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Reynolds's Newspaper


... THE DRAWA, NUSIC. &c. THE THEATEES. The sudden closing of DRURY LANE after six nights of performance scarcely worthy ot Bartlemy or Greenwich fairs, and the fact of there being no balance in hand when pay-time arrived, were not matters of surprise to those ao- quainted with the peculiar circumstances under which the house was taken, We have been given to understand that the sub-lessee of ...


... REVIEWS OF BOORS THE JoumsxA OFPsYoHOLOGIcAL MEDIOiNE. FonBEs, Wuesnow, M.D. Churchill, Princes-sfseet, Soho.- The first paper in Dr..Winalow's 'admirable publication is of striking interest; and at. the present time, when great difference of opinion exists amongst' the most eminent men in the medical profession relative to the'difficult distinction betwixt madmien and criminals, 4' ...


... THE DRAXA, NUSIC, &e. .ITAXEASUOR, CovENr G,&4tPLL .-PoloMO, in Korma, Is not often th eharater in ?? actenorelects-to make his first appearance, The part,- indeed, is the proverlial bug- bear of the lovera ind 'the graceful ?? of opera; but, either as a matter of choice or neceieity, Signor Xegrini made his debut on Tesday evening as the deceiving pro-consul of Gaul. - The ?? of this artist ...


... The following is a programme of the Christmas entertain- ments presented at the different metropolitan theatres on Boxing-night. DeaRy LANE.-On Thursday evening we attended, by in- vitation a private rehearsal of the pantomime about to be produced at this theatre, and which, we think, bids fair to attract better houses than Old Drury has been for some time past accustomned to see. It is from ...


... (5FlOX THE EF5.550.] Fashions are already ?? thle ,appearance of winter. Dlresses made of dark materials, bonnets of velvet, and cloaks of cloth or velvet, have been made within the last weekt cc two in such rapid successoion, that one might almost think, that ladies wVere, anticipating the vsita of a gale from the hyperborean regions. If Old Winter be indeed expected to appear Soon, and with ...


... THE 2NEW DRA3TA OF LOLA MONTES i- IAVAINIA. The Yetn York Herald has the following on Lola Montes! and het drama -: The historical drama which has been! written for Madate Lola Montes was' produced at the! Broadway Th'etre for the first time, on Tuesday evening,: and played to .a crowded house. Aside from the somewhat extraordinary novelty of a lady performing, a part which: she has ...


... ,EaRWOF moRs: HISTORY Or EUROP~E, PRO'& Trk FALL oF NAPOLEON TO THE AcCossoon oF LOoIs NAPeEON. VOL. I. SiR A, ALISONr. Blachacood, Edinburgh.-Sir Archibald Alison is the Torl& historian par excelensce, and his in- veterate diliike to democracy, in all its shapes and phases, is traceable through 'every line of the volume now under our notice. Whcthsi in England or France, according to Sir ...


... T11c MoaT[ CApE.-This is an enormous rook, which, projecting far into the ocean, and being exposed to all the frosof thewv aves and the outrage of tempeets, crumbles every yea More and more into rains. Here everything is solitary, everything is sterile, everything sad and despondent. The shadewy forest no longer adorns the brow of the mountain; the signgd of the birds, which enlivens even the ...


... THE DRAMA, MUSIC. &C. PRINCESS'S.-A five-aot play, with the unassuming title of Anne Blake, achieved the most triumphant and merited success. The author, Mr. Weetland Marston, is already known to fame as having written some of the best plays modern times can boast of. Without deteriorating from the merit of his former productions, we offer an opinion, and be- lieve it will be backed by the ...


... LITERARY 11ISCELLANEa. RtA IN JsXAMIA-ln no Country is there a creature so dtrihedbe of property as the rat is in Jamaica; their ravages dest rutive Of One year with auother, it ie supposed that ?? destrOY at least about a twentieth pert of the sugar- tte threugheut the island. The segar cane is their favourite food - but they aeso prey upon the Ilnian corn, on all the fr'il that are ...


... LITERARY XISOELLANEA. INSTINCT OF A SHEEP.-A, gentleman of Inverness, al a recent journey in the lighlands, while passing through a lonely and unfrequented district, observed a sheep hurrying towards the road beforeihim, as if to interrupt his prsgrese, ang at the same time bleating most piteously. On approaeing nearer, the animal redoubled its cries, and, looking s 6 cantly in the face of the ...


... THE DRAXA. XUSIC, &c. The Lord Chamberlain, in his infinite wisdom, ordains thc' discontinuance of all theatrical performance, during Pas- sion week, and for that ?? holds undisputed sway over jugglers, banjo players, tumblers, horses, dogs, donkeys, &C. We have visited some of these Passion, week exhibitions, and, although many are excellent in their way, shall be infinitely delighted at ...