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... wI'lomp. LINES ADDRESSED TO A YOUNG COUPLE ON THEIR WEDDING DAY. Full well we know, our wishes are but vain, Still where is he who can good wishes smother I And tho' I ne'er your faces see again, I wish you health to cherish one another; Remember now your plighted vows are paid, Tho' man and wife, no longer are ye twain; Till one or other in the dust is laid, Love's holy bond should undecay'd ...

Literary Extracts

... I'fitevar)) extracts, TillS ORIiGIN 0OF COACHEiS. Oil In conseqluence of the inattention of our ancestors to roads, ands the swretched State in whiich they w~ere usually kept, it wvas long before coaching of any kiind ?? much into fashion, Though whieeled vehictiles of various kinds were inl use among the ancienits, the close carinage or- coach is a mode:-ln invention. The word Beeah is 17I ...


... paq), E IN I N 0. The sun wvas setting in the far, far Nvest, ?? sky Nas cloadhtt-, and the air serc The landscape wore l amc NNtulre's loveliest vest And ?? attill groves scorelad in Springtite sheen Thle merchanilt pic a leftr thed bill tspritid S, 'rile shops Nvere, closed, ?? those oflwdge The' ?? dlsUVt, alne dt (fLOWIS 0 St-owr frl Sto eti laedu once mere t'us toil ancd heated rooms set ...


... CONCER[ AT T'I, 3BATHiS ASSEITULY I RO MI AII T1. 1D. Morris, rhe celehhated c-l elsh I ilpiAt, na- . isted hYI ii. (Ioen 'Willji:ilis, t he 'ell-knowri andd Li t 1swvie Voc zi~t T'.r 1. JoIes nlallisu. Llanie~i a * the bind of the C irnuavaivznire Alilititi, gave ae c I:Cicet in, tie tibtavrP Spacious rlm on Oi oII(IdaV even- I tlim, Iler tloC ?? patironage of tie i-HIo. , 1, T l. D ...

Our Library Table

... Our 'libraiv cable. No book that ever was published has equalled in popularity, UNCLE Tots's CABIN. ' There are somewhiere about twenty editions, and of one ofthieim, Routledge's shilling edition, 200,000 copies have been sold. To a more expensive edition, the Earl of Carlisle has just added a preface, which we confess, does not contain anything to raise the no- ble earl's literary fame. It ...


... |OYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF | ENGLAND. i This great annual Exhibition cnnomenced at Lewes onV Wednesday. 'il'he greatest excitenent pievailed. The implement yard was open for ad- mission at half-a-crown a-head. Tlhe display of' implemlents exhibited a decided advancei in many important respects uponl those of previous years. All the best and largest makers have heen aguin in the field, and ...


... I 4poettv. WAITS AT CHRISTMAS. 'Tis a Christmas Carol hoarsely sung, Yet welcome is the strain That breaks upon my restless sleep t And charms the drowsy brain. c Visions of boyhood's happy hours, A wild tumultuous throng, c Return as though on angel wings I With that rude minstrel's song. c The tide of years, upon whose flood N My soul hath held her track, t Obeys that more than kingly power, ...


... ARDEB TALIJAIARN. ir RRhof ardeb Tat nc lbebn-mewn. ystram OUr 1Il naws-di~efn i V perchen; ?? er Israeliaid siriol awell t Yn dra heirdd moewn derw lLnu. ?? ig Tallhiarir gallwn farnu-nad celir SevE ?? ei ailun; exc. a Dvnia waith nad armheu ill and Wag enilib ar ei gypllun. trill ?? Llown llunniwd lliuncl anian-imae'i orwych butt its Gynlmlariactil yn gyfan; Nec .91 GGlwaeth Poose of mor ...


... voettv. A N N E T r E. By sand and wave, where wild winds blow, In coral bowers, my love lies lowv; He sleeps a calm and solemn sleep, *Where Indian billows softly weep. I wish that I were by his side, I long to be my dead love's bride H1ope's Summer sun hath darkly set In the lone bosom of Anuette ! By sand and wave he sleeps afar, His winding sheet the waters are For him is sung no funeral ...


... A ftera tutc. t OUR LIBIRARY TABLE. We have before us two periodicals issued by two t great societies for the instruction and amusemnt '1 of the working classes. 'Ti'o LEIsuc IHoUitss published by the Religious Tract Society; and ( ToIE O`I0 EIin' FMEND', Ipublished by the Society c for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Tie first h number of the latter appeared on the 2nd of June, t the former ...

Literary Extracts

... literary extracts. A COlsrOatNIAN Ganoo SIIor.-I left Mormon Island for Sacramento City, travelling along the Rio de Ins Arnerirafnos, the noble valley expanded as I proceeded, rlnd wanting only in moisture to render it 'me of the most fertile in the world. The timber fo loned the course of the river, end appeared in large clumps oin the plain, in theplaces from which the water fast recedes, ...


... laoctiv. ?? MOIi &AND BE H-IAPrY S ty not life's CLIp is fall of pain, T or I ltve quafli'd its pleasuinst 'o thlose Wh1o seel;with cariesnei S sekwitte nstniess, B YIieId (ilielding treasures But those Ws ho illy saunter on, ot arig tbfor tbe morrow, t xchalnge theil shlare of ha ppinesst F'or dlou1ble sha re of sorrow. ?? gives a purer draughit 'Ti elni Ic ness call proffclr, And ever hlan'i ...