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Freeman's Journal



Dublin, Republic of Ireland


Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... Hbest proof of the superiority of' BROWNE Tand PAYNE'S new mode of cutting TROWSERS is the renewed patronage of his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant, who his been pleated'to order Fell Dress Trowsefs, end par- a ticularly requested that they should be made in the earn style eas the three pair of Irish Manufacture which gave his Exl- cellency so much eatisfaction. In their Warerooms will be found ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (FEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN., . HARRIS has the honor to announce that he bas I Lessee of this Estabishment, and-that it has opened tca numerous and efficient Company. ffrflIS EVENZN'J (Thursday), January 1st, will be eformed the New Comedy of per LOVE3 IN A MAZE. crdolinever, Mr. J. Webster; TonyNettlethorpe, Mr. Bobsn; Mrs. Bucklethorne, Mrs. H. Kirby. To conclude with a Grand Christmas Pantomime, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... V IEATRE ROYAL, 'DUBLIN. H1 HARRIS has the honor to announce that he ba ' Lessee of this Establishment, and that it has opened a numerous and efficient Company. with FVENI$[Gr (Friday), January 2nd, will be the New Comedy of 1Srlortne tOVE IN A MAZE. j~rdlinever, Mi\ J. Webster; Tony Nettlethorpe Mr. tosn 31rs. Bucklethorues, Mrs. H. Kirby. 1os comclude with a Grand Christmas^ Pantomime, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE COUNCIL OF THE LEAGUE. MINUTE OF WEDN AECEMBER 10TH, 1861. The Council of the Irisn rena League met This Day, pursuant to special summona,\ The Rev. Mr. D4L~ h the Chair It was proposed by the Re Mr. Dowling, and seconded by J. Cashel Hoey,, Esq.; and Unanimously ?? a General Meeting of the Council be called for TUESDAY, the 18th of Next January, to Elect Officers for the new year, to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iIIEATRE ROKL DUBLIN. gB. HARRIS has the honor to announce that be has become Lessee of this Establishment, and that it has opened with a numerous and effilient Company. EVENING (Saturday), January 3d, will be efolmed the New Comedygof perfre FN~sAD IIZR. Lord MIinever, Mr. J?;Wdbste: Tony Nettlethorpe, Mr. lObson; Mrs. Bucklethorne, Mrj H. Kirby. To conclude with a Grand Ohstmas Pantomime, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GALWAY. TO WHOLESALE-AND RETAkL DRUGGISTS, &c. 13'DWARD BULL COMPANY, 12At have on Sale at heir C MI MANUFACTORY, GALWAY, a large Stock of t PUREST IODD T ISSIUM, which they offer to the Trade, deliva ed free in Dublin on reasonable Terms. Orders supplied by CHARLES BYRNE, 22, Nelson- street; or 32, Essex-quay, where samples may be seen. December _1st, 1851. TWELFTH NIGHT. A PROFUSE VARET- S E ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MA;NUFACTURE MOVEMENT.' MgM9ERR- OF THE IPARENT ORD'OFISH N UFACTURE AND -IDDUSTRY are requeit e at their'teoture-rooi, 2, ESSEX-BRIDGE, TEII (M day) EVENING, Jan. 5th, at Half-past Seven p0 loe to considgr several im- portant matters, and to 1-ear he Report of the gilway Deputation. . SIMEON R. RltER, Chairman of the Day. _ THOMAS MOO Y,-Secretary. THE G TE TROWSERS. rNoTaING CAN EXrCEED THtE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~I1ATR ROYAL, DUBLIN. gB HARRIS has the honor to announce that he has become Lessee of this Establishment. and that it has opened Oith a numerous and efficient Company. THIlS EVENING (Monday), January 5tb, will be Pformed the New Comedy of 1erform LOVE IN A IAZE. Lord blinever, Mr. J. Webst ; Tony Nettlethorpe Mr. gobscfl Mrs. Bucklethorne, M R. H. Kirby. To conclude with a Grand Cr istmas ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Published, Third Edition, Illustrated with Coloured Engravings, on Nervous Debility and Generative Diseases. Price Is., or in a sealed Envelope, free by Post, for 18 Postage Stamps. HEALTH AND HAPPINESS, THE MEANS BY WFIICH THRES KAY BE OBTAixED, a Medical Workon the Infirmities of Youth, and Maturity, and Diseases of thi Generative System, with observations on the treatment of Nervous ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN.I _ I MR. HARRIS has the hdnor to announce that he has become Lessee of this Establishment, 4id that it has opened with a numerous and efficient Compay. TEHS EVENING (Tuesday), January 6tb, will be performed the New Comedy of A- LOVE I1 A AZE. Lord Minever, Mir. . Webs; Tony Nettlethorpe, Mr. Robson; Mrs. Bucklethorne, My. H. Kirby. To conclude with a Grand C ristmas ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I believe that my R EA D Y -M A D E S T O C E R .D iB the most extensive and best got up of any, and on the whole the best value IRELAND. It is all CUT ON MY OWN PREMISES, and MADE by MY OWN WORKMEN as carefully as if ordered. I give a decided preference to IRISH MANUFACTURE wherever I can procure it GOOD VALUE. MY TERMS ARE CASH, as by that means I am enabled to sell GOOD ARTICLES CHEAP. R I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Published, Third Edition, Illustrated with Coloured Enaravings, on Nervous Debility and Generative Diseasesa Price Is., or in a sealed Envelope, free by Post, for 18 Postage Stamps. VtJEALTH AND HAPPMESS, THE MEANs BY 1 WHICH TENl SlAT Hr OBTAUD, a Medical Workon the Infirmities of Youth, and Maturity, and Diseases of the Generative System, with observations on the treatment of Nervous ...