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... A coroner's inquest was held on,; Saturday last, at Wolfinden's London Hotel, on the body of a man named Rook, who had been found drowned in the Basin the preceding day. There being no evidence to show how the deceased got into the water, a verdict was returned of ?? drowned. TOBQUAY CEMETERY COMPANY. A vestry meeting was held at the. Vqmmercial Hall, on Friday evening, for the purpose of ...


... LAW INTELLIGENCE LAW JLKWa.31sne-r. - ItiVAL OF'R, HotsEss. -Lomley h.Wger-l 1, ounsel at great length On Fridaly, Saturday, and ,%fter belt ch5ancellor Parker proceeded to give judgment. a i0doohy. he said, had been very anxiously considered 'by him,a TbOh5 ce' .isderation he had been unable to coca from. ot from the manner in which thecaehdbngt ~ige wh palirtieulars and oircumstanees hdntbe ...


... |I (Before Commissioner Atr. Sergeant Stephen.) MONDAY-RE JosEPH JENIIiNs NICHOLAs, Timber-mer- ohant, Newport.-Exparte the Monmouth and Giamorgansbire of Banking Company. It ill be remembered that some few weeks if since a proof was tendered against the bankrupt's estate by ter Master Ferrer, before whom the affairs of the bank are being [ wt, up for the amount of a vail made by the official ...


... SOMERSET. XSSIZE. Commenced at Wells on Wednesday afternoon. when the commission was opened by Mr .-Baron Platt. On Thursday morning Mr. Baron Flett and Mr. Baron, Martin Went to the Cathedral, where divine service was performed and a sermon ge1 preached by the Hey. -Beameerochaplain to theileighi-sheriff. G The ours wre pened immediately after service: Mr. Baron rtpelig in ?? And Mr. ...


... - 1 - -- - m . M _ r_. As . , These were held on Thursday, at the London Tavern, Ottery St. Mary, before J. Woolcotl, Esq., (Chairman,) Sir J. Kennaway, Bart., G. Smith, Esq., V. Lousada, Esq., Rev. T. J. Marker, W. R. Bayley; Eq.,; and the Rev. J. Hayabe. Mr. J. Gifford applied to have the license of the London Fr Hotel, Exmoutb, transferred from his mother, who was dead, foll to himself. ...


... ..'SIDpMOuT P'ITTY SAPIORS. ' Thesqe Snesa ,were held on Thusday, at the Market Rousef..: 1. I 'iss, , oh lss6in; . Smithi Biq., , W. B ?? J. WoolqottEeq,. Jaites Conaett applied tO have 3O6N CAtzRN boaund over to keep thberm towards him. . The prosecutor stated that be went to take a distress on the defeonaot' gooea teb 27th of April, when he threatened to do for bl ndhi.tepxwn4. rb Hj i s ?? ...


... . hel'atUo~s~'uslo ?? IVA bfor - a tbsu IIApd L of. W dia~ tpI i fea~b~ ad t 7 o thf d*iwa fologtfrtiA. erptO f ?? ef o k h * 11'hedktem 'tlxit. Ve4dlttt 'f An p ly Itid. thindb.tit iseld& mwth Madhie I,'etpb~ty, befW B.; ?? GrfWdithj; tq., 3.WeooTott, u.^, 'mu& Vo . : i :, foACG. 1'Aanuu a 4 WXn2x~m Wrn?8S;TOi tWrO ?? chrfthed wih tixeqtedag cna , olole et iso.e ito thep h bt . 8teJ-Ad ...


... BRISTOLx COUNETY COURT, ?? Abrt Ieur Palmer, Esq., Judge.) I 3OIIDAY.-SlnreOLAlt TAsTE.-VSYer v. JOetkiag.-l this .case an application was made for the Committal to gaol of the defendant, who did not appear, and who hod refused compilance with the order of the court. Plaintiff etated to tho coort that ldefendant, who had been sent to gaol before, said helilked ilvery lmuch; that he would ...


... (Before Commkcsioner Mr. ,Sergearst Stephen.) CZ MONDAY.-RE THOMAS PEARCE, Bristol, Hat and Cap 'exp ?? was an adjourned meeting forcholceofas- des signees and last eamination. Mr. Bevan appeared for tice pa- pose titioulug creditor, andMr. Salmon for ties bankrupt. Af The petition for adjudication of bankruptcy ~in this case, Was judgi filed in the latterpart of July last; and Mr. Il~evan ...


... The Times, after relating, in its leading columns, the tircinrto, Istances of the Fireme murder, proceeds- From this state of facts it would appear to follow thut theu ruffian, whoever he might be, had entered the house, tedfn ing the unfortunate child there, bed, either by three'ts'r byd blow which: stunned her, reduced her to silence heliee i lated her person, then murdered her, then ...


... EXETER, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1862. ST. THOMrAS.-AD inquest wvas held at Crook's t Swan Inn, before R. Aberdein, esq. ?? I District, (Mr. Crosse, the deputy-coroner for this district, I being indisposed) on the body of a male child named a John Lee, aosed seven weeks. It appears that the mother, . who resides in Cowick street, on awaking found her ehild dead in her arms. After a short but ...


... GUILDHALL,-WEDNE8DAY. or LX'. US I RrPLetcfl. and Before H. Hooper,CEsq, o 'Chnaanj) C. Brstton, and n 0. H, Turner, Esquires. d AN IMPUDENT THE .F.-JOHN REED was. charged n w th &tealing a bundle of banging paper from the ahop of Mr. tl Colson, paperbhanger, High.street. The bundle of paper, composad of about one hundred pieces, *as standing in the shop of Mr. Cobison, abolt Si3 febt frbo tbe ...