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Advertisements & Notices

... Vessel for Sale. ;ill be Sold, by Public Roup, within the ROYAL. HOTEL, reterhead, on TIIURSDAY, the 20 day of September next, at 2 gdeek Afternoon, THE BRIG SEDULOUS, 226 Tons N.M., T and 230 Tons Register, O.M., as she now lies in the North Harbour of Peterhead, with all Iher Stores, Boats, &c. forlenDtoVy, apply to the Master on Board, or to NISBET & ROBERTSON, 47, Marisoh al Street, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE CLUB BfiTS in the PUBLIC ROOMS, on TUESDAY the 5th of r&.0ectober next. Basiness aud Ballot at half-past Fivo.-Dinner exactly at Six 'e1clle THO. BURNETT, Seey. AberdeOn, 8th Sept., 1852. Schooner for Sale. jer sale, by public roup, (if not previously disposed of by pri. vate bargain), on T1URSDAY the 7th October, at Six, P.m., In the Office of the Aberdeen Steam Navigation Company, Tr HE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ABERDEEN RBAIIsWAY. ABERDEEN TO LONDON IN ONE DAY, D BXpRESS TRAIN, LEAVING ABERDEEN AT 6 A.if., AND ARRIVING IN LONDON AT 11 P.M. Arrangement of Trains for June. UP TRAINS. 6.6 AM. 8454A.M. 12.15 2.33 5.0 P.m. AOSEOCEN, 730 10.46 2.18 3.58 7.8 M.m. 9OVS - 1E 9.15 ,, 12.38P.. 3.55 5.23 9.0 P.M. DUNCSFAR ---.8. 0 , 11.25A.M 3.15 4.38 8.0 PM. FosAa . 90 1.0 P.M. . ,6.13 Exprs Mail. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Scottish'Widows' Fund, J AND LIFE ASS\6RANCE SOCIETY. ESTABLLSHED A.D. 1815, UPON the PAhICIPLE Or MUTOAL . AssuitANcr. invested CQpftolg arising from thoe Aecumnulefion ef Preatqnus,. aznd beloeegbeaj exclusiveo1 to 8eebere of the SOciety, upwards of TWO MILLIONS . . ; FOUR HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND POUJNDS.'r Annualt Revernse, eibownt- ' -': ta THIREE RUNDRVED AND TWENTY THOUSAND POUNbS. E ...


... THE MOORS, &e. Pertusmerr —We have already alluded to the very flatter- ing prospects forthe on the grouse moors this sea- son, from the rumberand extent of the coveys, and the condi- tion of the Lirds being almost unprecedentedly fine. Alter the shoot ng commences they will soon pack, from the age of | the young grouse; bat tho sport will be the longer protracted, and the breed better ...

Foreign Intelligence

... Joretqu PROCLAMATION OF THE FRENCH EMPIRE. Pants, Thursday Evening.—At this hour we have already lived just twenty-four hours under the Empire, and the brief | ceremony that took place last evening at seven o'clock, in the | Chamber of Deputies, was ratified by the official acts of this morning, and again confirmed by the military spec le which closed at two o'clock this afternoon. He that was ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [l 11 Is iun Oil] --A ' I' oil II gilq irto F~i tite- ?? 'il, Iit 'Ii Nillil' ICalie~ Royt l'e -I'l 11 ?? -till': ?? ItA r ltit' Fily.I c~lie 'll] hil ii TId ieticd -lithio litiI uimd I' city IVlIK TO SELL Olt Ii:T'. IC ' t I N 1 UN It EC 1) SQUARE, YARDS of 1 lit S i Milton treet, wvith ?? thiereoll. , . i-on, 10 Cionimerev Street. ?? TO~1, liw som1] , ?? LiCI,Trs 1-1ii i SLF.( i PAIN CDLO T ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ARiCHIBAiLD) hIILA :151IRIOL FORl (IWil. 31lI NTiE*;I Forms. CT Ap1,icati''n fro \dIllissi.ii to thle aitoro. iltiholt %1, uii. rw11(1 I'id South 11p(4ai I ii'trcet, ?? Nyllini tic ~Ioni (viv-t liw It pri'iifoperly' filled lop. A~iin':iaointt i ' ile' EJ-i~t mnd midelr' Niitt' yemi's of' age, dating rr'..iii til Ii' t if .\iarriu of Whir i a (2'iifrticate mustl danov at n i'i~io Srii''I- tir t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A F Cl lUI' 1'N E~. SII, j-N' )IDi P'A N(TRAM A, will alltt its Appiirti'ianoee A .fIr lXxibiting, coi~llip't', atid whfil, belonged to tilt litl Mr 3aclll Pital,- or Hire. J'ii- ,,ifsiliiap y1 // a 20 G'rcal Ciijdr 81r. ct. l-OR1 SALE, EVER C~AL Fir:-t-l'ass RA ILW AY DICE13.T\1II'lCS. in stuns of £10110 to X3000, for varions periods, and yielding from 4 in 5 pcir coot. Apply to Jus. Watson ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE LIV ERPOOL AND LO N D O N T FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. EESABLISIIED 1836. offices-8 and 10 Water Street, Liverpool; and 20 and 21 Poultry, London. CAPITAL TWO MILLIONS STERLIN.4 E RusEltvuis. I Fus iEs, £268,000. LIABILITIES OF PROP0ilET010t UNULIMraTED TRUnrEFS. Sir Thomas Bernard Birch, Bart., M.P. Adarm Ilodg son, IEsq. Samu ueiel Henry Thompson, Esq. DliRECTORS IN LivlVIooL. C ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I'RO0PERTY IN ST. ANI)RLW SQUARE FORl SALE. rylBESE TWVO TENEMENTS, No. 42 anid 44 St. Andrlew I Square, ait present lin the highest ste ofrpi, n e to reseltctableO tenanuts. Renltal, £190. IN( Fol- DutY. Ior patlrapl oM.Jnc olowic, Writer, 60 Mil- ler Street. PIPtflERTY FOR SALE. S lJEVEAL TENEDIIPNTlS or DWVELLING HOUSES ?? ooms and K itchle, situated inl anl improving locallity. TIhey ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FANCY BAZAAR. CA A SALE of L A D IE S' WA O R K, will be heold in the A CITY hIALL, laisgowN, on Tutsiit.i) uad WEDNEtSDAY, the 28th and 29th Djecember, to raise Funds for the Erection of a PRESBYTERIAN CHUIRCH at GIBIRALTARI. A considerable Assortmnent of Spanish and Mloorish curiosities is to be sent mime for Sale, and it is hiope~d that by thle iiiduitry JL' and liberality of friends of tbc ...