisements & Notices

... | ADVERTISEXIENTS.] GOOD NEWS FOR T}E AFFLICTED.-Dr. ROBERTS' CELi3BRATED1 ONTUMENT, called the Poor Allu's Frienid,' is cositidently recommended to the public as anufasilingreme- dy for wounds of every description, a certain cure for ulcer- ated sore legs, it of twenty years' standing. cuts, burns, scalds, bruises, chilblains, scoibutic eruptions and jimples is tshe face, sore and infinmed ...