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Advertisements & Notices

... [l 11 Is iun Oil] --A ' I' oil II gilq irto F~i tite- ?? 'il, Iit 'Ii Nillil' ICalie~ Royt l'e -I'l 11 ?? -till': ?? ItA r ltit' Fily.I c~lie 'll] hil ii TId ieticd -lithio litiI uimd I' city IVlIK TO SELL Olt Ii:T'. IC ' t I N 1 UN It EC 1) SQUARE, YARDS of 1 lit S i Milton treet, wvith ?? thiereoll. , . i-on, 10 Cionimerev Street. ?? TO~1, liw som1] , ?? LiCI,Trs 1-1ii i SLF.( i PAIN CDLO T ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ARiCHIBAiLD) hIILA :151IRIOL FORl (IWil. 31lI NTiE*;I Forms. CT Ap1,icati''n fro \dIllissi.ii to thle aitoro. iltiholt %1, uii. rw11(1 I'id South 11p(4ai I ii'trcet, ?? Nyllini tic ~Ioni (viv-t liw It pri'iifoperly' filled lop. A~iin':iaointt i ' ile' EJ-i~t mnd midelr' Niitt' yemi's of' age, dating rr'..iii til Ii' t if .\iarriu of Whir i a (2'iifrticate mustl danov at n i'i~io Srii''I- tir t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A F Cl lUI' 1'N E~. SII, j-N' )IDi P'A N(TRAM A, will alltt its Appiirti'ianoee A .fIr lXxibiting, coi~llip't', atid whfil, belonged to tilt litl Mr 3aclll Pital,- or Hire. J'ii- ,,ifsiliiap y1 // a 20 G'rcal Ciijdr 81r. ct. l-OR1 SALE, EVER C~AL Fir:-t-l'ass RA ILW AY DICE13.T\1II'lCS. in stuns of £10110 to X3000, for varions periods, and yielding from 4 in 5 pcir coot. Apply to Jus. Watson ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE LIV ERPOOL AND LO N D O N T FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. EESABLISIIED 1836. offices-8 and 10 Water Street, Liverpool; and 20 and 21 Poultry, London. CAPITAL TWO MILLIONS STERLIN.4 E RusEltvuis. I Fus iEs, £268,000. LIABILITIES OF PROP0ilET010t UNULIMraTED TRUnrEFS. Sir Thomas Bernard Birch, Bart., M.P. Adarm Ilodg son, IEsq. Samu ueiel Henry Thompson, Esq. DliRECTORS IN LivlVIooL. C ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I'RO0PERTY IN ST. ANI)RLW SQUARE FORl SALE. rylBESE TWVO TENEMENTS, No. 42 anid 44 St. Andrlew I Square, ait present lin the highest ste ofrpi, n e to reseltctableO tenanuts. Renltal, £190. IN( Fol- DutY. Ior patlrapl oM.Jnc olowic, Writer, 60 Mil- ler Street. PIPtflERTY FOR SALE. S lJEVEAL TENEDIIPNTlS or DWVELLING HOUSES ?? ooms and K itchle, situated inl anl improving locallity. TIhey ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FANCY BAZAAR. CA A SALE of L A D IE S' WA O R K, will be heold in the A CITY hIALL, laisgowN, on Tutsiit.i) uad WEDNEtSDAY, the 28th and 29th Djecember, to raise Funds for the Erection of a PRESBYTERIAN CHUIRCH at GIBIRALTARI. A considerable Assortmnent of Spanish and Mloorish curiosities is to be sent mime for Sale, and it is hiope~d that by thle iiiduitry JL' and liberality of friends of tbc ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LETTER-PRESS INIK. 1. LEMING & CO. having had continued proofs of Aith the success of their LETTET-RmPlisS PRIINGINc INK, have eve ory confidenlee ill recoenncuding it to the notice of the Trale. T hey warrant their Ink to possessc the property of keeping the rollers i good working orderss to retain their adhiesive- ness. It distributes freely-works sharp alnd clean-washes easily Off the types ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? C TTON WORKS FOR SALE. Ui,6ln' 1'ici:, £C22,500. 'l's be~ Coli, 1'Y Public AucKtsion, within the Exchiange. Salle ? ?? at 0; lasgow, onl Thunrsday the 24Ith JuLne. next, at 2 rrlE orroN, SPINNING and WEAVING ESTAII- Tj I. S JIIM E N 'T fit St anl~eV, near Ile rthI, toget her wvithI theIC ~~ [N MILL, ~VI LLAM ,; andl MANSION hOUSE of cii I ,with LANDS tud F ISHIINiS attaiched. 1,i p (',.tton ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COTTlI~I WIDOW S' FUND AND LIFE S A`I;IRANC'E SOC'lIETri, E.,rIn.isimti) A.l). 1815, UlON rite PRII U FIIE MIt;rumt. AssURAN2c1. 2t I1 l/slt tt~ql 0ted l I jot lat't oqf,'on thte .4een aa onlotion of lriin .0cl zm, _ ,,(1 hi longsgylyewel tis'irely to the .Ve,,toters qfti .S'e ^>ietyj, npswards of TWO MILLIONS FOUR IIUNI)IIIEI AND FIFTY THOUSAND 7 POUNDS. Annual Revenue, about C THIREE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... mn~.~ tr Xl-1IL C Ht Ato Mitter of )I 1lE 0 m it I S - hIENIY 10iAN K I Eli, of Belfast, IL. )1(\1 N F 11 it ' iii flio iJouiitt) of I i ie A. NiK I t U pOY vill G-s-tiii aind Ploor Met rchant, Siit, at the Ciiort of' A I itliltrpf. Bauhriuptes-, ait thte hunt-, FUrts, IDno' Qolay, ill thel, City ofliobliti , oilt' TItisdtty the i1tli day of-dii ly imsaia ie orif'w ?? at Noon5 to ?? Tra1 AC ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PATENT GAS LAMPS. LAIDLAW & SON, MANIUFACTU:1IEW of tile PATENT R . (SECUi;RE) SiiDsM (A AS LAMI is, i-espectifully solicit an inspectioll of their extensive Stock of tie above ]A kM's, which for Elegance of Design Utility and Price, are not to ble sur- passed]. Upwaiis dof 15,001) of thses Lamips are ait present in use, w hith sufliciently attests their superiority ovcr every Other kind of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1i 11D.\ LM, Ci INS, :4( lii ?? B, I NST'IiIUUMlN'P, &eC. E SPS' AII, 1 t ii I I, ?? I gx. hi intiilli' Ie Itha it [1V) ju W i I i~tu xxi, hvAII I iogui.iivxi Vat ?? t Ii I u Llvi a IN AIid liii'OKS Mxx DALi I, MINiis.AiLl AIi`,i'iEIsai vev INS(, &-c.i ii t,- I.;li xii Clxx iII 1ii Pl:iii Mxiii, aII aluaifl (Ivit ivitly D l i ?? 1irii va iilm.ic, P iii tx lii llt h 'oiii colisi . ?? 'ing of ...