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... rs in ient TUESDAY, MAY 18. the ^XuacGtra.-Two seamen, named Hugh M'Conkey this and Hugh Majurey, were charged with smuggling 3 lbs. d to of foreign manufactured tobacco. The prisoners were ome apprehended coming ashore at the Brunswick dock on my I Monday, and, on being examined, the tobacco was found iigh concealed in their boots. They were each fined 6s., or rse- I fve days' imprisonment in ...


... FRIDAY, JANUany 30. COINING PENNY-PIEsB.-John Wilson, Mary Davies, and a boy named Thomas Williams, were charged with forging and uttering several counterfeit pennies. On Thursday evening the boy Williams went into the shop of Mr. W. Golding, butcher, Crosshall-street, and asked for two half -enny puddings, tendering a penny in payment. Mr. Golding, seeing that the penny was bad, gave it back, ...


... TUESDAY, JvNE~ I. Ld A STOWAWAY.-A young man named William Williams, rfor atowing away on board the Camertonian, on the occasion tof that vesseol sailing from Liverpool for Calcutta on the 7th of June, 1851, was committed to prison for seven days. leSPURIOU'S JEWELLERY. - Edward Devlin, one of the fraternity who live by palmting upon unwary strangers ,le articles of base metal by falsely ...


... IOILICE JNTf?I?LJGENCE. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1. jogs, John Reardon, Joseph Campbell, and Noatluiniel Camp- of p bell, butchers, were fined 20s. and costs for exposing for bute sale unwholesome beef. ?? PICKING PooKETS.-Daniel M'Kleown, James MI'Alister, by ic and Patrick Murphy, three lads, were conmmitted, the wi first two for three months, and the latter for one mouth, ness for picking pockets on ...


... e MONDAY, FUREAtrY 23. . (BEFPOUtE JJOSEPH POLLOCK, ESQ.) 0 The court was opened at ton o'clock this morning, for the February sitting. The following is a suiniary of the business to come before the eourt :-Original pahints, d 1174, incluiding two jury cases; adjmurnuel cases, 11; ap- nplications for new trials, 4 sinoosesfurcommitinauts b 64; interpleader clins, 6; inlsvonecy caye., 2) (anrd ...


... POLJOIUNTELLJGIENOE. FRIDAY, OcvonsRn 15.I IMPUDENT ThEFT.-A lad, named John Monks, weas charged with stealing a pair of boots. The prisoner hadl only just been discharged on a charge of breaking win- dowvs, when he went into the shop oit Mrs. MI'Vey, and took a pair of shoes from the counter and ran out with them. Mrs. M'Vey gave ?? to an officer, who pursued him and took him into custody. ...


... l l The Rev. J. Clay, the able chaplain of our gaol, has this week laid the public under further obligations to him by the publication of another of his valuable reports on the criminal population of this district. Few publications have supplied the public with more facts of importance, and more information upon which educational and judicial legislation should proceed, than these addresses ...


... A great will case, Boyse v. Rosborough, which has created great interest on the Irish side of the channel, is now being tried at the Wexfbrd assizes, before Mir. Baron P*Mefather, The amount of property involved is nearly £10,000 a year, and some of the incidents of the life of the testator, the late Casar Colclough, of Tintern Abbey, are as romantic as those detailed in the graphic pages ...


... |: _ THEFT BY AN OLD WOMAN.-OnS Tuesday an aced female was brought up at the Town Hall and accus-ed so stealing a shirt and chemise, the property of Mlrs. Chap- man, Lambert's Bottoms. The case was clearly proved, The prisoner was seen to take the stolen propertv fromn a clothes-hedge and decamp with it; she was subsequently apprehended. Committed for trial. THEFr or CARPETING.- On Monday ...


... I MNIPORTANT DECISION. - ACCIDENT] BY MACHINERY. I - has it -COURT OF EXHQETURAJUNE 3. mean C'ee (itt, foina jafseie) PIa~ttafi'Sd 5i/cI. cressi e This was an action brought in the name of the plaintiff; a must a girl aged 13 years, to renover damages fromi the, defendant, hradl a who are the owners of a cotton mill, at Cbew Moor, in the Nw it township of Loatocki- near Bolto,' for personal ...


... TV Ug he On Friday evening, about half-past seven, a well-dressed cid, man Was found lying dead in a hedge bottom, at Eastbank, I5Shefel do about a mlt a nd half to te th seast of the town, ?? gravest suspicions are entertained that this is a case of *9o murder. The body was first discovered by two little boys, t§ who were gatberiog wild fruit The man lay on his face in the bushes, with his ...


... THE S'rocKPoRT DISTURBANCES. IRESUMnT) TVOTTTflV- .MNnAV At RESUMED INQUIRY.-MONDAY. The magistrates met on Monday, in the committee-room, t g at the Court House, Stockport, to continue their inquiry into R L. tl~e late disturbances. The. only remaining charges to be a teramined were those against William Walker and George e it Walker, two men who, after having absconded to avoid ap- a n ...