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Midlothian, Scotland

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... COUNTY OF AYR. | . ‘iltiam Miller, who addressed the constituency tire ago, on Free Trade and Liberal principles, has | drawn, fom the state of his health and the which he says has manifested itself on the Liberal side. COUNTY OF FIFE, Mr Fergus, the present representative of this connty, has in- t sted his intention of again requesting the suffrages of the elcctors. THE ST ANDREWS BURGHS. Mr ...

INTEMPERANCE.—The sixteenth annual report of the Edin- bargh Total Abstinence Society, which has just been pub- ..

... several queries on this subject put to Mr Linton, the Superintendent of Police in this city. Mr Lirton, in reply to the question, ** What proportion of cases requiring the interference of the police may have been occa- sioned by intemperance during the past year ?” states that the total number of persons (exclusive of those charged with beg- ging) apprehended and brought before the Police ...

TO THE EDITOR OF THE CALEDONIAN MERCURY London, Oct. 30, 1852. Sir,—I generally peruse the Mercury with much ..

... was fairly staggered by a leader in your last paper on Mr Hume's letter. “ The inhabitants of this country are neither attorneys nor papermakers;” what a peg to hang an argument upon! Itis scarcely necessary to say more. What does the writer take us readers of the Mercury to be? Every one knows that the coarsest paper is charged 80 per cent. of duty That of itself is an absurdity, and I have ...

Mr Merry’s b. Dick T —h, f. Valour, by Redshank. Mr Gray ns. br. c. G oorkab, by Annandale, out

... of Fair Jane, by David (5 ib). THE LOTHIAN HANDICAP of 10 Sovs. eac! h, only 3 if declared, with 60 Sovs. added by the 5 ft, and Racing Club. One mile and a-half. Subsequent to the publishing The winner of any of the weights, of One Hu Ss value, to carry 51b; of two or more, 7 lb extra. The second to save his stake. The win- ner to pay ‘Ten Soverei towards ex bona fide the Three Horses, added ...


... RTH RACE’ ‘Tavurspay, Oct. 14. These races commenced to-day on the North Inch. The weather was very favourable, being mild for the season of the year, and the ground was in the best condition. The num- hers on the Race Course were greater than is usually the case on the first day, owing, probably, to the circumstance of its being the half-yearly fast-day in Dundee, from which there were larg? ...

Kinmares Pans —At a meeting of the Presbytery of Irvine on Tuesday, les Gairduer, Esq. of Auchans House, ..

... the Bight Hon. the Earl of and Wintoa, laid on the table» presentation by his to the church snd parish of Kilmaurs, in favour of the Rev, Ro- bert L Khart, A M., Alloa. Tt appeared from the statements wade thet there were twenty-three for this parish, bat his Lordship being ty let the people have their choice of a pastor, a leet of wine candidates was selected by him trom this number, and ...


... arket(ts GRAIN, &e. LONDON CORN EXCHANGE—Jan. 9. During the present week the arrivals of English wheat up to our market coastwise have amounted to 235 quarters. By land-carriage the receipts fresh up to-day were small, hence tbe show of samples of both red and white was limited, but of fair average quality. The attendance of millers was not large, yet the demand forall kinds of wheat of home ...

BIRTHS. At Wester Duddingston, on the Ist current, Mrs A. G. Bowrr, of a son. At 32 Regent Terrace, on

... the Ist current, the wife of Wx. S. Exuiot, Esq., of a daughter. At 7 Argyll Square, on the Ist current, Mrs Hexpgasos, of a daughter. At 45 Albany Street, on the 2d current. Mrs C. J. Kern, ofa daughter. At 52 Melville Street, on the 31st ultimo, Mrs J. G. Woop, of a daughter. At Spittalrig, East-Lothian, on the 30th ultimo, Mrs Surrnu. of a son. At Great Yarmouth, on the 27th ultimo, the ...

Edinburgh Share Dist. _— SATURDAY, JUNE 12, 1852. When | dend. | TDivi- Description of Steck. Share. Paid. } Price

... Payable. — | } | Banks. Peent.! Pe 47 April &Oet. ‘Bank of Scotland low | 100 12 8 June & Dee Linen Co. 100 low 26 Caledonian Bank 24 15 t o Feb.& Ang Ww lw 12 eh Do. & Do. City of Glasgow lw 18 t Clydesdale Bauk au Ww 0 Jan. & July © Bank | lve isi May& Now Eastern Bank 29 lv le Feb.& Ang Edinburgh & Gt 4 De. & Do. Exch. Bank of Scotlan oS o 6} Jan. & July National Bank i Ww lo lo , May & Nov ...


... OF MR MURRAY. 5 The tmains of the late Me W. I. Murray were interred | t | yesterday in St with all the respect which the me- | moty o so distinguished in his profession, and so esteemed ia private | life, might™have been expected to elicit. The body was borve to the grave by the two youngest sons of the de- Me Sam Cowell, the immediate nearest relation, the was follow: veteran Mackay, Major ...


... Tuurspar, Fes. 12, Mr Vernon Smith (Secretary of War) was introduced to the House, and took the oaths and his seat for Northampton. Admiral Stewart also took the oaths “and his seat for Green- | wich. Mr SHARMAN CRAWFORD brought in a bill for the better securing and regulating of the custom of tenant right, time. as practised iu the province of Ulster, which was read a first PARLIAMENTARY Lord ...


... LCEPTION A HOLYROO!L PALACE night the Earl of Mansticl!, Her Mojesty's Com- missioner to the General Assembly of the of Scot- land, entertained a distinguished assemblage of lidies and gentlemen at Holyrood. The large Picture Gallery wae crowded to excess—there being upwards of a thousand pre- sent, At nine o'clock precisely hiy Grace made his appear- ance in the Picture Gallery, and the ...