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Daily News (London)



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Daily News (London)

Advertisements & Notices

... OR CALCUTTA Direct (under engagem=nt to F the Hoonourable East India Company, to sati punctualty oi the 25th of Januaqrythe fidnle8 fst-solin~g rigatebouit ship TAY.. yer, N.IICOL. commander, 8 totas register, loading in the Londoa Docks. HRas most superior an. coaamodatianl tor psasengrs, having a full ?? freight and W.ssage apply, Stm-octtrF CAEbll aud Cu., 16, CornhiM; or to VMIGRATION to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S EASONABLE FESTIVITIES -At this festive period of tbe year, the following unrivalled discoveries for the toilet are called into increased requisition, namely, ROWLANDS' MtACASSAR OIL, for creating and sustaining a luxuriant head of hair; Rowlands' Ralydor, for rendering the skin soft, fair, and blooming; Rtowlaids' Olonto, or Pearl Dentifrice, for imparting a pearl-like whiteness to the teeth ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C ONVERSION of the SPANISH DEBT. U The holders of teonds and Coupons comprehended in the law of the tator Augus lastare retuineded that the CON VERSION is OPEN at the offices of the Spanish Comnmiss on in London, No. 10, St. Bda's-place, Bishopgatecstreet Within, and at those of Paris and Auterd ~n. Tbey are also renninded hlt those who present their Bcotseaud Coupae for coevorsion by th crd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1TFHEATRER - n OVAL. I)ItURlY-LANE. T UNI'RECEDER'TED ArTlTACTION FbOR THE HOLIDAYS. TO-NIGHT. ?? Olyn will alp cr aasLady1 .ebL-tlieupp.ted by the wh(ole 'ocal sarenglth of the theatre; with tbh Pantoinitne.-1O- MOlt ' . ln conseeqiuerce of the irnincvse-r oiuteon produced by the Bau.:mlo, Cl,,dlrei, and to meot ,n unanlinnus w sh expressed a! the b*x-Ifhce, they ssilt in-acer in two Pieces ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7 _ BEAUTIFUL HEAD OF HAIR FOR ONE ! SHILblNG.-If you would possess a head of hair in fall luxuriance and beauty, try a bottle of HAYDN'S CRYSrALLISED HONEY POMADE, which is acknowledged to be far superior to many of the preparatione sold at si% times the price. It i5 composed b of numerous balsamie ingredients, is delightiully per'uraed, imparte to the hair ?? and lustre, and gives it a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C iINA-hI oflwinwcll-lcnown A I Clipper I tin exre'ls-br hutrade-, will be de pat -b I Lr ro,,~it ..cst ontlc t ue tdrniertionet. dates I~jl Nae.o Ton usndr. ohal It ?? 'W le Februa'y 5 0 1 .0wel aon~inoilwit ih Clua 505.Forfreight to DUN BLIN (via Holyod r II- L liot.s and a01 IIALF.-Three o ~nsnrOo d n iort of Diectr ofa ?? sysem ?? ln Chirvll N IHI~EREY GIVE NOTICE that a A.F RL cot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Foan I'l)1T LYTTELTION, CANTERBURY S~111,.I .LlNT.-A first-class passenger SHI~P will sail from 1.,lsI'sw or PORT LYTTELTON, CANTERBURY SE~T- '55IF i . TUESDAY, Feb. 24, chartered by the Canterhury lacesi~t5. 55_ Vr ficeight, passage, or farther information, apply at ~is Esoiff'~ T5 Department of the AssocIation, 9, AC elphi..tera'ce, ?? ILBY and Co., 157, Feachucch-atrect; or tq J., 6ITSF- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VUREDERICK SACKER, Professor of HAIR- J' CU'TI1NG and DRESSING, 79. Cbeapside. F.S. has the exclusive honour of being the projector and perfecter of nearly every imprbavement in the beautiful and scientific art of Wig making for many years past. Ladies' headl-dre&ses, linear natural curled hair, enamelled skin or invisible lace partings, exquisitely finished, 2 guineas. Gentlemen's lWigs, 30s. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _HERR SOMMEWrS CONCERTS.-NOTICE.- HERR SOI)MER habs the honour to inform the Nobility Gentry, and the Publio that in consequence of the immense stccees of bit celebrated Sommerophonic Hungarian Mtusical Company, he has beer induced to extend the number of his concerts in London previ-. ous to his departure for the provinces. oie will therefore give THREE more EVENING PERFODtMASCES, at Willis'l ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T0 SPANISHI BONDROLDERS.-CONVER- T SlON of the S0NNISII DEBiT.-NO IICE IS IEREfRYGIVEN, that the CunALo.itte of Spanish Bondholders in London are -interven. ing in the coroner-oso in tord- r that they may be able to i.sue a eoca. mreutfor the i)O roer *ret. (,f the cupon not fut led. Thecomrittee tire new, byv thes loads of 'I1yir e~ents, the Loudoen and County Bmin, No. 21, Lornbard-street, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [Advertikement.] THE HUNGARIAN REFUGEES. TO THE EDITOR OF TEE DAILY NEWS. SIR,-Iif my surprise at Lord Dudley Stuart's letter t of 30th December was great, it is far greater at his letter in l your paper of to-day. It is surely right that the public, when they are appealed to, should know the facts. Lord Dudley Stuart's letter of 30th December represented the proceeds of the Guildhall I ball ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -,AIC4mATiR) to AUSTRALIA on an ECONO- rat Xl P ~tIt'L- Notceto 'a-selngeos and Shippers.- Ae S~b I 41)1 l, lT IiLll'ord SYOtNEY. the flue ship t)U(E C 0 A1 1 12 et-re, Capttain MYiIILL, will pt~tsively p it r.l.. . h-i to, Dha't all the 12th of Jarnary. All goods8 must p he ~ a- lhe veth or January. Hlas a slaneloos stern 8 wat h~ i ' ier tafty attd well ventilated 'tween d-ckis- ...