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Caledonian Mercury


... qi WAL rrk aTiors. Jawes & Sox, working jewellers, Clyde Street, az a Company, and James M*Kenzie and Thomas working there, the individual of that Company, as partners, and as individuals—Creditors in Dowells and Lyon's Rooms, George Street there, 13th May and Sth Jane, one o'clock, Towan & Sox, sailmakers and ship chandlers in Glas- gow, and Diggiel Touch, sailinaker, ship chandler, and ...

Shipping Intelligence

... Shipping Entelligence. — SOUND LIST. January 4.—See Nymphe, Kornehl, Ioverkeithing, Copen- ‘eu. Winds at Elsinore. — January 4. SW. W.—5 and 6. WSW. FROM LLOYD'S LIST. Liverpool, Jan. 12.—The sloop Lactura, Jarvis, from Se- ville to the Clyde, was seen in lat. 50, long. 8., by the Arabian (st.), arrived at this port from Smyrna, steering for her daring a heavy gale from NW., when the sloop was ...


... EDINBURG H GAZETTE SEQUENTRATION. James Morure & Co., merchants, fancy silk manufacturers, agents, and w , Buchanan Street, Glasgow, and James Mutrie aud Wm. Mutrie, the individual partners of the said Company—Creditors meet in the Crow Hotel, Square there, 11th October and 2d November, one o'clock. BXAMIBNATIONS. Mrs Jann Hastie, innkeeper and merchant, Carluke, in the county of Lanark— to be ...


... UNPUBLISHED LETTER OF SIR R. PEEL. Mr Caird, of Baldoon, has concluded his letters to the Times as the “ Agricultural Commissioner” of that paper. The Times, in a leading article, announces their ly pub- lication in a separate form, and says—In the to the forthcoming volume, Mr Caird states that—‘ Having been in- vited to undertake a task so extensive and difficult, he ventured to consult the ...


... BY ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH JATEST NEWS Lonvon, WEDNESDAY The Sun says the accounts of the Kaflir war are very unsatisfactory, and a cessation of hostilities appears to be as distant as ever, whilst the expenses of the Home Go- vernment are rapidly increasing without any adequate re- sult. Trade was very dull at the Cape, without any prospect of immediate improvement. The Standard says the news has ...


... arkets. GRAIN, &ce. MARK LANE—Sept. 20. At this morning’s market there was slightly increased show ties, near! of wheat by land-carriage samples from the coun- aced wit The best dry qualities were Kent but the ordinary runs hung heavily on , though freely offered at last Monday's currency. There was no improvement in the quality or condition; indeed some of the samples from Kent were the worst ...


... Til REV Te An Abstract of the Net Produce of the Revenue of Great Bri- tain, in the Years and Quarters ended the 10th 1851 and 1852, showing the Increase or Decrease thereof :— Income for the Year ended 10th Oct. 1851, as compared with _ that ans 10th October 1852 — Yrs. ended Oct.10, | ' De- 1851. crease. — L L. L. L _ Custoras, 13,798,262 18,713,510 } 84.752 — Excise, 13,256,120 13,370,395 | ...


... JURY COUL DIVISION On a case in which a claim was ma le for damages, by Mr Jolin Smith, dealer, Edinburgh, against Mr Alexander Green, Dundas Street, Eainburgh, was tried before Lord Anderson aad a jury. The issve for the pursuer was ag follows Whether, on or about the Lith day of April last (1852), and st or near Smith’s Place, Leith Walk, near Edinburgh, the defender wrongfully apprehended ...

Caledonian Mercury

... ahi Calegentan ww crcurp. The Mercvay is pablished on Mondays and Tharsdays Price annum, £2, 4s. credit; £2 in advance. Half. year and Quarter in propertion. EDINBURGH, MONDAY, JUNE 2s, A SECOND EDITION ef the MERCURY is published every Monday Atiernoon, containing Reperts of the London Corn and Ue Markets of that day, the state of the Funds he end all other intelligence received by Telegraph. ...


... MONEY MARKET D COMMERCIAL NEWS. Monpay.—The English funds have again been flat to-day, and the closing prices are a shade lower than those of turday. Consols for money opened at 994 to {, and receded | to 99§ to}. They then returned to their first quotation, but — at the termination of business there were sellers at 994 for | money, and at 993 for the September account. Bank Stock left off at ...


... The usual Christmas entertainment was prodaced at this theatre on Saturday night. It is entitled “The Ocean Qacen, or and the Fairies of the Golden Waters.” The opening scenes were throughout received with great ap- plause. This, however, was owing not so much to the intro- ductory libretto, which was n icularly striking, but to the really magnificent manner which the pantomime was put upon ...