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Foreign Intelligence

... Foreiqn Entelligence. FRANCE. lowing programme of the ceremonies connected with tl fo! ident’s re -clect ion is given by the Moniteur of Mon- day :— On the 31st of December, at half-past eight in the evening, the President of the Republic will receive at the Palace of the Elysee the Consultative Commission, which will resent to him the minutes of the reckoni of the votes given by the French ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IIGII SCHOOL, OF GLASGOW. SECOND QUARTER. rIIIS Institution wcill RE-Ol'EN on MONDAY the 5th 1 instant, ?? m I'UIO;!s itty be ?? lt the various 0] Departments. Prospectuses, giving full particulars relating to (lasses, Hours, and Fees, may be had froia tho Janitlr at the Lodge. 2d January, 1852. HIGH1 SCHOOL OF GLASGOW. 1pHERE are now Five different FRENCII CLASSES in 1 operation at thiq4 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TAVERN TO LET, WITH GOOD WILL OF BUSINESS, AND SALE OF STOCK AND FURNITURE, BY PRIVATE BARGAIN. 10 be LET, aid Disposed of by Private Bargain, a well 1 frequented TAVERN, and S'TOCK in TRADE, with Fittings and Furniture. The Prenmises consist of Two Floors, fronting one of tile principal thoroughlfres of the City, including a commodious Shop. The whole are newly fitted up, and Furnished in a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MUSICAL ASSOCIATION. A S several TICKET-lIOLDElIS for the PERFORM1- ANC( I at tho CATHEIDAL, on Thursday, could ript get Admittance, the COMM 'l'TEE beg to inforim such per. sons that they may have their MONEY IIETURNEI), for the OlATSTANDING TICKETS, by applyitig, on or before MONDA Y next, to Johin Lennox, at 39 Stockwill. WANTED. PARTNER, who can anlvauco the snm of £2000, in a A ~ stillory ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR SALE, DWELL.',IING, lIO'SES AT MILTON p~liI~ NI) is CAM S I E. 91'ri ?? I'l to Sale, liy Pubtlic 110oup, Within the(, IioeI'Wil at l 1Nild, )Milto, Catopisic, onl Thursday VAXJ f LIIn'1 curenII I t, [it One0 o' thck Afternioon, -iii WXifILE thelc TWO PARiKS of Ci 1100 NI), teiigto ib)ott 'I'ree Acres orthereby, together iih b1 I1:3w~ oil) WIIL L LiNG 110 t: SFS withl smatll GardenisI ca t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STOLEN OR STRAYED, On Saturday Morning, frotm Nnrsery Works, Hutelicsontown, A LIGrlIT FAWVN COLOURED MIASTIFF BITCH, 1A answerilng tio tho name of GLANCE. Whoever gives infoiriation, haading to the recovery of the same, swill be halndsonlely rewarlded. If foiund iii the possession of any person 8 days after this date, thley Nw ill be proseclted. 5th January, 1852. NOTICE. 1?OUNI), on the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C(UNTY FItE OFFICE, 50 IREGENT STlZIEliT, AND 2 ROYAL EXCHANGE IlUILDINGS, LONDON. HE IIDREC'I't tS of tih C(OI NIONY F1IIE OFFICE, T btto ?? hi l' I 'olet'V-hoid(eS, that the Clhriutnias Rlettowals ate ?? ill the lands of' the several Agents of thc Conipaty, and that the same should be paid before the 9th of January. The terms if tihe COUiNTI FIRE (tOFtICE are l ighly ?? to the Insrecd. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S U C C E S S IN LI FE. EJtHE great demand, danling the Hflidays, for this elegant 1 and most aplproplliate (;ift-Boo ran tfe piublishiers short of the gilt copies. 'T'hey bave now much pleasuire inl aninounc- ing a fresh supply reccived this imorning. Tbey also requcst the attention of thleir friends to the following notice 1-out Mle &cottlsh Guardian. This is a vcry able and useful work, ...

Foreign Intelligence

... Entelliqence. FRANCE. THE ELECTION, The Moniteur Paris, Thursday Morning. he blishes a decree announcing the final result sented to the President of of the poll on t plebiscite as the Republic last night by the Consultative Commission. They are {precisely as I gave them in my letter of yesterday evening. -Number of voters, 8,116,773 Ayes, . . 7,439,216 oes, . 640,737 Votes annulled as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO, CORRESPONDENTS. E All Communications, and articles of Intelligence, intended for t publication, require to be authenticated by the name and X address of the writer, Unless this is attended to, Corres- 8 pondents may rest assured that no attention will be paid t to their communications. p S ~~~.1=-- - ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Sir Zames :Emerson Tennent. This clay is published, price 2s. Me; or by post, 3s., fIIHII DUBLIN TJNIVERISIITY MAGAZINE for January, 3L ooutaining:-Nows-Yoar's Eve.-Scripture Scenes: Crol 0 Gi1fillau.-The Saint of the Long Robe; being No. X. ofyandis IzogePapers.-Popular Pbysics.-'The Scarf and the Flower, Agensc frossathe Spanish of Calderon. By Denis F. M'Carthy.-Me- In I issoirs of Royal ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I PORTANT NOTICE. ANNUAL CLEARING SALE OF, SILEK MElOE:Ry AND GEN1RAL DRAPERY STOCK, On and after Thursday, 8th January, AT 121, UNION STREET. WI;5ALTER GRAY respcctfudly announces that his Annual 1 T CLEARING SALE will, this year, commence on Thurs- day the 8th, and will bo continued during this month. He has / resolved to offer the whole of his varied and select STOCK 0 SILK MERCERY and ...