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... looettv. L I NE S. BY WILLIAM CULLIN DBRYANT. The M;ay sun sheds an amber li.1;ht On new-leaved woods and lawns between; But she who, with a smile more bright, Welcomed and watched the springing green, Is in her grave. The fair white blossoms of the wood In groups beside the pathway stand; But one, the gentle and the good, Who cropped them with a fairer hand, Is in her grave. Upon the ...


... looctru. STRIKE THE IRON WHILE IT'S HOT! Ir a project you've in view, And would mould it firm and true, Be decided-dally not! Push it forward with a will, Let not aught your ardour chill- Strike the iron while it's hot! While cautious Fear stands idly by, Making up his mind to try, Wav'ring 'twixt will and will not, By some sudden swift surprise Boldness carries off the prize- Strike the iron ...


... -- 10 actru. THE PEASANT'S PRIDE. SHE left her father's busy home- A lass of eighteen years- She heard no more her sisters' laugh, Or her brothers' blithsome cheers. Beneath the household holly trees, No more at noon she listens To the hum of her mother's honey-bees Where the hire in the sunshine glistens. Her cot is on a dreary moor, Where sound of human -life For hours at time will never ...


... (From Le Fellet.) IT is impossible to imagine anything richer or more beautiful than the present style of dress. The appear- ance of our fashionables atthe theatres or balls is quite dazzling. NWe must attempt to describe some toilettes we have seen, in order to give an idea of the magnifi- ceneL and taste of tho present fashion. A lady, whose hair was remarlsable for its blackness, had a ...


... (From1 Tire.Dodd FamWily Abr'oad, bry Chacs. Levrre.) HrRE we are, hyving another kind of life from our old existence at Dodsborough! 'We have capital quar- ters at the Bellevue-a fine hotel, excellent dinners, and what I think not inferior to either~, a most obliging Jew money-changer hard by, whoil advances 1mode- rate loans to. respectable psrties, on personal security -a process in ...


... iortru. GOOD TEMPEr. S Y C It H A L ES S IW A I N . T'HEUE's not a cheaper thing on earth, Nor yet one half so dear; 'Tis worth more than distinguish'd birth, Or thousands gain'd a-year. It lends the day a new delight; 'Tis virtue's firmest shield; And adds more beauty to the night Than all the stars may yield. It maketh poverty content; To sorrow whispers peace; It is a gift from Heaven sent ...


... VactriE. I HAVE NOT LIVED IN VAIN. I i&HVE not lived in vain; Were it alone for this That I have softened others' pain, And shared in others' bliss; That, in return for kindly words, I've caught some looks of pleasure Shining on me from truthful hearts- Hearts that a queen might treasure. I do not live in X ain; When I hear the hearty blessing From lips that never meanly feign The love they ...


... I LIIKUTA TURE. I TanE Iniat QUAnTEnLY RIE\vx. Dublin: W. B. Kelly.- Anotber number of this excellent periodical is now before us; and, like the former ones, we find it rich in Irish history, unexceptionable in point of literary merit, and evincing l throughout a spirit of nationality which is encouraging to the country, while it really merits the warmest and most subs antial encouragement for ...


... I I ._ L!_ at . - A portion of Beethoven's oratorio, David in ?? 1i 1 neso, and Mendelssohn's glorious music to the eacred d ll of Athalie, a most cla'eical and delicious aslection, foj the eat-rtainuient chesen by this eminent Iriroekal aj daly t for their coocluding concert of the season. Of theaAtbgl, and its magoifixent performance at the Antient Concerts es have more than once s ...


... NATIONA EXHIB ITION- ?? INkATIA J EXHIBITION, CORK. I 1 ae committee mnet, as usual, at their committee-rooms, Museum of Irish Industry, Stephen's-green, Ba st, JO1N DRitw ATIUCI, Esq., in the chair. The minutes of the last day's proceedings having been r, read and adopted, several importaut letters *ere read, and Of Mnuch satisfactiou was expressed at the number of comnnni- Fe cations which ...


... ANTIENT CONCE0fTROOS---PHXL-HARMONIC SOCIETY'S CONCERTS. Tbk -- --I -- ene concert given on last evening by this deservedly popular and distinguished society of musical amateurs, was graced by an attendance more crowded, brilliant, and fashionable than we have seen collected for a long period within the spacious ball of the Antiont Concerts. Not- withstanding the presence of their ...


... ,LITFRArTURS. DtUrlr'S FIRESIDE MAGAZINE.-The October number completes the second volume of this interesting periodical. The fate aud fortunes of Castle de Bwrgo, Essy May, and the Adventures of an Irish Giant, are concluded. How-let those who must have felt some interest in the stories, if they have read the former numbers, turn to the volume to discover. Another volume closes with ...