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... POETRY, rTnE 'OTS GREYS AND NINETY-SECOND HIGHLANDERS AT WATERLOO. (Vrms De Renzy's Poetical Illustratioms of the Achiecemeots qf the Duke off lellington.) High praise and lastingl honour To the feoarlss end the true, And cireling round their banner Be the fihnie of Waterloo: With tho plaudits to the name That so led them on to fime, Shalll the echoes of the praisc Be repeated nll around, ...


... POP'ULARl ENTERTAINIMENTS. ?? . . ?? ?? . .1- 1 .. 1 ?? I Pt'isce's ?? establishinieut 31r. Josh. Silsbee, . the faunols siet'iean comedian, and Mir. B3enjamiin 13arnett, have been perfbrniing nightly to good h(ousPs. Of the former t we do ineit well know what to say that mnav not be construed into lanlt-filoidig and hypercritical fastidiousness, hult we Canitot help what nitay be thought of ...


... Per We have to acknowledge the receipt of impressions from In of two plates which were very recently published by Mcssrs. E. i m Gambart & Company, London. These engravings are after S two water olossr drawings of . Dover and 1 Hastings, which, al it may be:.pioembered, we noticed a flew months since, while In they werbe'oh view in the gallery of Alessrs. MI'Cluro & Son, di C Buchanait ...


... :TkiI-R:FINEiARTS.`,I. i ?? -SXan'W A ?? sC(IVJ -AND 'TS '1ltibWNDS-: ; Weqlad, ?? pleagtureofbseaingthe above iutnre, by 'Mri- 4ed lo- ?? aiififrBWhibh' is at tpresent exhihiting in 'the ii~awgalleiry Jof: ?? :'M31 Clnrs;)Bntchhntan S~reet; 4 Sch a 'at -iork as this' 'hawsl'lainis' 6f ,'no'-ordin'ary kind ?? Y 'attentionmfi'the'lirntifons of'artt! 1 Tlie ?? 'of Sin Walter n Scott, 'and ...


... M I SC ELLA NE 0 US. Tie Arirest qf Pope Pinis V11. by NIaploleo's Orders. ?? -1i staimitly 1 I (espnthedl il]y- nephlicv, Gino Tilberio of Pi~l, to ?? thle Italy Fa~ther, as I ha~d promised ti to do0 inl ease of anl alarin inl the ngihitlt t m anid a few bi 01 0 uit Cs aft erwai ris, I wvent Inlysel f inlm (13 dressinig. bi gow inito t lie II oly Rithr bc's chiainber. The Pope im- - toediat ...


... IBERS TO THE QUEEN STREET THEATRE. ae. . . .. . .. . . ., _ I _ I ?? _ I _ .. 11 _ ?? * Mr. M'Allister, writer, Union Street, bas kindly transmitted to us sonic old local documents, which he found the other day, in airranging a bundle of ancient papers and records, which had' come into his hands. Amongst these are ani ordinary burgess'n ticket dated in the year 1719, an honorary one dated 1734 ...


... Sheril-ins conmedy ef The Rivals Nvac porfornrcol a lToncday exening, aidi with a spirit that shoyced the 5irengl- of the company. The Mrs Malaprop of 3Iiss Nicol has beon long cclbratod, and wve suspect. since the death of Grs Clover. wilL stot be surpassed i)y that of any ac- r ont British sange. Mr Harrcurt Bland appeared to gret advantage a5 Captain Absolute, easy, vizoroos. ndd the ...


... FA IRS. LINLITHGOWV.-The usual spring fair was held at Lirlith- gow on Friday last. There was a cnrsilerable number o' cuttle brought forward, sane of them iof gond qualicy. whi Ich brought coruparatively high prices. The greater proportion of stack coir- si-red of young ;cattle for the grass, which br 'ught generally from h4 to L.5, aard soane even higher. lMilk cowvs were in, pretty good ...


... FA IRS. GL(ENDEVON 'ool Market took place on Wednesday last, when a considerable number of buyers and growers were in at- terrdarrce. The buyers were aMessrs Scott, Petth-Buchanan, Eannockburn-Younger, Glasgow, and others. Much business was done, but before eveciiirg a ureat portion of the wool was sold at Os. 6d. and 12s. 6d.-black-filced, 22s. per the double stone. 1) UNFER3NLINE July Fair ...


... THE PILOT. DY ALEXANDER COCHTRAN. The waves are high, the night is dark, Wild roam the foaming tides, Dashing around the straising barque, As gallantly she rides. Pilot ! take heed what course you steer; Our barque is tempest driven ! Strauger, be calm, there is no fear For him who trusts in) Heaven ! '1 Oh, pilot ! nark you thunder cloud, The lightning's lurid rivers, Hark to the wind, ...


... PP FT ,Y A VISION. ti Who draotli nealr wvitil such a piteous face ? I k nnow h Ilnow-s Whigi that lost his place. of A starinehl adtheret he, in every shape,Sit Of the granld mysteries of Wax and tape A firn lieliever in the jiggling plan ; A steadfast, torounglio-oing p1artizailn. fo Whiy prowlvs lie slow So iate through Scotlailnd-yard ? se Why to you AviliidOv turtls his foild regard ? TI ...


... ADELPHI THEATRE-. TIMOLEON. The production lhst night, at ths Adelphi Theatre, of MNr h Jameson's ncv traged!, entitled Timoleun, attracted, as was j to have been anticipated, a crowded and brilliant Louse. ti Amonig to andier.ce several of our literary Celebrities were tl couspicuoas and if the frequent and hearty but judiciousand a discnimiflstifg applause with wlhch the performalce was Ec ...