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Advertisements & Notices

... OR PORT PHILLIP Direct (to sail from 7 Grav~eend 10th cf June), the magnicflent Aberdeen clipper ship TAYLOl, WILLIAM II. ITAWA INS, commander, 1,200 tons tb, 784 tons register, and cla'sed at Lloyds A I for 15 years, ?? Nfld~ Docks. Wheecomfort and despatc are re- 2 this ship combitse both qualities dn au ?? degreea In.. q g passenger g are ?? invited to an nspection ?? ?? accuoacs ¶1 ill ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J~ fSELECT PIBR-LA~P tcdued vegotaA el t. 'Wof *:bapu o ?? the growth if IaAr.,.Utst nwtdlo 'preserving ?? hiillgo'h'bar.xrc o iisi ?? Ilaino sl''als'fr'tdnalxo;An. dynriee ? nrvdcl cem lod idhnysoptla the fletdue xrls vripre; a(eea~byx 1 48, New'B .d tte .''LAVtR's PaiZEn IAH N * S~OAP.-The'hrmonor onferredon,F' ,Cevrb him to- diwtinguish his clobrirted 'lioaey; Soap teaoetlesn likewise ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A USTRALIA.-MOUNT ALEXANDER. LINE of PACEaT SI11P.-To sail positively on the 15th November, I ta, pR OC~h~ A 1 at Lloydts, W. H. THOMSON, commander: I 10 FOPT Fifinlir and SYDNEY Direct, now loadaig in the, East jndia Docks. Iatmediate application is necessary to stoore berths, Fer5, first ilbin, £40; dteck cabin, £45; ?? cabin, £22.; a few t.riettrborth,, with second cabin d1ietary, £l8.-For ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T ELACTlEE 1'ROYA.IL. DRURY-L ANE. T!,XTRAOlIi`DlXARY ATCRPA61ON for THIS EVENING.- 3tI^ l.zre atrick end Mr. Anderson.-LAST NIGIT 8Ut ONE of the tAI iENIANS; and the neA PANTOMIME.-TO.MOliacw, the LAS IJiVENILE NIG11, when the BUatCaan ChildrOl Will piay in Twi P'icce,; the Pantomime will be played at an early hour; a* d i| will brc the LAsT APPEARANCE of thc BATEMAN ClIlDRiEN.- OV TIIURSDAY, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D OYAL MARI ONETTE THEATRE, jLR Ada de-*lrecet, NWe Slt.inid.-TIrIS EVlINl.-G the per- iorlolnces will ci;enirere with an INTRODUC'TORtY AD: 'LSa by the Mar;ger; aher h' ?? e New Scene of Aroppou., eftillcd the Ll-:NAGI:R'S ROOM. 'lo he ?? by the ?? icl ltaliemque of BOWBA''rES FUltIOSO. 'Ihe cholc to conclude wlha it NXw Grand Ballet, ci.Id PlAU iel'E . the P'upil of S3ture.-Priva.c ntDo; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A PROFESSIONAL GENTLEMAN iii the ( .L3. City, being desirous of lightening his labours, oroposce to take' I? anARTICLED CLERK, who, upon payment of £t,000,,ballrerei¶e1 a £ moderate eater during the pe:iod of his ertiele' ? ? ? U eompboien than reeelved as a partner upon liberal terms.-Address1 A. Z., care of Mesars. Jones and Ceuston, etatloners, 47, Eastebeap. v ANTED IMMEDIATELY, for a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... emcnburrb_*treet. H AIR M E ME N T O S.-.Attist in Hair,- DEWD-NEY begs to inform ladies or gentlemen resident in 3 town Or any part of the kingdomn that he beautifully zaakes and O elegantly mounts in line gold, Hair Birseelels, Cha~ins, Brooches, mb Rtings, Pins, Sic., and forwards the sante, carefully packed In boxes, dal AT ABOUT ONE-IIALF TflE USUAL CHARGE. A Book of bea Specimens sent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HUHINA.-The following well-known A I Clipper r s slilll), built expressly ior thi trade, will be ?? for SIIANfOilAI Direct on the undleraurntioned dates: _ Sbip'd NaCes. Toos. Commarnders. To Sail. I HANNIBAL (now ship, A 11 c 1 r3 ). 61 A. Wallter.1February 5. . COUNTI,'0 t SEAFIL f0 NW Leask . March 5. J2ttX BUNYAN ?? 51 1. Thomrson .. April 5. Tleese ships have very superior accommoeations ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I MPORTANT NOTICE. - Au EXTENSIVE - BONA FIDE SALE of Messrs. HAMPTON and RUSSELL'S, 14, Leicester-square.-In consequence of great alterations, their large and valuable stock of £27,000 sterling value, must be sold off immediately, without reserve. It conaistb of CABINET FURNI. TURE and BEDDING, velvet piles, tapeatry, Brussels, and other carpetting; druggets, stairearpets, and hearth rogs; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... QTEAM t3i INDIA, CHINA, &c. -Particulasr of 0the regularK0o' tbly Meil Steana Conveyance and of the addi. fjoaloi les of cooamurieation flow established by the PENINSULAR and ORIENTAL STEAM. NAVIGATION ?? with the T~he Compauyb ook passengers and receive goods and parcels as hereto~orcfr CEYLON, MADRAS, CA.LCUTTAt, PENANG, SINGA- po lI r ON Us KONG, by terstcamcrs, starting fromn SOUTH- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ER MAJESTY'S TIIEATIIE. ti LA lION I'ASQUALE. F Tills EVENING (Thursday), June 17, being included in the sub- mcriptceo, will he presented Donit'etti'a Opera DON 1'ASQUALE. ? Don l'O?quaiO, Sip. [attache; Dr. hisEsirsta, Signor Ferranti; C Ernesto, Sig. La roliri: and Norma, Mlm?. Do Ia G?ange. In the c?,uree of the evenings DIThlt'flSSli.'stENr, in which v.111 be presonteel doe Grona t'as 01 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IF RENCH PLAYS.-DEJAZET'S LAST AP- P RAltANCE TO-MORROW, on which occasion she will per- 1orm, with Mons. Lafont, in the favourite pieces of C2ESAR pT N~APOLEON, LES PREMIERES ARNIES DER IICHELIEU, and LA D)OUAIRIERE DE BEIONNE. The eelebrated artistes Mon$. FREDERIC LEMAITRE and Mdlle. CLARtJSSE will make their fira& aripoaraecs on MIONDAY next, March S, ii. the popular play oi DON CEAS.3R DE ...