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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser




Yorkshire and the Humber, England

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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser


... The January Quarter Sessions were held by adjourrm, iw on Monday at Clerkenwell. The calendar contained serb l p1 prisoners, sixty-seven of whom were charged with fel>; P. The grand jury having been charged, the Court proeedl al to pass sentence on some prisoners convicted at a peree hi sitting of the Court. FALSE PaxrENcEs.-Among them was John Whittle, . was convicted of obtaining some goods ...


... Pef-ore Jr. Sergeant Annmsa, Assisltant udge.) SINGULAR AND INTERESTING CASE. Thomas Henry Stone, 40, was indicted for having, by means of false and fraudulent pretences, obtained from Richard Foster, a post-office order for the payment of £3 19s (d., with intent to defiraud him thereof.-Mr. Bodkin and Mr. Poland appeared for the prosecution, which was in- stituted by the Mendicity Society. ...


... HORRIBLE MURDER IN DRURY-LANE BY BURNING. Monday evening Mr. Higgs held an inquest at the Three Horse Shoes, Milford-lane, Strand, on the body of a newly born female child, who was murdered under the following appalling circumstances- John Mahoney, an Irish labourer, stated that while going l along the passage of 5, Bennett's-place, Drury-lane, last Saturday night, his foot struck against a ...


... Even in ordinary and untroubled times the opening of the Session is looked forward to with curiosity and interest. Though the Dramnatis personce and the theatre be the Eame-the II pieces 'I all stock ones, there is a general desire to see them again, and to listen, if not Lapplaud. The extraordinary exciting and unsettledj state of public affairs at the present moment, has this year ...


... SACRILsGe.-Samauel Collins, 30, was indicted charged with unlawfully breaking and entering a certain district church of the pariah of St. Marylebone, to wit, Trinity Church, with intent to steal the goods, chattles, and money therein being in the said church. It appeared that the pri- soner had been employed about Trinity Church, Marylebone, and on the 25th of February last he was seen by the ...


... MURDER OF A YOUNG VvOMAN BY A FARMER, AND SUICIDE OF THE MURDERER. The village of Cbendley, in the county of Stafford, 'as been the scene of much excitement by the commission of a most horrible murder and suicide by a young farmer named Stephen Walker. le was a single man, of about twenty-seven years of age, and it would seem that lie wes rather of unsteady habit,, Ile had been for some time ...


... ADUL1rERY AND DIVORCEEEXTRAORDYNARy AFFAIR, The Rouse of Lords sat on Monday, at three o'clock, for the purllose of hearing further evidence in support of the scond ircadinr of ITawiins' Divorce Bill. Tlbm Peers present were-the Lord Chancellor, Lord Re- desdale, Lord Colville, and the Bishop of Norwich. Thisi 00 camtcae before the House some six weeks or two months since, when, it will be ...


... Voltre. St MARYLEBONE.-Tg MAIYLRB0NMi ?? liam Styles was again brought up charged with ?? y of his wife, when Dr. l1assall gave it as his dteid td 4t VP that the marks upon four pieces given into his ied best w vere those of human blood, and two moretheseaofsse$5sirn . animal-a horse. There were two other pieces r-rfert l not been subjected by him to ?? mag hicl bad t-manded the prisonertill ...


... INSOLVENT DEBTORS' COURT, JaN. 31. IN RE ERNEST CHARLES JONES. This insolvent petitioned under the Protection Act, de. scribing himself as a barrister-at-law. The schedule showed consideration debts to the amount of £843. The insolvency was stated to be owing to my havin, been deprived of my personal liberty as a state pri- soner for two years, during the years 1S48 to 1850, whereby I was ...

Assize Intelligence

... gooilt InfelligeVe. DORCHESTER. SACRLEOR,-Joln Hayward and James Hayward were indicted for burglariously breaking and entering the church at Durweston, and stealing therefrom a silver cup and plate and a plated flagon, on the 19th of O ?? ap- peared by the evidence of the Rev. Sidney Godolphin Osborne, the rector, and other witnesses, that the church of Durweston was broken into on the night ...


... GAROTTE ROBnBRY AT SHBFFIELD.-knOther of those horrid outrages called garotte robberies, one of which at Hull has assumed the form of murder, was perpetrated at Sheffield some days ago. Mr. Charles Henry Mort, son of Mr. Henry Mort, merchant and manufacturer, Castle-hill, on Tuesday night, about ten minutes past twelve o'clock, was proceeding along Scotland-itreet alone, on the road to his ...


... FALSE WEIGHTS AND MEAssuRs.-On Wednesday, at the Court of the High Steward for Westminster, the following returns were made of persons fined for using false weights and measures :-Mr. Edshed, general dealer, 35, Tothill-street, a scale half-an-ounce against the purchaser, 5s.; - Ellery, chandler, 19, Gardner's-lane, a beam scale, imperfect and destroyed, 2s. 6d.; John Croft, cheesemonger, 3, ...