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Aberdeen Press and Journal


... FyvFE.-A plougising match was held upona 3d February on the farm of Netherton, occupied by Mr William Burr, when tbirty-seven ploughs started, and performed their work in such a manner, that tth e Judges-Messrs Thor, Overseer, Fyvie Cas- tte; Ligertwood, Bracklay; and Leggat, Cairnhanno - had gi great difficulty in awarding the following premiums :-I, James Wilson, farmer's son, M'Tarry; 2, ...


... ESTATES OF HOmE AND LOGIr-ELPHINSTONE.-The tenabts * on these estates held their annual ploughing match on Thursday k, the 9th current, upon a field on the home farm of Westhall, be- ra longing to Sir James D. H. Elphinstone, Bart., when 35 ploughs 11. started. The judges-Messrs Brown, Kneckoloehie; Milne, 6, Mill of Buchanstone; and Nicol, Logiereive-gave their decision a, as follows, viz., ...


... th At the Glenfiddiclh and Blackwater shootings, in 'he top of co this county, belonging to his Grace the Duke of Richmond, a Ss distinguished party had assembled, comprising his Royal High- se ness the Graid Duke of Parma, his Grace the Duke of Rich- pe mond, the Earl of March, Lord Alexander Gordon Lesmox, Sir to Edward Bowater, Colonel Jebb, Colonel White Ridley, the Hon. TI Captain ...


... Tine Anebterlces District Athletic Gamnes came off on Thurs. day the 19th Augusst, when alargeassomblageof spectators were on the ground to witness the sports, which were contested vitlx great spirit b5 the competitors. Amongst those who supported and honoured the games wvith their ~presence were-Mr ana .3frs Leslie of Rthie-r and lrs Leslie, Drmnirossie-Mr r and 'Mrs Mackenzie, Badenscoth ...


... GLENTATNER GAMES. , 0. . The second annual gathering in this romani glen came off on the Ist instant. The day being favonrable't~eavCron- course of people assembled from the surrounding country. It is but justice to state that the Glentainer Games have few equals in this part of the country, both in regard to the num- ber of spectators, ats well as for the stout and athletic young men that ...


... NE1w MACHAR.-A number of spirited young men in this dis. trict held a ploughing match on the farm of Stragulls, 2d Feb., in a field belonging to Mr Geo. Mueray. The judges-Messrs Smith, Middleton; Elmslie, jun., Cairnton; and Smith, Back- hill, Disblair-after a very careful and protracted examination of the work, declared the following order of merit :-1, George Melvin, greive, Monykebbuck, ...


... Is. . rat SKENE, 9th Febrnary.-A ploughing match took place here alte nl this day, on the farm of Gorlogie, occupied f by Mr Robert k Hutebeon, when thirty plough6 cntered the ground and com- At pleted their tasks in good style, so thlat the Julges-Messrs theI Wyllie, eebaty; Jamieson, HuxcrsEone; anes, Csintcrty-had eald no small difficulty in awarding the prizes as follows :-for ru Iar i ...


... r ECaT.-The ERot Agriulturasl Acsoceation held their annual of I ploughing match, and show of seeds and roots, on Thursday the ' 18th of December, on the estate of Echt, on the farm of South r. Mean Echt, ccupied by Mr M'Bey. Thirty-four ploughs started re D and, after a spirited contest, each ploughman finished his allotted Y task in a masterly and workmanlike style, and, through the kind ...


... . FTTErRCAIRN FARMERS' CLUB.-The ploughing match of this y Association came off on Monday week, on the farm of Bent of y Halkertou. Fifty-seven plonghs started in aompetition. After a )f severe scrutiny, the judges-Messrs Brodie Drumforber.; Scott, e Bahwyllo ; and Thow, Goskiehill-awarded the premiumesas foi- lows:-1. John Jolly, son of Mr W. Jolly, Meiklestrath; 2. Y David Thom, servant to ...


... PLOUGWNG. MATCHES. A ploughing eompetition was hold at Hilton of Turnestallpon Wednesday, 17th December, at whieh fifty-two ploughs sheeted. Thojudges-Mr Johustone, Loan head; Mr Cantley, Uppermilt, and Mr Clark, Overseer, Tipporty-awarded the prizes ias fol- lows:-1, John Gordon, servant, Coldwells; 2, Win. Caspbell, servant, Loanhead; 3, Alex. Dielle, servant, Auohterelr'on; g4, William ...


... PLOUGHING MIATCHES. Thi Monymusk Annual Ploughing Match, and show of Har- ness took place on the 2Sth January, oe a field belonging to Mr Ogg, East Mains, whell twety-five ploughs started for compoe- titioit, and performed their work in a most masterly style. Thle day being fine the horses and harness were seen to great advan- tage, and certainly sefiectod great credit on the meu. Messrs ...


... ;1 BANCHORY-DEVENICi. -The annual ploughing match, in ,e connection with the Banchory-Deveniclc Farmer Association of was fheld on the farm of Cassie Port, on Thursday, 1st instant, 1e (New-year's Dfay), when a larger number than usual of ploughs e started, Mr Keith's neighbours being anxious to show the re- 3e spect they bear towards him, for his very obliging disposition 9, both in his ...