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... DENBIGHSHI RE AND FLINTSHIRE AGRI-U CULTURA L SOCIETY. The annual meeting and show of stock of tjis Society was heldc at Wrexham, on Wednesday last. The morning was very unfavorable, and the atten- daiicc of visiters wvas not therefore so numerous as migilt have been anticipated. We were glad, how- ever, to observe that that the show of stock was in every way satisfactory. 1There were not so ...


... Z!, Illu. ~Xil,,i LI IIL i.- (o~'odEdit iol) -It is ol 171211' (101 lli1i1W. s~itico Nv.' 1(21 oce,,lol 1o liotice the flrst. editioti ?? i:.t'v.Jl'CLIL N1o1`(2 ; al111 (112 fuet ('Otplea- 11(2 ill re1ttlrnLII1- to .'~Cond edition iniwovcd end Cot'- o0 A'erne(t.-''volo11 tILL wo1''7L '11 (1 Ihorn thiat '9 a ye- e aerobic YiI Ii I' I hai aide~l thle rantiol' inl thle be ?? X >i 'p1'l)el I'I'n ...


... OUR LIBRiARlY I'ABLE. A pleasant book to loo10 at and a pleasanter lo n r'ead, is l'ir.-rLuiu;SQUE Sit Sl-cii Es Oj LONDON, PASr v AXD PlESENT, by Thioias Miller, ' the Basket v Maker, as lie nsed to be called, from his following s that occupation in llis youtlger tdays, -tfliough ihe b has now won for himself a n nalie il thlc literatiire y of his couontry. These Sketches originally ap ...


... voctip. LET US SHEW WE'RE GRATEFUL EVER, List, olh list ! the breeze is blowing, Gently sighing, lo I come ! Wafting b:,im, and healtth bestowving, On each isainate of each home. EIvery little cloud is teeming, Dropping nectar here and there While the Sun's bright eye is beaming Throughl the rain-wvells cv'rywleere. List, oh list ! God's voice is callisng, Lo! I senud ~ou gifts divinee; Sec! ...


... | PENRHYN AGRICUIATURAL SHOW. I The animnal exhibition of horses, cattle, sheep, pigsq F agricultural implcements and pioductions% of cottiage Igardens, for premiums given by tire Hon. Colonrel IDonglas-Penuant, and which, very liberally on hs . to Ipart, is not Confined to his own teniantry, bitt is open to all competitbrs, took place yesterdaty in the Park, P near Tyrnew)-dd. Tire) weather, ...


... Ivoettv. PLAYINfi SOLDIEItS, Playing soldiers bad enougig is WRheU one boy another calls; But we know, it fisr more rolils is Wihen the redl-coats play with bal1 Oft do we civilians listen Whlen the fife and urlrnm draw near; But When pikecs and h:lbercls izlisito r1he each cowvardl quakes for fear. Old Johl Bull, xvith peace grown bulky, Fain Ihis fat wvoul'I lonl- leep- Tho' tiejo's 11500 co ...

Our Library Table

... Out I(braip Zablc. OUR IRON ROADS: THEMS? HiSTORY, CON- STRUCTION, AND SOCIAL INFLUENCES, is the com- prehensive title of a very handsome volunm, now on our table, by Frederic S. Williams; and com- prehensive as it is, the contents fully justify it. The author endcevours, lie says, to sketch the rise and progress of the railway system ; to describe the various processes in the erection of ...


... 11,11 Vocitp. ?? ?li1. 0 '2 1, 1'1 A -1' FUNEREAL DIRGE. Britannia weeps in sable garments clad, we H-Icr noble face is clouded now with grief: si Tier sons and daughters too are pale afnd sad, n And seem in tears to seek their woe's relief. Pop~ Death's iron hand has been at work once more, Cl To cause this said, this unicersal tear ; foli: Alas ! gloat Wellinigton they now deplore, be ii ...


... - THE EARTH, THE GRAVE, HEAVEN, HELL. Respectfully Dedicated to the Venerable Archdeacon CLOBrGI, of Mold. THE EARTH. A valley broad that's shaded, By storm, and mist, and night; Whose flowers soon are faded By some untimely blight. Where youthful hearts are aching With pain of frame, or mind Where older men are shaking Like winter-leaves in wind, 'Till having measured out their days In folly, ...


... Oettp. i? -- ?? ?? BEWARE OF THE BOTTLE. Beware of the Bottle, beware of the glass, And beware how to fill you begin it: Beware how you revel, in let the toast pass, And reflect on the evil that's in it. There's a charm in the wine-cup when fill'd to the brim, But a false one to banish dull sorrow; It may gladden the heart till the eyes become dim, But alas for the pains of to-morrow 3 ...


... litcraturt, ?? OUR LIBRARY TABLE. th th 'We know of no country wvhiose history partakes T' so much of the character of romance, as that of to Scotland. The cliaracters and the events seem n( both touched with thle enchlinter's wvand, and to TI stand before us in vivid reality as we peruse the cl pages of the ancient Bucliannan or the modern til Tytler. And now, Mfr. Wrighit hias given us his ...


... voctiv. LINES ON THE QUEEN'S VISIT TO BANGOR, &c. When placed in the balance, and weighed in the scales, True loyalty shines in the natives of WVales. If human hearts were ever known to beat True to the cause of England's royal line If ever subjects proved their souls wyere great In paying tribute at a 'Monarch's shrine, Old Cambria's sons and daughters too have sbewn, Love for the Queen, and ...